Learn German! 学习德语! 7/28/2009
Who wants to learn German online? I school you at level A1.
I am happy to answer questions by email.
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0 Votes
Married Man 5/1/2008
Just hypothetical...you communicated with someone,
who said he is single and free, for quite awhile then you
noticed both of you are getting close, all of a sudden you
caught him out of the blue talking about a wife, you asked
him and he said yes he is still married, how will you cope
with the situation, what will you do? ...
2 Comments, 65 Views,
5 Votes
,5.10 Score |
Bad Breath 4/20/2008
What will you do if during your first meeting you noticed
that the person you are dating with has bad breath. Are you
going to tell him/her right there and then or are you going
to wait for another chance to tell him/her your observation,
and how will you do it so you will not offend the person?
3 Comments, 73 Views,
4 Votes
,4.02 Score |
How much romantic are you ? 4/16/2008
1 - What is the first sight exist in your mind?
a- I hope marry with someone as soon as posible b- Can affort me ? c- I wish to have fun and enjoy d- How it can be the first kiss ?
2- What is love for you ? a- Accepting me as who i am b- Soul dance c- Mind game for creating my future d- Food and drink
3- Have you ever had a partner where the two of you had a ...
0 Comments, 22 Views,
3 Votes
,4.41 Score |
Is Internet dating activity safe? 2/10/2007
Internet dating is a very
safe activity. There are thousands of people from all over
the world that take part. In fact, there are a lot of married
couples who met on an internet dating site. As long as you
keep your safety in mind and never do anything to jeopardize
it, you should have a great time meeting new people online.
Do not let the few bad seeds ruin your ...
5 Comments, 81 Views,
11 Votes
,5.22 Score |
Is he interested in me? 11/17/2006
Does this relationship have a future or is he just not that
into you? It's the most common question asked early
in the relationship. You like the guy you're dating
but you just can't tell if he wants the same thing as
Is he interested in me? It's the most common question
asked early on in a relationship
4 Comments, 109 Views,
13 Votes
,4.49 Score |
Are You Ready to Make the Commitment? 11/11/2006
Your relationship is going well but are you truly ready
to make a commitment? Take this test now and you'll
know for sure whether it's time to commit to a more serious
relationship or breakup and move on to someone new.
Are You Ready to Make the Commitment?
So your relationship is going pretty
well and it's time to decide to commit to something
more ...
3 Comments, 70 Views,
6 Votes
,4.50 Score |
When To Break up? 10/1/2006
Is breaking up the right decision
to make?
My Answer:
Breaking up with your soulmate could condemn you to a lifetime
of regret. Not breaking up with a wrong person may ruin your
chances of finding your soulmate and cost your emotionally
and financially. Sometimes, it may cost you your life.
3 Comments, 80 Views,
8 Votes
,3.71 Score |
I'LL BE THERE! 9/30/2006
When the sun rises,
I'll be there
To share my ________with you.
I'll do my best to bring you ______each day.
I'll help you treasure the _______
That we've gathered along the way.
When the sun sets,
I'll be right there next to you.
I'll _______ you ________
And whisper how much I ________ you.
I'll make you fell as __________
As the stars that twinkle above you.
1 Comments, 34 Views,
6 Votes
,3.93 Score |
Why LOVE is HURT? 9/27/2006
Why Love is Hurt? It is not a deadly
weapon we have, but why we feel hurt from love?...
3 Comments, 72 Views,
7 Votes
,4.57 Score |
45 Things a girl would die for... 9/25/2006
a girl would die for so true
Would Die For
1-touch their waist
2-talk to them
3-share secrets
4-give her your jacket
5-kiss them slowly.
Are you remembering this?
6-hug her
7-hold her
8-laugh with her
9-invite her somewhere
10-let her be with you when you're with your friends.
Keep reading.
11-smile with her
12-take pics ...
4 Comments, 91 Views,
11 Votes
,5.41 Score |
What does your name mean? 9/25/2006
T- You're loyal to those you love.
R- Sexy!
I- You get hyper easily.
S- Easy to fall in love with.
H- You have a very good personality and looks.
A- Damn good kisser.
A- Damn good kisser.
B- Good all around person.
C- You're wild & crazy.
D- You have one of the best personalities ever.
E-You have a nice \bass\b
F- ...
5 Comments, 86 Views,
6 Votes
,3.08 Score |
How can you say.... 9/22/2006
How can you say "I love you to a person which you are
not sure if he/she loves you too and he/she is a complicated
person? like he/she got and still married but not living
together in one roof?
2 Comments, 59 Views,
6 Votes
,0.80 Score |
WHEN LOVE DIES??? 9/17/2006
Sometimes, love dies. And
there is no easy
explanation for it. Some of us see it coming. Some of us don’t.
but most of us try not to see it at all. Because it is easier
to pretend that all is well rather than admit that your dreams
have been shattered and that you are left with the broken
pieces of your heart. It hurts to imagine that the
person we love is ...
0 Comments, 27 Views,
7 Votes
,1.00 Score |
QUESTION: How to satisfy a woman?
ANSWER: Care, excite, fascinate, spoil, kiss, rub, tease,
pamper, console, adore, respect and love.
QUESTION: How to satisfy a man?
ANSWER: Ano nga?...
3 Comments, 68 Views,
12 Votes
,0.15 Score |
How careful are you on a date? 9/9/2006
A women wants excitement, change and adventure. When you
don't give her that, she becomes bored and starts looking
for something else more exciting. That is why dinner and
movies are a waste of your time.
Instead you could be going on new, exciting dates every
week, where you really get to know each other, learn about
each other and bond in a unique way. That is what this ...
0 Comments, 41 Views,
4 Votes
,2.86 Score |
??????????? 6/1/2006
dating quiz, can be fun , but not very accurite. i feel most
people would be honest, but some, not.
0 Comments, 26 Views,
2 Votes
,3.12 Score |
BF/GF test... 5/22/2006
bf gf test"
****************GRAB A PIECE OF***************
**************PAPER AND A PENCIL!!
**************NUMBER*IT 1 - 10!!!!!!*************
*************HERE'S THE TEST!!!!!!!**************
1. Pick your favorite color out of the following:
A. Red ...
0 Comments, 57 Views,
3 Votes
,3.43 Score |
Reasons 5/7/2006
What are your 3 main reason on joining the fff site?
4 Comments, 104 Views,
7 Votes
,2.79 Score |
Where / How are you looking for love? 2/3/2006
Today there literally must be hundreds if not thousands
of dating services on and off line. All promising to find
your "soulmate". your "one true love".
Can someone else truely find that person for you? Do you
rely on someone else to do your searching and you just pick
from a lineup?
I submit, I am sure many people have found the love of their
life this way but I am sure ...
1 Comments, 68 Views,
11 Votes
,3.73 Score |
How do you think? 2/1/2006
Today too many people are so wrapped up in believing people
are nasty and think nothing but erotic and dirty thoughts.
To see how you think answer the below questions.
Answers are below.
1). What is a four-letter word that ends in k and means the
same as intercourse?
2). What is it that a cow has four of and a woman has only two
<br> ...
0 Comments, 24 Views,
7 Votes
,3.55 Score |
Rashes to Rashes...Dust to Dust 9/18/2005
This pertains more to the ladies:
Would you prefer men with facial hair or cheecks as smooth
as a baby's back? I have worn both, up to incuding just
a simple mustash up to a full gottee. Will it be irritating,
pleasuring, tickling, distinguishing, captivating, unsightful...what's
your call?
4 Comments, 116 Views,
7 Votes
,2.53 Score |
How Well Do You Kiss? 9/18/2005
If you were to choose, would you or receive a kiss on the top
lip or would you or receive a kiss on the lower lip or would
you rather on both?
When I was sporting a moustash, I would first land the kiss
the top lip. I'd rather not poke her top lip (while kissing
the lower lip) or the inner parts of her lips with my facial
hair. Or else I would have to extend my smackers ...
0 Comments, 109 Views,
4 Votes
,3.25 Score |
History, Relationships and Good Memory 9/17/2005
Once upon a time, I hosted a valentine's party. I prepared
some meals, games and prices for six couples. One of the
segments was a Q&A portion. Each couple got up and stood
at each opposite side of the board. Coaching would mean
immediate disqualification.
The following questions were asked:
- When was your first date? Bonus score if you remember what
time both ...
0 Comments, 41 Views,
7 Votes
,3.55 Score |
Q & A Close Relationship 7/23/2005
Do you know ur bestfriend's filipinofriendfinder
Do you think long distance relationships work
for u?
Are u an emotional person?
If u had one last breath to say something to
someone u love what would u say?
Do you believe in best friends?
Ever felt so jealous of your friend?
What was the last thing you did?
Who is right ...
1 Comments, 83 Views,
9 Votes
,2.78 Score |
What's Your Dating Style? 5/20/2005
Take our 10 question quiz to find out your dating personality.
Question 1
It's date night, you have
A. A standing date with your long time steady.
B. A date at 5, another at 9 and a midnight hottie waiting
in the wings.
C. A bunch of "maybes" but no firm plans.
D. A date with somebody new, and you are ...
0 Comments, 98 Views,
8 Votes
,1.62 Score |
Random Hearts, Random Thoughts 5/3/2005
I had a pointless sort of existence, I'd made a place
for myself in the middle of nowhere.I made a living of paper
and pen.I knew with certainty that I was straight.Oh yes, it
was men all the way for Marion.I made friends easily enough;I've
always gotten along with people.I never let anyone get
too close, though.
Someone says that before you can love someone else, you
have to learn to ...
0 Comments, 29 Views,
8 Votes
,4.41 Score |
While everyone and their brother seem to have a S.O. at their
you appear to be the one who's chronically single.
Are you missing
out on one of life's finer pleasures, or are you truly
a die-hard
solo act? Take this fun quiz to find out.
1. Your boss offers you the opportunity to go to Paris for
business-related conference. You think:
a. What a ...
0 Comments, 90 Views,
17 Votes
,2.42 Score |
first date 3/2/2005
I've only had two perfect first dates in my entire life.
And I know that a few weeks ago - I had my very last. Any time
spent is perfected when I'm with JAG. Coup de foudre.
Believe it
0 Comments, 60 Views,
5 Votes
,1.51 Score |
willing to be compromise 3/2/2005
Some poeple are just not what they seem. I try to be just me.
No lies and no cheating. Life is always a rollercoaster
and there needs to be someone that is willing to compromise
0 Comments, 61 Views,
5 Votes
,2.82 Score |
be yourself 3/2/2005
you have to compromise and be yourself. you have to expect
that the other person is going to be themselves and you can
never try to change a person .they are who they are
0 Comments, 35 Views,
3 Votes
,1.96 Score |
LETTER 1/26/2005
The most selfish
' I ' -
Avoid it.
Use it.
Kill it.
Most used
0 Comments, 103 Views,
30 Votes
,4.42 Score |
When its the time for the big L?? 12/2/2004
Can I love you be told very soon in the relationship or it
needs to wait some time to really mean it?
6 Comments, 252 Views,
22 Votes
,5.53 Score |
THE LOVE TEST 7/27/2004
try nyo lang, it's fun...especially to those who think
they are in-love.
1. You are walking to your boy/girlfriend's house.
There are two roads to get there. One is a straight path to
take you there quickly, but very boring. The other is significantly
longer but is full of wonderful sights and interesting
things. Which one do you take to get to your ...
0 Comments, 115 Views,
60 Votes
,6.88 Score |
Why ask "Why"? Hit the GYM and lay off the junk food. 6/9/2004
I often hear and read now on friendfinders articles about
how less attractive women cannot find the man they want
etc. That's such a cop out...
All women need to do to find men is show a very lukewarm MILD
interest. The bulk of the work is up to men. We've got
to do all the things that it takes to impress you so we can
get what we want from you (SEX). Those things can be defined
as a ...
0 Comments, 35 Views,
21 Votes
,1.39 Score |
hope you like this! 2/29/2004
1. What time do you get up? 7:00 am
2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be?
Sandra Bullock
3. Gold or silver? Gold
4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? It's
been awhile!!!
5. What is your favorite TV show? Sirvivor, American Idol,
so many more!
6. What do you have for breakfast? Reese Bits cereal
7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room ...
0 Comments, 53 Views,
35 Votes
,2.27 Score |