[COLOR deeppink]..ol mah lyf i grew up in da states particularly in BEVERLY HILLS,CALI..ppl tink iam a spoiled rich grl buh evn if i m so wuh??? 2 meh iam hapi wif mah lyf n 2 meh dats wuh reali matters..buh wuhs so bad wif having fwends??? n i mean tru fwends dat accept u 4 hu u reali r..nuh 4 da money da connections or evn da popularity buh juz enjoyng bein wif u n sharing REAL laughs n making REAL memories...dats wuh i hope 2 find here..
my background is 50/50 filipino n japanese..buh currently iam a model in da philippines i model 4 a modelling company called ASiANA...we model n e thing 4rm underwear 2 branded clothing..its been my dream 2 b a model n now dat it came tru i wana share my dream come tru wif a special persun in mah lyf n dat cud b u..",) hehehe[/COLOR]
My Ideal Person
wuh i look 4 in a partner hmm..sum1 hu noz how 2 trreat a woman ryt n noz how 2 love faithfully..sum1 hu can make me smyl wen iam low..sweet mlambing..caring n of course HANDSOME if dats nuh 2 much 2 ask..
What are your favorite television shows?:
probably..MTV BET in da philippines majika..
Favorite films:
now? sukob i guez
What are your favorite musicians or bands?:
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