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Call Girls In Delhi Locanto +91-9999858187   2/7/2018

Call Girls In Delhi Locanto +91-9999858187 Provide In Delhi High Profile Models Offer Hot Girls.Are You Looking Delhi

0 Comments, 0 Views, 0 Votes
Trancer13 71 M
4  Articles
Location listings not accurate from some female members   12/15/2013

Why do some ladies list their geographical locations inaccurately? Both these ladies contacted ME first. I wasn't even aware of them before. The first says she's from western USA. Turns out that she went to school there, but she's really living in western Africa. Oh well, at least she got the western part right. The second says she's in Asia. Guess what, turns out she's in Africa too. Ladies, I ...

0 Comments, 2 Views, 0 Votes
Trancer13 71 M
4  Articles
Friendship vs. getting serious   12/15/2013

This is primarily for the guys, but the ladies can feel free to chime in. Is being a gentleman in this day and age detrimental to a potential realationship? I just wanted to make friends initially, until each of us get to know each other better anyway. Then the girl says she wants a serious relationship, and starts giving you detailed information that you didn't even ask for. She asks you real ...

0 Comments, 4 Views, 0 Votes
zebra6 40 F
4  Articles
Trust...   4/7/2013

Trust doesn't come with a refill. Once its gone you probably won't get it back, and if you do, it will never be the same!and that's a fact!...

0 Comments, 15 Views, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score
zebra6 40 F
4  Articles
Be a channel of Blessings....   3/17/2013

When you find yourself in the position to help someone, be happy and feel blessed because God is answering that person's prayer through you. Remember: Our purpose on earth is not to get lost in the dark but to be a light to others, so that they may find way through us.......

0 Comments, 12 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
shygurl4uonly 47 F
7  Articles
A Special Cure ( Joke )   2/1/2010

A man went to see his doctor because he was suffering from a miserable cold. His doctor prescribed some pills, but they didn't help. On his next visit the doctor gave him a shot, but that didn't do any good. On his third visit the doctor told the man, "Go home and take a hot bath. As soon as you finish bathing throw open all the windows and stand in the draft." "But doc, " protested the patient, ...

1 Comments, 24 Views, 3 Votes ,2.94 Score
kittenpurrrrrrrr 50 F
18  Articles
lost   7/23/2008

All of us would like to be happy, in a way we wanted to be. Goals are made, plans are thought, and future a re foresee. However, at times, we are keeping our fingers crossed that we are on the right track. Eventually we found ourselves in the success of the dreams we are pursuing. We seat on the laurels of our happiness and triumph. But, suddenly question pops-in, are we really happy? Then you ...

0 Comments, 20 Views, 2 Votes ,3.12 Score
pooh_friends 51 F
1  Article
HUMAN   7/10/2008

As a human being, we tend to sway in the rapture of temptation and curiosity that seeks fulfillment. If you want to, be honest and kick guilt out of your senses. Your old enough and your responsible of what you want to do. If you don't want to, be honest and say it. Don't point and use other people's name, it was YOU who have DONE IT and DECIDE on the first place. So, BE RESPONSIBLE.


0 Comments, 14 Views, 0 Votes
bluesapphire9365 59 F
7  Articles
reminiscing...   4/19/2008

This happen when my eldest boys were 6 years old, a year before their father died. In their innocence, i thought of my revealing to us, adults, meaning in life that we...hardened through the years... failed to see.

On the eve of driving home after a two weeks vacation from his hometown, my husband ask the boys, "Which do you like more, traveling or going home?" ...

0 Comments, 27 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
odette317 48 F
18  Articles
About Marriage   4/11/2008

A successful marriage is like a triangle, man, woman and God.

A successful marriage is falling in love with the same person over and over again.

A successful marriage is accepting both the strengths and weaknesses of the person you are married to.

4 Comments, 52 Views, 4 Votes ,5.57 Score
breakthrough65 59 F
1  Article
Criticism   3/10/2008

Criticism is a word with a blood on its teeth because we know that one definition is "the act of finding fault". Criticism's unsavoriness was drummed into us by our parents: "If you can't say anything nice about someone, don't say anything at all." But who obeyed? A person who doesn't have anything bad to say about someone -- or about a work of art -- may be ...

0 Comments, 8 Views, 0 Votes
mayumi_brooke 45 F
1  Article

I've read this article somewhere( my post has been denied because I included the website where I got this article. ) and decided to share it with you guys. Please read this if you have time.

Heather is a 42 year old American lady.Divorced with two , she decided to try online dating to possibly get a new partner. She signed up with one of the popular dating sites and set up a profile.The ...

2 Comments, 110 Views, 11 Votes ,4.29 Score
81  Articles
Rules from God ...   2/9/2008

Rules from God 1. Wake Up !! Decide to have a good day. "Today is the day the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalms 118:24

2. Dress Up !! The best way to dress up is to put on a smile. A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks. "The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at outward appearance; but the Lord looks at the heart." I Samuel ...

0 Comments, 22 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
81  Articles

I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.

I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.

I would have talked less and listened more. I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained, or the sofa faded.

I would ...

0 Comments, 25 Views, 4 Votes ,2.47 Score
81  Articles
RANDOM THOUGHTS...   2/1/2008

Drop the last year into the silent limbo of the past. -Brooks Atkinson

*The best way to succeed in life is to act on the advice we give to others. -Anonymous

*First, keep the peace within yourself, then you can also bring peace to others. -Thomas a Kempis

*Be ready when opportunity comes. Luck is the time when preparation and opportunity meet. -R.D. Chapin Jr. ...

0 Comments, 16 Views, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score
bluesapphire9365 59 F
7  Articles
looking up when you are down   1/31/2008

There are times when we feel so hopeless. We see nothing but failures. And the question, "What is life without hope?" suddenly comes up.

yes, there are times when we feel like dead. But then after thinking it over, we suddenly realize that we are alive and that God still wants us to go on living. Why? Because God has a plan for us. What is it? The mystery of His plan ...

2 Comments, 54 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
81  Articles
The girl who broke her own heart...   1/29/2008

The girl who broke her own heart:

Once upon a time a girl, whose heart was still whole and untroubled, met a boy prince. He had such woe in his eyes and a hole in his heart to match. She decided she’d try her best to make the boy smile again. As whole as she was that time, she could not resist the broken spirit’s unseen need for rescue. Sooner ...

1 Comments, 26 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
81  Articles

When you fall in love

I came across this article from a friend's blog site and copied it. Read it and give it some thought, you may find answers to some of your questions regarding love and relationship. Quite long but worth it.


When You FALL IN LOVE (Debunking the Myths That Are Driving You Crazy) By: Bo Sanchez

This ...

0 Comments, 23 Views, 2 Votes ,4.50 Score
81  Articles


1. If you are choking on an ice cube, don't panic. Simply pour a cup of boiling water down your throat and presto. The blockage will be almost instantly removed.

2. Clumsy? Avoid cutting yourself while slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them while you chop away.

3. Avoid arguments with the Mrs. about lifting the toilet ...

0 Comments, 9 Views, 2 Votes ,4.50 Score
81  Articles
LIFE IS A GIFT...   1/28/2008

Life Is A Gift

Today before you think of saying an unkind word - Think of someone who can't speak.

Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has nothing to eat.

Before you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone who's crying out to God for a companion.

Today before you complain about life - Think of someone who ...

0 Comments, 18 Views, 3 Votes ,4.41 Score
81  Articles
Ten Relationship Myths   1/20/2008

Think your relationship is a failure because you and your partner aren't following certain "rules" or meeting certain standards? Dr. Phil blows the whistle on 10 of the most common but dangerous relationship myths.

MYTH #1: A GREAT RELATIONSHIP DEPENDS ON A GREAT MEETING OF THE MINDS • You will never see things through your partner's eyes because you are two entirely ...

0 Comments, 18 Views, 3 Votes ,3.92 Score
81  Articles


If you're not married yet, share this with a friend. If you are married, share it with your spouse or other married couples and reflect on it.

An African proverb states, "Before you get married, keep both eyes open, and after you marry, close one eye."

Before you get involved and make a commitment to someone, ...

0 Comments, 22 Views, 3 Votes ,4.90 Score
81  Articles
NATURE OF THE MAN...   1/18/2008

Nature of the Man

Man has its nature, he/she will not be contented. Man always aiming for better things and better things. We want better or new in what we have. Like cellphone, as much as possible we want the new model. first 5110 then we want 3210, then 3310, 8210, then 6600, 6680 then we want N90, N93 and the latest. We want to have many shoes like nike, addidas and ...

0 Comments, 9 Views, 2 Votes ,4.50 Score
81  Articles
If tomorrow happens again. I’ll ask the moon the same thing I used to. “Why would you leave the sky   1/17/2008

My bare hands are covering my face as I sob calling out your name . It’s the fourth time this happened and I am wishing this would be the last. As I thought, as what I have been telling all the people who knew about the haunting past, the pain that lurked my wholeness for one whole year has already faded…..but I was wrong.

I am still in denial. My subconscious is ...

0 Comments, 9 Views, 3 Votes ,2.94 Score
sweet_maria938 35 F
5  Articles
ADVICE   1/15/2008

What would we do to make life worth living?

What so ever you find to do, Do it with all your might; Never be a little true, Or a litlle in the right. Trifles even lead to heven, Trifles make the life of man So in all things Great or small Be as through as you can Help the weak if you are strong, Love the old if you are young; Own a fault if you are wrong, If you're angry, hold your ...

0 Comments, 10 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
friends   12/27/2007

friends like glasses you must take care to keep from any offensive who can break on it and like the money you must keep with you if you go any where ...

0 Comments, 16 Views, 2 Votes ,3.12 Score
damsel_distress 43 F
4  Articles
Loving Someone...   12/14/2007

We can love someone and just be happy about it even if we know that it cannot last forever. It is not about having someone. It is not about owning relationship, It is just about being happy because you know you have loved someone.

There is a purpose and meaning behind all events and this purpose and meanings develop you as a person and a lover.


2 Comments, 51 Views, 5 Votes ,3.80 Score
crabby old man   11/12/2007

CRABBY OLD MAN When an old man died in the geriatric ward of a small hospital near Tampa, Florida, it was believed that he had nothing left of any value.

Later, when the nurses were going through his meager possessions, They found this poem. Its quality and content so impressed the staff that copies were made and distributed to every nurse in the hospital.

One ...

2 Comments, 63 Views, 5 Votes ,4.77 Score
SunSHineMadz 42 F
12  Articles

Treatment for Dark Under Eye Circles

Grated potatoes can lighten under-eye circles. Potatoes contain an enzyme called catecholase, which is used in cosmetics as a human skin lightener.

Run one spud through your food processor and stuff the raw mash into a piece of cheesecloth. Apply to the area directly beneath your eye – don't let the potato juice come in contact ...

0 Comments, 16 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
rhia01031976 48 F
22  Articles
~~~ A MESSAGE ~~~   11/5/2007

If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do Not attempt to resolve it yourself !! Kindly put it in the SFGTD (something for God to do) box. I will get to it in MY TIME. All situations will be resolved, but in My time, not yours.

Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it by worrying about it. Instead, focus on all the wonderful things that ...

0 Comments, 14 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
SunSHineMadz 42 F
12  Articles
Big Green Cancer-Fighting Machine   11/5/2007

Women, brew up a pot of tea, sit down with your favorite male, and enjoy a comforting cup while sharing this article, which has something good for everyone.

Ladies first......

When I first started writing these health articles several months ago it seemed like every other study I came across concerned the benefits of drinking tea - especially ...

0 Comments, 7 Views, 0 Votes
rhia01031976 48 F
22  Articles

Attract Your Perfect Partner

"Finding Your Perfect Partner" by Susie and Otto Collins

A woman we'll call "Jane" thought she was a great "catch" and a "perfect partner" but she wondered why her relationships always seemed to fail.

Here's what she wrote to us-- "I dated men of various ages and cultures but all my relationships ended up in disaster. I constantly searched, ...

1 Comments, 20 Views, 0 Votes
rhia01031976 48 F
22  Articles

"There are No Relationship Failures" by Susie and Otto Collins

It sounds trite, but there's always something you can learn from every experience. Often it's the seed of a current or past "failure" that fuels you to the very success that you've always dreamed of. Past relationships give you a clearer picture of what you want and what you don't want in a relationship if you take the time ...

0 Comments, 10 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
rhia01031976 48 F
22  Articles
~~~ OVERCOME JEALOUSY ~~~   11/5/2007

Overcome Jealousy

"Jealousy--Where does it come from?" By Susie and Otto Collins

A common issue that gets in the way of having great relationships is jealousy.

We put the issue of jealousy into two camps: 1) Where one or both partners have broken past commitments and there is jealousy between them. And 2) Where one partner is jealous of their partner and there doesn't ...

0 Comments, 11 Views, 0 Votes
pie02271974 50 F
10  Articles

THIS needs your love, this sees himself in mamas arms, this sings, this laughs, this cries, when your sitting by your self. THIS sees your tears, this waits untill its past. this sings, this laughs, this cries, when your sitting by your self. THIS takes your hand, this leads you to a chair. this sings, this laughs, this takes away your pain.

0 Comments, 7 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
Seven secrets to success   10/16/2007

1. Yesterday is gone

2. Hug trees and life

3. Set wothwhile goals

4. Opportunities are everywhere

5. Be persistent

6. Believe in yourself

7. Help others - Forgive them and yourself

0 Comments, 8 Views, 0 Votes
rhia01031976 48 F
22  Articles
~~~ THE CATHOLIC 12 STEP RROGRAM ~~~   10/14/2007

Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost St. John Eudes - Confessor J.M.J.

THE CATHOLIC 12 STEP PROGRAM from "The Blessed Margaret Family Help Center"

1. I will admit that I - me, myself, and I, - have a problem that controls me. I am helpless against it and that I am its slave.

2. I will admit that only with God's grace can I succeed. I have failed with even the best ...

0 Comments, 8 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
rhia01031976 48 F
22  Articles
~~~ 5 WAYS GOD USES PROBLEMS ~~~   10/10/2007

5 Ways God uses Problems

The problems you face will either defeat you or develop you - depending on how you respond to them. Unfortunately, most people fail to see how God wants to use problems for good in their lives. They react foolishly and resent their problems rather than pausing to consider what benefit they might bring.

Here are five ways God wants to use the problems in ...

0 Comments, 13 Views, 0 Votes
rhia01031976 48 F
22  Articles
~~~ 36 CHRISTIAN WAYS TO REDUCE STRESS ~~~   10/10/2007

36 CHRISTIAN WAYS TO REDUCE STRESS ==================================

1. Pray 2. Go to bed on time. 3. Get up on time so you can start the day unrushed. 4. Say No, to projects that won't fit into your time schedule, or that will compromise your mental health. 5. Delegate tasks to capable others. 6. Simplify and unclutter your life. 7. Less is more. (Although one is often not enough, two ...

0 Comments, 21 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
rhia01031976 48 F
22  Articles
~~~ CANCER CELLS ~~~   10/10/2007

Hello friends! I know some already know this information but other don't. So I am posting it here so that you will be able to be aware of where is cancer came from and how we can get rid of it or how we can avoid from having it. I am concern with your health that is why I am posting the article here. Godbless!


1. Every person ...

0 Comments, 12 Views, 0 Votes
rhia01031976 48 F
22  Articles
~~~ ARE YOU A REASON, A SEASON, OR A LIFETIME? ~~~   10/10/2007

Are You A Reason, A Season, Or A Lifetime?

Pay attention to what you read. After you read this, you will know the reason it was sent to you!

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each person.

When someone is in your life for a REASON. It is usually to meet a need you have ...

0 Comments, 8 Views, 1 Votes ,3.70 Score
rhia01031976 48 F
22  Articles
~~~ CHANGE YOUR LIFE ~~~   10/10/2007

Change Your Life

At any time in our life, we have the opportunity to correct or improve those aspects of our lives that pinch us. We make resolutions to improve ourselves and, therefore, our opinion of ourselves.

We often break those resolutions because we are not fully committed to them. They are merely wishes, not heartfelt desires. We must resolve to make those changes in our ...

0 Comments, 5 Views, 0 Votes
7  Articles
When it rains it pours   10/7/2007

Human life is always 2 sided, in the world of love relation will same. To love is let people smile, To love let people cry too.

Always negative with a positive, Laughness will turn into sadness.

Be aware always that our life is not a feast day always, not enjoy , not sadness, not permanent.

When it rain it pours it means that when sadness comes your way, you will think ...

2 Comments, 11 Views, 0 Votes
rhia01031976 48 F
22  Articles
Beautiful Women   10/3/2007


A little boy asked his mother "Why are you crying?" "Because I'm a woman", she told him. "I don't understand", he said. His mum just hugged him and said, "And you never will" Later the little boy asked his father, "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?"

"All women cry for no reason", was all ...

0 Comments, 14 Views, 0 Votes
rhia01031976 48 F
22  Articles
What is yours?   10/2/2007

What is yours? Amos 8:4-7 Ps 113:1-2, 4-8 1 Tim 2:1-8 Luke 16:1-13

Sunday's Gospel reading tells us how a person can be affluent and holy at the same time. If money and material wealth is our god, we are not holy; we've divided ourselves from God, because God's Word emphasizes the importance of distributing to others a generous portion of everything we've ...

0 Comments, 3 Views, 0 Votes
flame_08 39 F
13  Articles


0 Comments, 1 Views, 0 Votes
81  Articles
If tomorrow happens again. I’ll ask the moon the same thing I used to...   9/9/2007

It happened Again.

My bare hands are covering my face as I sob calling out your name . It’s the fourth time this happened and I am wishing this would be the last. As I thought, as what I have been telling all the people who knew about the haunting past, the pain that lurked my wholeness for one whole year has already faded…..but I was wrong.

I am still in ...

0 Comments, 8 Views, 3 Votes ,4.90 Score
81  Articles
THE BLAME... THE ANSWER...   9/8/2007


If you see me walking the road with someone else Its not because I like his company Its because you’re not brave enough to walk beside me.

If you hear me talking about him all the time Its not because he pleases me… Its because you’re too deaf to hear my heartbeat.

If you feel me falling with someone new Its not because I love ...

0 Comments, 8 Views, 2 Votes ,4.50 Score
81  Articles


Long distance relationships ... do they ever work? Or should I ask, is there such a thing? This question has gnawed constantly at the back of my mind for the past four years. But now, I've stopped asking because I guess loving someone from afar (a cadet ... "for that matter") works in ...

0 Comments, 13 Views, 2 Votes ,4.50 Score
81  Articles

Today we have bigger houses yet smaller families More convenience, but less time

We have more degrees, but less common sense More knowledge, but less judgment

We have more experts, but more problems More medicine, but less good health

We spend too recklessly Laugh too little Drive too fast Get too angry too quickly Stay up too late Read too little Watch TV too much ...

1 Comments, 16 Views, 4 Votes ,4.02 Score
81  Articles

There were two hearts met in a dance. That moment was magical. There was a sweet song playing, there was harmony and soon, love in the air. They fell in love and they started building castles in their dreams and promised forever with all certainly. But, somewhere in the midst of the fun, they got lost in the dance, something went wrong but they can never do anything. They were just drifting ...

0 Comments, 7 Views, 2 Votes ,4.50 Score
SunSHineMadz 42 F
12  Articles
45 Things to Always Remember   8/31/2007

- You are unique and one of a kind.

- Your life can be what you want it to be.

- Count your blessings, not your troubles.

- You make it through whatever comes along.

- Do not put limits on yourself.

- Decisions are too important to leave a chance.

- Nothing wastes more energy than worrying.

- The longer one carries a problem the ...

0 Comments, 8 Views, 0 Votes
Angel_eyes02 59 F
28  Articles
beware of signs... (down to my memory lane)   7/31/2007

When I was assigned in Surigao City for my job. My first day on that boarding house, I cleaned up the room. After cleaning the room, I went outside to look for a dump site of my trash. The housemaid of that boarding house accompanied me who was also new to that boarding house. We passed a check point where one policeman was looking to us. and the next of that, we saw a ...

0 Comments, 19 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
ana_liza05 52 F
9  Articles
Witnessing In A Postmodern Age   7/12/2007

Witnessing In A Postmodern Age by John Fischer

Effective witnessing in a postmodern age takes some knowledge of the culture and a good deal of respect both for the freedom of the individual to choose and for the business of God in the process. Without this, our words can carry the duress of merely one opinion over another. We become experts with an agenda instead of facilitators of ...

0 Comments, 0 Views, 0 Votes
ana_liza05 52 F
9  Articles
But God Faith   6/29/2007

God's Holy Sentence by Jon Walker “So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God ….” (Genesis 45:8 NIV)

Today, in the story of your life, you are in the middle of a sentence, and you may find yourself paused in a painful place. But that’s not the end of your story. You may be paused on a holy “but God” moment that is leading you to the very ...

0 Comments, 3 Views, 0 Votes
palm20 37 M
5  Articles
TECH SUPPORT: WIFE 1.0   6/28/2007

Dear Tech Support:

Last year I upgraded from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0. I soon noticed that the new program began unexpected processing that took up a lot of space and valuable resources. In addition , Wife 1.0 installed itself into all other programs and now monitors all other system activity. Applications such as Poker Night 10.3, Golf 5.0 , Hunting and Fishing 7.5, and Drag Racing ...

0 Comments, 14 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
twinkle23_2007 59 F
225  Articles
DONT AFRAID...   6/21/2007


0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
twinkle23_2007 59 F
225  Articles
LET GO   6/10/2007

When you love someone fight for what you feel but, if the one you love, loves someone else "LET GO"... be like a soldier knows when to fight and when to surrender.

0 Comments, 7 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
twinkle23_2007 59 F
225  Articles
NEVER REGRET   6/10/2007

Never regret a day in your life...Good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience to life....

0 Comments, 3 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
twinkle23_2007 59 F
225  Articles
Find A Dream   6/10/2007

When you find a dream inside your heart, don't ever let it go...For dreams are the tiny seedsfrom which tomorrow grow.

0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
twinkle23_2007 59 F
225  Articles
TEXT 'N TEXT   6/10/2007

The word L-I-S-T-E-N contains the same letters as the word S-I-L-E-N-T. Liten to GOD in the silence of your heart and you will know His perfect plans for you....

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
orchidlady47 52 F
34  Articles
Red Fridays   5/28/2007

I received this e-mail from our TOS group... PLEASE read the entire e mail and you see what is meant by ***RED FRIDAY***

Last week, while traveling to Chicago on business, I noticed a Marine Sergeant traveling w/ a folded flag, but I didn't put two & two together.

After we boarded our flight, I turned to the Sergeant, who'd been invited to sit in 1st class (across from me), ...

0 Comments, 29 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
twinkle23_2007 59 F
225  Articles

You can feel her CARE in form of a Sister. You can feel her WARMTH in form of a Friend. You can feel her PASSIONED in form of a Beloved. You can feel her DEDICATIOn in form of a Wife. You can feel her DEVINITY in form of a Mother. You can feel her BLESSINGS in form of a Grandmother. Yet she is so TOUGH too... Her HEART is so Tender... So Maughty... So Charming... So Sharing... So Melodious... She ...

0 Comments, 8 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
twinkle23_2007 59 F
225  Articles

In the game of love, it doesn't really matter who win or lose; what's important, is that you know when to hold and when to let go. Its the presence of LOVE that makes us want to live.

If your heart gets broken by the time you truly love, don't let go of the love for that person; but ; let go for the person. You'll never know love might be sweeter the second time ...

0 Comments, 4 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
twinkle23_2007 59 F
225  Articles
FRIENDSHIP   5/25/2007

Friendship is a kind of love with understanding......

0 Comments, 3 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
2447star 60 F
18  Articles
The Feasibility of long distance relationships   5/10/2007

The best advice I can give you from having been in one is DON'T! Spare yourself the heartache and the pain and the sleepless night. Don't do it if you can't TRUST the person and do TRUST yourself when you feel something is amiss.

I gave it a shot and ended giving more than I received. We were 10, 000 miles away and what happened was that he pursued me relentlessly initially and when I ...

1 Comments, 37 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
twinkle23_2007 59 F
225  Articles
Evening Shadows...   4/22/2007

When evening shadows fall And another day is through, This is the special time I love to share with you.

You take me in your arms As the stars begin to shine; Your kisses are long and deep Forever I know you'll be mine.

How I love the evenings The moonlight, the stars and you; Sharing our hopes and dreams, Together we'll make them come true.

0 Comments, 4 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
twinkle23_2007 59 F
225  Articles

Believe that the best will GOD happen everyday be aware taht even trials are gift to make us strong enough to face life and trying times.

0 Comments, 6 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
twinkle23_2007 59 F
225  Articles


Anyone who fails to keep a promise disappoints others. Also, if that person has any conscience, he suffers a guilt feeling himself. to make matters worse, the one who is dsiappointed becomes irritated if the failure to keep a promise is repeated.

How should you handle promised? what should you do to help yourself to keep those you make? Here are a few ...

2 Comments, 23 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
twinkle23_2007 59 F
225  Articles
Your Time   4/8/2007

This is serious stuff....... ......... . FOR MOST OF US!!!!!!!!!!
What do we Work For?
: "Daddy, may I ask you a question"
Daddy: "Yeah sure, what it is?"
: "Dad, how much do you make an hour"
Daddy: "That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?"
: "I just want to know. Please tel! l me, how much do you make an hour?"
Daddy: "I make Rs. 500 an ...

0 Comments, 7 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
twinkle23_2007 59 F
225  Articles
Secret of Contentment...   4/6/2007

The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have and to be able to lose all desire for things beyond your reach. Let's not be materialistics, we good in looking....

2 Comments, 97 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
twinkle23_2007 59 F
225  Articles
My Friend...   4/6/2007

You will be my friend, wherever I am and wherever you are...! even if it takes foever even if I see you never, you will always be special to me. Longer than forever.

0 Comments, 4 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
twinkle23_2007 59 F
225  Articles
LOVE is Stronger than PRIDE...   4/6/2007

Love is stronger than pride. so when you love someone tell them and never let it go its better to lose your pride to someone you love than to lost your love with your useless pride.

0 Comments, 7 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
twinkle23_2007 59 F
225  Articles
God Never Sends...   4/2/2007

GOD never sends you into a situation alone, GOD go before you, He sends beside you, He walks behind you, whatever situation you have right confident! GOD loves you!!!......

0 Comments, 11 Views, 3 Votes ,5.39 Score
ana_liza05 52 F
9  Articles
Asset or Liability   3/30/2007

Source ; From the Internet
Asset or Liability
There are those who e-mailed me asking about the basics of cash flow. I'm really sorry that I assumed everybody already understands it. Anyway, by demand ... here it goes...
May isang bata... joke lang.
The basic is. What pattern do you see if you will get a P100.00 bill and monitor where and how it is ...

1 Comments, 15 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
MatrixExplorer 47 M
18  Articles
"Did not our heart burn within us?"   3/21/2007

Much of our distress as Christians comes not because of sin, but because we are ignorant of the laws of our own nature. For instance, the only test as to whether we ought to allow an emotion to have its way is to see what the outcome of the emotion will be. Push it to its logical conclusion, and if the outcome is something God would condemn, allow it no more way. But if it be an emotion kindled ...

0 Comments, 19 Views, 3 Votes ,4.41 Score
twinkle23_2007 59 F
225  Articles
How to Act as the One in Charge?   3/19/2007

Let's look at some examples of how the man in charge handles himself:

1.) He is well-informed. He always sees to know the important details of recent incidents. His knowledge of the company, the department, and his job is very braod-based.
2.) He understands people and knows how toi communicate with them. He recognizes that he must speak his leistners language, and he will listen ...

0 Comments, 9 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
ana_liza05 52 F
9  Articles
The Greatest Advice   3/14/2007

THE GREATEST ADVICE - Rick Warren, the Purpose Driven Life
To make yourself happy, pursue your passions & be the best of what you can be. Simplify your life. Take away the clutter. Get rid of destructive elements: abusive friends, nasty habits, and dangerous liaisons.
Don't abandon your responsibilities but don't overdose on duty. Don't date because you are desperate.
Don't marry ...

0 Comments, 52 Views, 5 Votes ,4.45 Score
twinkle23_2007 59 F
225  Articles
Ten Benefits of Understanding...   3/9/2007

Ten Benefits of Understanding

1. Enables you to learn the reasons behind the actions of people.
2. Serves as a beginning point for presenting a proposal to someone.
3. Gives you insight into other people’s view point.
4. Makes you tolerant and forgiving of people’s deeds.
5. Makes it easier for you deal with those who are particularly critical, ...

0 Comments, 19 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
twinkle23_2007 59 F
225  Articles
Ten Ways to Earn Respect   3/9/2007

Ten Ways to Earn Respect
Respect for a leader pays off in more efficient work along with a sense of camaraderie which makes cooperation enjoyable. Respect seldom comes automatically. You can earn the respect of your people by working for it. Here are ten ways you can achieve the benefits of respect:
1. Express appreciation for services performed. For instancem when someone does that ...

0 Comments, 7 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
twinkle23_2007 59 F
225  Articles
You Might Not Need Me Now...   3/4/2007

You might not need me now...maybe not tomorrow...maybe not anymore...but if ever, even for just a second you feel alone remember. In that moment till forever "I'm here for you".

0 Comments, 6 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
palm20 37 M
5  Articles

well, here i go again.
i was browsing some articles everyday and i spotted ms TWINKLES ;0 (kudos to you since i always read your articles. so witty and actually bloody funny. well, keep it up... so natural.
moving ahead, i got this topic from ms twinkle. jealousy. got a chance to buy paris hilton's cd and its one of the tracks there. i guess its her song for her bestfriend nicole ...

2 Comments, 44 Views, 4 Votes ,3.63 Score
twinkle23_2007 59 F
225  Articles
Life and Love   2/28/2007

"You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back." "Life is what we make of it. We can achieve everything and climb the highest mountain if we simply remain positive even in the darkest moments." ...

1 Comments, 18 Views, 6 Votes ,4.22 Score
twinkle23_2007 59 F
225  Articles
Very Good Advice...How to avoid the eat right!   2/27/2007

Very Good Advice
How To Avoid The

Eat right!
Make sure you get your daily dose of fruits and veggies.

Take your vitamins and bump up your vitamin C.

Get plenty of exercise because exercise helps build your immune system.

Walk for at least an hour a day,

go for a swim,

take the stairs instead of the elevator, etc.

Wash ...

0 Comments, 4 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
dreamlove45 63 F
56  Articles
In Front of the Computer   2/26/2007

The monitor should always be at least 35cmaway from your eyes, and it should be slightly below your eye level at an angle of depression of 15-20 degrees.
The keyboard should be at a height level to or a bit lower than your elbow, so your arms hang naturally at your sides.
Take a rest every 20 minutes. Focus your eyes on distant objects, and exercise your eyes by looking ...

0 Comments, 13 Views, 3 Votes ,1.96 Score
dreamlove45 63 F
56  Articles
Think It Up!   2/25/2007

Harboring negative thoughts can be incredibly draining.
Envy or jealousy isn't going to do you anything good but sap the energy you need for the day.Anger does the same thing.
So stop focusing in the negatives.
Next time when you're in a foul mood, try to sing or dance or chat to a good friend.
If that doesn't work, you can vent out all those ...

0 Comments, 14 Views, 3 Votes ,3.92 Score
palm20 37 M
5  Articles

what do you usually do when you got the chance to see one goodlooking person? i guess most of the answers will be: how i wish he / she was mine.
i dont know if im just envious or just afraid to fall for one. i always consider them a threat for me. you kno what im talking about? (when you fall for them and you guys stick together, whats next???) well, he / she is goodlooking and you are not ...

0 Comments, 30 Views, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score
sweet0327 51 F
17  Articles
Follow your Dreams...   2/24/2007

Trouble arrives in measures, and we stack it up real high, until we're convinced, we have no reason to try. If you feel defeated, you're absolutely wrong, for if you follow your dream, you could never lose for long. Ignore the minor set-backs that pile up and trouble you, or you will build a mountain, out of the stones hurled at you. The future holds great promise, your ...

0 Comments, 8 Views, 3 Votes ,4.41 Score
twinkle23_2007 59 F
225  Articles
EVERYTHING...   2/22/2007

Everything in life has purpose...just beleive in yourself and take time to enjoy life's pleasures. Remember to follow your HEART but never surrender your dreams...

0 Comments, 22 Views, 3 Votes ,5.39 Score
twinkle23_2007 59 F
225  Articles
Always be happy   2/22/2007

Always be happy always wear a smile not because life is full of reasons to smile because your smile itself is a reason or otehrs to be happy.

0 Comments, 9 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
twinkle23_2007 59 F
225  Articles
SEED AT THE BOTTOM...   2/22/2007

Find the seed at the bottom of your heart and bring forth a flower....

0 Comments, 6 Views, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score
2447star 60 F
18  Articles
I believe-   2/18/2007

I believe- That we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change.
I believe- That no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.
I believe- That true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. Same goes for true love.
I believe- That you can do ...

0 Comments, 31 Views, 0 Votes
chocl814 46 F
2  Articles

An Angel says, "Never borrow from the future. If you worry about what may happen tomorrow and it doesn't happen, you have worried in vain. Even if it does happen, you have to worry twice."
1. Pray
2. Go to bed on time.
3. Get up on time so you can start the day unrushed.
4. Say No to projects that won't fit into your time schedule, or that will compromise your mental health. ...

0 Comments, 11 Views, 0 Votes
sweet0327 51 F
17  Articles
Alphabet Of Happiness...   2/16/2007

A--Accept Accept others for who they are and for the choices they've made even if you have difficulty understanding their beliefs, motives, or actions.

B--Break Away Break away from everything that stands in the way of what you hope to accomplish with your life.

C--Create Create a family of friends whom you can share your hopes, dreams, sorrows, and ...

0 Comments, 5 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
dreamlove45 63 F
56  Articles
Telephone   2/5/2007

There was a piece of news in which a man died due to improper posture while using the phone.
NEVER sandwhich the phone between your head and your shoulders. Not only are you straining your neck and shoulder muscles, this may also injure your spinal cord which is FATAL. Instead, hold the phone with your HAND properly, and keep your back straight whilst doing that.

0 Comments, 18 Views, 0 Votes
dreamlove45 63 F
56  Articles
Give your body a boost...   2/5/2007

Sleeeeep... It's a scientific fact that if you don't get enough sleep, morning can be a seriously low-energy time for most people. Waking up and feeling like you're ready for the day just sounds plain impossible? and when an invigorating shower just doesn't cut it, pump up your energy levels by listening to some music when changing for work for it has been ...

0 Comments, 16 Views, 0 Votes
alleya02 48 F
3  Articles
help advice...   1/31/2007

If you find out that you only have 6months to live in this world, what will you do?will you tell this to your boyfriend/husband but you think that he doesnt cared to you anymore?or will you just keep it until you die?

3 Comments, 80 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
Alexxxx1002 43 M
9  Articles
Sleep Disorders   1/25/2007

Insomina is a common condition. Most people will have an occasional bout of sleeplessness due to temporary stress, worry, or irregular schedule. However, when the inability to sleep well continues for weeks or months, it can become a health problem.
If you have chronic insomnia, it may be caused by an underlying factor such as depression, anxiety, or pain. Your insomnia will ...

1 Comments, 44 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
Alexxxx1002 43 M
9  Articles
Night sleep   1/25/2007

One should not work at night. The best time to go to bed is 10 o’clock in the evening and the best time to wake up is from 4 to 6 o’clock in the morning. This regime provides the best night rest to the body and ensures vivacity and agility of consciousness. One should start every day with doing spiritual exercises.
Getting a good night sleep is important: its primary ...

0 Comments, 26 Views, 1 Votes ,3.70 Score
Alexxxx1002 43 M
9  Articles
Love to nature   1/25/2007

...only at open natural landscapes – in contrast to room “boxes” of city apartments and “corridors” of streets – is it possible to expand, to open wide refined consciousness in order to literally grow its size. Harmonious contacts with living nature are important for spiritual growth. Attuning to subtle natural phenomena. Respect for other beings' ...

0 Comments, 6 Views, 0 Votes
Alexxxx1002 43 M
9  Articles
Love to people   1/25/2007

Love can and should be expressed in both emotions and actions.
As this love accumulates knowledge and experience, it becomes wise.
As it develops in helping others, including fighting for their good, and also by means of practicing special meditative techniques – this love becomes strong.

0 Comments, 7 Views, 0 Votes
Alexxxx1002 43 M
9  Articles
What is Love   1/25/2007

Love... states of tender freshness, tactful care, willingness to help other people in everything good sincerely and selflessly, respect to all worthy ones, gratitude to anyone who helps, forgiveness of offenders, willingness to abandon himself and sacrifice himself for the sake of others...

0 Comments, 11 Views, 0 Votes
so called life   1/23/2007

The important things is not to be bitter over of life's difficulties. we have to learn to let go fo the past and recognize that everyday is a lesson to be learned. and when you find yourself in the midst of the dark night and despair, just remember; it is in the dark night that you can see the star. those stars will lead you back home.
so don't be afraid to make mistakes, to ...

0 Comments, 19 Views, 0 Votes
bilsolom 74 M
3  Articles
Why can't I find that special someone?   1/16/2007

With age comes wisdom, hopefully. In my 56 yrs on earth, I've learned some of the reasons people end up alone or worse have to live with a broken heart. So many people put looks at or near the top of their list but I have learned that is a big mistake. First off, looks don't last. People get old and their looks fade. I have learned that a plain looking partner can become beautiful the ...

0 Comments, 31 Views, 5 Votes ,4.77 Score
jlodarl 41 F
7  Articles
Did I make the right decision?   1/13/2007

I did stop communicating to a person which did nothing but just far away from me. I am falling for him and I am afraid.
Our communication was really good. But I decided to stop it! Am I right?

2 Comments, 50 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
1925121455 48 M
3  Articles
what advice   1/10/2007

The in loved person , they don't listen to any kind of advice .when breaking up or end of relationship . My ADVICE is find your love again over n over again .... JUST remember the feeling when you are in loved very pleasant feeling, being in loved is happiest feeling of a person .

0 Comments, 18 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
rhia1376 48 F
29  Articles
~~~ ARE YOU A REAL MAN? ~~~   1/9/2007

f0muh Are You A Real Man? by Bo Sanchez

The crisis of the world today is a crisis for real manhood.
My eldest boy Bene is turning 7 this month and he’s thrilled. One reason: I’m making him a special manhood “Ritual of Passage” for his 7th birthday. I told him it’s the first of a three-part series: The first at age 7, the ...

0 Comments, 90 Views, 2 Votes ,3.12 Score
alleya02 48 F
3  Articles
who will you choose?   1/7/2007

Your ex-boyfriend wants to win you back and propose a marriage to you and you know that your future will secured but you dont love him... or your current boyfriend whos away from you and you feel that hes lying and cheating to you but you really love him?who will you choose?
(this is my friend's problem...)

5 Comments, 94 Views, 6 Votes ,3.08 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
Free Love Relationship Advices.   1/6/2007

If you are in love relationship, or are interested in love relationship, it is important to know what things to look out for to avoid emotional problems. Love relationship advices you'll find below will help you to protect yourself from getting hurt. Be careful if:
Love relationship advice 1: Love asks you to retell your biography, wants too much information about you right ...

0 Comments, 26 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
Wonderful things!:)   1/3/2007

Let everyday be a DREAM you can touch. Let everyday be a LOVE you can FEEL. Let everyday be a REASON to LIVE. Because LIFE is indeed BEAUTIFUL...with GOD and good morning to all!!!

0 Comments, 23 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
Yuletide Greetings :-)   12/31/2006

A [B]great life is not about routine but doing something with extra ordinary love; To cherish and not to cmapare, to forgive but not blame, to be loving without counting, to laug at our misttakes but learn from them, to joke over our troubles but gather strength from them, and to have fun with our difficulties but over-coming them.
[COLOR ...

0 Comments, 26 Views, 0 Votes
Willien 36 M
2  Articles
NO MATTER WHY   12/16/2006


1 Comments, 102 Views, 0 Votes
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
GREAT ADVICE   12/13/2006

Don't date because you are desperate. Don't marry because you are miserable. Don't have because you think your genes are superior. Don't separate because you think it's fashionable. Don't drink because you have troubles. Don't gamble because you think winning is inevitable. Don't philander because you think you are irresistible. Don't associate with people you ...

0 Comments, 50 Views, 7 Votes ,6.10 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
IN THE STARS = Find Hope and Inspiration -- NOW!   12/13/2006

Spirituality of the Season Find hope in the holidays -- no matter what you believe
As we troop across acres of parking lots and pile into big box stores crammed with harried and hostile shoppers, it's all too easy to forget the true purpose of the season. But this is a time of year when our differences ...

0 Comments, 9 Views, 3 Votes ,5.39 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
The Top Ten Reasons ..............   12/13/2006

The Top Ten Reasons Men Prefer Guns Over Women
#10. You can trade an old 44 for a new 22.
#9. You can keep one gun at home and have another for when you're on the road.
#8. If you admire a friend's gun and tell him so, he will probably let you try it out a few times.
#7. Your primary gun doesn't mind if you keep another gun ...

0 Comments, 21 Views, 4 Votes ,5.57 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
Farherly Advice   12/13/2006

", you're making the SAME mistake in Iraq that I made with your mother. I didn't pull out in time. . ."...

0 Comments, 12 Views, 3 Votes ,5.39 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
Renewal of Contract 2007]   12/13/2006

After serious & cautious consideration.....your contract of friendship has been renewed for the new year 2007 .
It was a very hard decision to make! . So try to be more friendlier and caring next year. I am giving you another chance so .... do your best! '
Beacuse it's impossible to find a someone who is................
96 % funky,
97 % ...

0 Comments, 10 Views, 3 Votes ,5.39 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
ADVICE FOR MARIAGE...   12/6/2006

I recently read that love is entirely a matter of chemistry. That must be why my wife treats me like toxic waste. David Bissonette
When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her. Sacha Guitry
After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin; they just can't face each other, but still they stay together. Hemant Joshi ...

1 Comments, 58 Views, 4 Votes ,3.25 Score
kikay_25 45 F
3  Articles
Am I Wrong, Ppl?   11/29/2006

Malapit na kc akong umuwi, ilang tulog na lng kaya na-persuade akong makipagrelasyon sa isang t-bird kahit na attached pa rin ako kay Justin. Mejo kc galante ung tomboy kaso nakakainis ung anak kaya nabibitin ako palagi pag nagpupunta sa bahay nila.
Syempre nabisto ng bf ko ang kabulastugan ko kaya un break na kami kaso itong si tibo ...

1 Comments, 39 Views, 2 Votes
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
Advice to Tutors...   11/28/2006

The Big Moment: Opening the Tutoring Session Prioritizing Your Goals Pacing the Tutoring Session Attending to the Affective Closing the Session: A Lesson for Later After the Session: Completing the File
The Big Moment: Opening the Tutoring Session Perhaps the most frightening moment of any tutoring session is the opening moment. We aren't referring ...

0 Comments, 45 Views, 4 Votes ,4.80 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
ACADEMIC RESOURCES...   11/28/2006

Common Concerns:
*Time/energy involved in preparing classes? *Classroom management? *Will the students like me? *Learning styles? *School building culture?
Student teaching is time intensive, so organize your time accordingly. Set aside time in the day to prepare your lessons and plan for class. It is advisable to have a plan ready for your first full day of ...

0 Comments, 6 Views, 3 Votes ,5.39 Score
rhia1376 48 F
29  Articles
~~~ CLOSE DOORS ~~~   11/28/2006

Hello there friends!
I would like to share what I have read this morning. I just hope you will like it and learn to live your life into a right direction in experiencing our life's difficulties and struggles.
Praising God For Closed Doors by: David Langerfeld
We need to learn to praise the Lord as much for a closed door as we do an open door. The ...

0 Comments, 20 Views, 0 Votes
merry216 71 F
26  Articles
Walk with Faith!   11/26/2006

We always hear the song "Walk with Faith in your Heart and you'll never walk alone...."
Walk your path one step at a time - with courage, faith and determination. Keep your head up, and cast your dreams to the stars. Soon your steps will become firm and your footing will be always solid. A path that you never imagined will become the most comfortable ...

0 Comments, 35 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
rhia1376 48 F
29  Articles
~~~ CANCER CELL ~~~   11/24/2006

Hello friends! I know some already know this information but other don't. So I am posting it here so that you will be able to be aware of where is cancer came from and how we can get rid of it or how we can avoid from having it. I am concern with your health that is why I am posting the article here. Godbless!

1 Comments, 43 Views, 3 Votes ,3.92 Score
rhia1376 48 F
29  Articles
~~~ ANNOYING BEHAVIOR ~~~   11/23/2006

Hello there friends!

I would just like to share this to you. A thought to live by as our guide. Godbless!

Annoying behavior There are plenty of alternatives to being annoyed. If someone else is doing something that has the potential to annoy you, you actually have a choice. You can choose to be annoyed, but why would you choose that? ...

0 Comments, 20 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
gorgeous777 43 F
1  Article
Accept What Is Done Is Done   11/20/2006

People make mistakes. Sometimes very serious ones. As often as not, the mistakes aren't deliberate or personal. Sometimes people just don't know what they are doing. This means that if, in the past, people have behaved badly toward you, it wasn't necessarily because they meant to be horrible, but because they were as naïve, as foolish, as human as the rest of us. They made mistakes in the ...

0 Comments, 11 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
Quote of Love!   11/16/2006

In the midst of great joy, do not promise anything. In the midst of great anger, do not answer anyone's letter....

0 Comments, 27 Views, 4 Votes ,5.19 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
LOVE QUOTES...   11/16/2006

"A vision without the ability to executes is probably a hallucination".

Plans are useless if you will not do it. Better to do it so that you can reach it for your life.

0 Comments, 52 Views, 3 Votes ,5.39 Score
merry216 71 F
26  Articles
How to detect a 2-way Mirror   11/14/2006

HOW TO DETECT A TWO WAY MIRROR Do the simple test at home so you know. Try it with a 'regular' mirror, and you can easily see what the gap means.
This is a must read!!
Do you know how to determine if a mirror is 2-way or not? This is not to scare you, but to make you aware.
When we visit toilets, bathrooms, hotel rooms, changing ...

0 Comments, 46 Views, 2 Votes ,4.50 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
Put Hands To God.........   11/12/2006

We may have problems to remember, but don't worry, I will alawys beside you to help you and endure the pain and may talk and listen to you. But put it first in the hands of GOD....

0 Comments, 22 Views, 4 Votes ,5.57 Score
MatrixExplorer 47 M
18  Articles
Press On   11/10/2006

The world will tell you that the dominating influence in your life is your past. If you came from a difficult home life, that will determine the direction of your life. If your culture was treated unfairly, that will dictate the condition of your life today. If you were hurt or abused or if your youth was spent in rebellion, the remainder of your life will be spent struggling with your ...

1 Comments, 29 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
MatrixExplorer 47 M
18  Articles
If You Fear Criticism   11/8/2006

Let us examine some of the symptoms of the fear of criticism. The majority of people permit relatives, friends and the public at large to influence them that they cannot live their own life, because they fear criticism. Huge numbers of people make mistakes in marriage or in any relationship, standby the bargain, and go through life miserable and unhappy, because they fear criticism which ...

0 Comments, 67 Views, 3 Votes ,4.41 Score
rhia1376 48 F
29  Articles

An enlightening read…
This is an interview with Rick Warren, "Purpose Driven Life " author and pastor of Saddleback Church in California. His wife now has cancer, and he now has "wealth" from the book sales.
In the interview by Paul Bradshaw with Rick Warren, Rick said:
People ask me, What is the purpose of life? And I respond: In a nutshell, life is ...

0 Comments, 37 Views, 0 Votes
pinay_magiting 52 F
40  Articles
‘Bifurcated’ All Soul’s Day   11/3/2006

Here's something that to me is worth reading.
By Juan L. Mercado
“WE GIVE back to You who first gave them to us: our faithful dead, whose beauty and truth are even now in our hearts.” –Rufus Ellis
“All Souls Day is, what’s the word now? Bifurcated, ” the wife said at a Halloween dinner here. ...

0 Comments, 15 Views, 5 Votes ,5.75 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
TRUE LOVE QUOTES....   11/1/2006

"There is only one thing that lasts longer than time, and that is true love." ...

0 Comments, 17 Views, 3 Votes ,5.39 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
TELLING THE TRUTH!!!   11/1/2006

Telling the truth is good medicine. The health of your heart, mind, and body depends so much on being honest. ...

0 Comments, 302 Views, 3 Votes ,5.39 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
Quotable Quotes.....   11/1/2006

Setting a good example for your soed not but increases their embarrassment....

0 Comments, 14 Views, 3 Votes ,5.39 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
What Looks you must prefer?   10/31/2006

All people have looks in lives and we have looks by seeing to each others specially about the matters of LOVE.
If you have a gf/bf/lovers/friends, ,, can you say and tell that..what looks you must prefer? Which of this outer looks or in inner looks?

1 Comments, 90 Views, 4 Votes ,5.57 Score
MatrixExplorer 47 M
18  Articles
GUARD YOUR HEART   10/30/2006

Our heart's condition will be expressed through our life. It will be evident by our attitudes, our words, and our behavior. We can clearly see others only when our own eyes are unobstructed If our heart is hindered by being obnoxious or having obstacles in life, our vision will be affected you will not look at others properly.
If your heart is pure, you will approach life without ...

0 Comments, 106 Views, 5 Votes ,4.12 Score
MatrixExplorer 47 M
18  Articles
One who loves truly can never lose entirely   10/29/2006

Memories of love never pass. They linger, guide and influence long after the source of stimulation has faded. Every person who has been moved by genuine love knows that it leave enduring traces upon human hearth. The effect of loves endures because love is spiritual in nature. The man who cannot stimulate to great height of achievement by love is hopeless he is dead, though he may seem to ...

0 Comments, 74 Views, 4 Votes ,4.41 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
"Two Hearts"   10/25/2006

"Two hearts that have been merged is marriage; two souls that have been merged is fate." ...

0 Comments, 6 Views, 3 Votes ,5.39 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
Why is this scary?   10/25/2006

The answer is simple. Love can be destructive. Love, blind love, can ruin your life.
Yes, some kind of love is blind love. This kind of love is infatuation.
True love or real love, is constructive and upbuilding. True love is

Realistic Compassionate Considerate Unselfish Practical and down-to-earth
Blind love or infatuation is ...

0 Comments, 13 Views, 4 Votes ,5.57 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
Free Love Relationship Advices.   10/25/2006

If you are in love relationship, or are interested in love relationship, it is important to know what things to look out for to avoid emotional problems. Love relationship advices you'll find below will help you to protect yourself from getting hurt. Be careful if:
Love relationship advice 1: Love asks you to retell your biography, wants too much information about you right ...

0 Comments, 34 Views, 4 Votes ,4.41 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
Never Say Goodbye & Give Up....   10/19/2006

Never say goodbye if you still want to Try. Never give up if you still feel you can Go on. Never say you don’t love a person if you can’t let go.

0 Comments, 46 Views, 4 Votes ,4.41 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
Love Quote......   10/19/2006

Don’t say goodbye. Don’t make Cry, Just walk away if you have to go.You will break my heart but I promise I won’t ever let you know.

1 Comments, 13 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
Free Love Relationship Advices.   10/16/2006

"If you are in love relationship, or are interested in love relationship, it is important to know what things to look out for to avoid emotional problems. Love relationship advices you'll find below will help you to protect yourself from getting hurt. Be careful if:"
1: Love asks you to retell your biography, wants too much information about you right away. Unless you are sure ...

0 Comments, 10 Views, 3 Votes ,5.39 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
What Parents Can Do About Cheating?   10/16/2006

For a in the middle years, parents need to identify and deal with any cheating episodes in order to teach him right from wrong. For example, if he is caught cheating at school - a common phenomenon - sit down with him and discuss the seriousness of this infraction. Talk about the kinds of stresses and pressures he may be feeling, including your own expectations for success. Excessive ...

0 Comments, 18 Views, 4 Votes ,4.80 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
Catch a Cheating Spouse or Lover...   10/16/2006

How To Catch Your Cheating Lover
How You Can Quickly and Easily Discover If Your Lover Is Cheating On You... Who the Other Person Is...How Long It's Been Going On...Where They're Doing It...When They're Doing It... And Why It Has Never Failed

How To Catch A Cheating Spouse
At last! You're About to Learn the ...

5 Comments, 72 Views, 4 Votes ,5.57 Score
pinay_magiting 52 F
40  Articles
GILAS: Gearing Up Internet Literacy and Access for Students   10/14/2006

A FEW days ago, a close friend of mine in the organization where I belong approached me and requested for my help to chair the GILAS project. GILAS is Gearing Up Internet Literacy and Access for Students. It’s one of the various programs for public high schools by the Department of Education, Department of Science and Technology and the Department of Trade and ...

1 Comments, 30 Views, 9 Votes ,5.14 Score


1. Learn to air your feelings.
Don't keep them bottled up inside you. Share your sorrows and disappointments with someone you trust. Remember, expressed feelings are changed feelings.
2. Avoid comparing yourself with others by admiring their gifts and ignoring your gifts.
This kind of envy ...

1 Comments, 30 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
BREAKFAST........   10/13/2006

I have a special breakfast for you! A glass of CARE A plate of LOVE A spoon of PEACE, A fork of TRUST, and A bowl of PRAYERS. Enjoy your breakfast!!!...

0 Comments, 13 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
Treasure Love....   10/13/2006

When you find love treasure it, take care of it, be true to ti, be good to it, because LOVE comes unseen you can only see it when its gone..........................!!!!!!!!...

0 Comments, 23 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
QUOTES...   10/9/2006

"In the game of love it doesn't really matter, who win or lose, what's important, is that you know when to hold on and when to let go. It's presence of LOVE that makes us want to love".
Now, what are the explaination about this quote?

0 Comments, 12 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
pinay_magiting 52 F
40  Articles
MuKha: A Song Cycle   10/9/2006

IN HER first exhibit of works inspired by the Palaw’an (a group of indigenous people living in Palawan province) script, the Philippine-born, France-based artist MuKha presented two series of brush and ink drawings that celebrated the Asian traditions of calligraphic art. MuKha has chosen Palawan to exhibit these works on paper as a way to honor the people and celebrate the place ...

2 Comments, 24 Views, 10 Votes ,5.38 Score
pinay_magiting 52 F
40  Articles
Too HOT to HANDLE   10/9/2006

THERE'S an interesting topic brought out in the Magazine here just a day or so ago. The focus was about the HANDLES (monikers) people use here in FFF. I find the topic EXCELLENT and thought-provoking because I wasn't REALLY RESPONSIBLE for my being a standard member here.
My membership in FFF was a BIG JOKE played on me by one of my friends who wanted to put a bit of LUNACY... ...

9 Comments, 99 Views, 13 Votes ,4.82 Score
dguy40 58 M
7  Articles
There's no such thing as Luck   10/6/2006

Every now and then, anywhere, it is most probable that you will hear somebody remarking/exclaiming luck. The truth is there's no such thing as it PREPARATION and OPPORTUNITY.

0 Comments, 18 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
QUOTABLES QUOTES....   10/5/2006

At the heart of Internet culture is a force that wants to find out everything about you....

2 Comments, 16 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
BE VULNERABLE...   10/5/2006

A person's level of security is in direct proportion to his ability to admit his insecurity.
"Let down your guard and rest your head on the shoulder of a friend".

0 Comments, 64 Views, 3 Votes ,5.39 Score
pinay_magiting 52 F
40  Articles
Flippant   10/5/2006

There have been many times in my life where I've been in and out of situations that really dares my mental and physical ability to remain calm and compose -- without winds or storms -- so to speak. These conditions have, in one way or another, involved my friends, families, environment, work, my unseen enemies and others in no particular order.
When they get to ...

2 Comments, 42 Views, 8 Votes ,3.94 Score
..loving....advise   10/5/2006

"..when your feelings get strong for someone, its always wise to stop for a while and give your heart a time to breathe... a time to use your mind, to weigh the situation based on reason not on emotion...because the saddest thing that can happen is when one falls in-love while the other wants nothing more than friendship...Love can sometimes be magic but magic can sometimes be an ...

3 Comments, 46 Views, 2 Votes ,3.12 Score
...absence.....   10/5/2006

"....always make your absence felt, in such a way dat somebody misses you, but let not your absence be so long that somebody starts learning to live without you...."

0 Comments, 22 Views, 0 Votes
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
Travelling with the WHOLE Family...   10/5/2006

Do you have any tried-and-true strategies for road-tripping with grandparents, or ideas for planning a crowd-pleasing family-reunion getaway? If you have secrets for successful group trips -- from simple packing tips to great games and activities for a multi-age gathering -- we would love to hear them.

0 Comments, 14 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
diosodra 52 F
1  Article
Holding Thier Tongue   10/3/2006

Some people should know who they are dealing with before they go "looking" for trouble, especially if they have hopes of clearing immigration one day!

4 Comments, 143 Views, 7 Votes ,3.04 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
How to be successful model   10/1/2006

Don't get a tattoo Fashion is all about change, tattoos are permanent, having a tattoo can't help you get a mainstream modelling job, it's more likely to stop you getting hired....

2 Comments, 36 Views, 4 Votes ,2.47 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
Go Out Dating...   10/1/2006

1. Travel home with friends if possible. If you have to walk alone carry a personal alarm. You should be able to find one locally. If not your local police station should be able to advise where you can purchase one.
2. If you think someone is following you, check by crossing the street. If they follow, get to a busy place and phone the police.
3. Walk ...

1 Comments, 36 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
Break-up Advice   10/1/2006

Break-up behavior is very predictable and the pain of a breakup could be avoided or solved. Using the theory of Love Economics, dating problems could be analyzed and solved by influencing the variables of the Breakup Model. Once you know how to influence these variables, you will be able to give yourself and others break-up advice.

0 Comments, 28 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
pinay_magiting 52 F
40  Articles
I Have A Big God!   10/1/2006

I had a wonderful time listening to the the Gospel this morning in Church, and the subject was dealing with problems.
Problems, who has none? All of us have no ...

1 Comments, 48 Views, 7 Votes ,3.30 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
Don't Find Love...   10/1/2006

Don't find love, let it find you, that's why its all called "falling in love" because you don't force yourself to fool, you just fool....

0 Comments, 19 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
On and OFF....   9/30/2006

You go to your TV to turn your brain off. You go to the COMPUTER when you want to turn your brain on....

3 Comments, 49 Views, 3 Votes ,5.39 Score
twent47blue 57 F
121  Articles
Praying   9/29/2006

The shortest distance between a problem and it's solution is the distance between the knees and the floor, the one who kneels to God can stand up to anything!...

2 Comments, 33 Views, 6 Votes ,5.93 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
Learn To Keep Confidence!   9/28/2006

The human heart has hidden treasures in secret kept and silence sealed. :The trust of a friend is a terrible thing to waste"....

0 Comments, 9 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
twent47blue 57 F
121  Articles
Real Love   9/28/2006

Love is not how much you can get, but how much you can give, it's not about giving up but holding on, not about how you say I love you but you show that it's true....

1 Comments, 23 Views, 11 Votes ,6.72 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles

FORGIVENESS. - Use as generously as you can! RESPECT. - This ingredients is at its best when it works both ways. INSPIRATION. - This will cause your friendship to rise above the rest, because of its spirit- lifting properties. One heaping portion of Encouragement ---------- ...

0 Comments, 41 Views, 3 Votes ,5.39 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
Can Be Love Be Painfull??....   9/24/2006

Can Be Love Be Painfull??....

When I feel love I always feel failure.. I can't Explain if is love is miserable... How can I ask myself if myself is wrong... How it I feel love when my life always go wrong.. I always keep telling myself that I will not feel love anymore... My question in my Self Can be LOve be painfull??????....

0 Comments, 19 Views, 7 Votes ,1.00 Score
twent47blue 57 F
121  Articles
Love Is LIke A Shoe   9/24/2006

Love is like shoes which come from different boxes, some loose, some tight, and there are those that fit just right. They help you walk through life...babe, thanks for being my size!...

3 Comments, 36 Views, 7 Votes ,4.06 Score
twent47blue 57 F
121  Articles
Ten Guidlines From God   9/21/2006

Effective Immediately, please be aware that there are changes YOU need to make in YOUR life. These changes need to be completed in order that I may fulfill My promises to you to grant you peace, joy and happiness in this life. I apologize for any inconvenience, but after all that I am doing, this seems very little to ask of you. Please, follow these 10 guidelines


0 Comments, 14 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
pinay_magiting 52 F
40  Articles
Agree or Disagree? Spin-A-Win!!!   9/20/2006

I HAVE been thinking...
Well, I've been giving some really, really wild thoughts to the whole idea of writing a book as of late (I've also been giving some thought to winning the Bingo Extravaganza, and well it hasn't got me anywhere -- not even a step closer to where it is here in my City ) and it came to me while I was playing Monopoly in my Uncle Big's wake last night that if ...

0 Comments, 10 Views, 3 Votes ,4.90 Score
ABigOne 64 M
1  Article
Love Hurts   9/18/2006

Is it love that hurts us? NO, rather true love is the very thing that helps people get through our hurts. The hurt comes from the heartache in this world. The hurt comes from the things people say and do. The hurt comes from ourselves as we break everything we touch. The problem is not love, the problem is our own inability to truely love others. For if we were able to truely love others ...

1 Comments, 67 Views, 1 Votes ,1.10 Score
twent47blue 57 F
121  Articles
The Player   9/17/2006

Every once in awhile you meet people along the way that gives an impact on your life. But, better be careful, you may never know who you might end up with, and what kind of person you might end up with.
People are by nature, lonely, always seeking out the right partner or companion to keep them company or spend the rest of their life with. They don't expect much, they don't ...

3 Comments, 46 Views, 7 Votes ,6.10 Score
faithfullyyours 54 F
18  Articles

1. No Breakfast
People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.
2. Overeating
It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.
3. Smoking
It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to ...

1 Comments, 67 Views, 3 Votes ,2.94 Score
deva_shyne 60 F
331  Articles
IF YOU WANT HAVE   9/15/2006

If you want to have what you've never had, then you must do what you've never done. If you only do what you've always been doing, you will only have what you've always been having......

5 Comments, 48 Views, 8 Votes ,1.39 Score
pinay_magiting 52 F
40  Articles
Love Letters   9/14/2006

You love him/her but don't know how to say it. The minute you see your beloved, your tongue gets stuck. So what do you do? Simple, write a love letter. Sure, in the age of email and fax, writing love letters seems to be completely passé but trust me, the formula still works. Even if you are going steady but live away from your partner, a handwritten letter is sure to please ...

0 Comments, 24 Views, 8 Votes ,3.94 Score
pinay_magiting 52 F
40  Articles
Coping with Death   9/13/2006

"It is foolish to be afraid of death. JUST THINK!!! No more repaired tires on the body vehicle, no more patchwork living." -- Paramhansa Yogananda
The time now, 10:46 p.m., (while I am writing this) feels like all water have left my body. My eyes are swollen from crying since this morning, and my whole being feels numb -- unable to feel any sensation other ...

0 Comments, 21 Views, 9 Votes ,3.64 Score
pretty39 45 F
1  Article
first meet   9/13/2006

i always asked myself, do i need to meet this man, who i only met in net? is he gentle or danger? many question on my mind,

5 Comments, 92 Views, 2 Votes ,3.12 Score
twent47blue 57 F
121  Articles
Lingerie Can Boost Your Self Esteem   9/11/2006

Do you think about about buying sexy, silky underwear but instead end up settling for practical cotton panties or whatever is on sale? Then it's time to get more intimate with your apparel. My challenge to you: Leave the boring drawers in your top drawer. For one week wear nothing but sexy lingerie whether you are going to work, the gym or your man's place. Few ...

4 Comments, 88 Views, 12 Votes ,5.10 Score
pinay_magiting 52 F
40  Articles
Sharing Bed   9/9/2006

Tsk, tsk, tsk, what is this? Bad news for men or women?
One of the "survey news" I recently read supplied that sharing a bed with someone could temporarily reduce your brain power -- at least if you are a man
I don't know if you'll agree with Prof. Gerhard Kloesch and colleagues at the University of Vienna. But they said that when men spend the night ...

2 Comments, 91 Views, 12 Votes ,3.33 Score
pinay_magiting 52 F
40  Articles
Acrophobic You   9/9/2006

Like many others, I am afraid of heights too. Well, not afraid as in really afraid because I have no fear of airplanes... but sometimes, I do get intimidated.
There was one time I was in Malaysia, and I fell so utterly besotted with the grandiose of the Petronas Twin Towers, but sadly, no amount of cajoling would make me brave my panic and climb it. Every night ...

1 Comments, 61 Views, 10 Votes ,2.99 Score
Lil_Melon 43 F
51  Articles
Life goes on   9/9/2006

Thank God for strength, determination, motivation, and the will power to prove others wrong...No anger, No bitterness, No resentment...but acceptance. Acceptance to handle what has been given to us (me) and what we can not change. Everything happens for a reason right? I just wish I knew what the reason was now, as opposed to finding it out in the future. We always want to make sense out of ...

0 Comments, 40 Views, 4 Votes ,0.92 Score
mr_rite4u 60 M
2  Articles
The USA is not what many filipinas expect it ot be   9/8/2006

Many filipinas seem to love the idea of the opportuniies offered in the US and many filipinas will love to come here.
I will like to reveal to you, the US is not exactly as you may expect it too be.
we have many problems in the IS that you filipinos dont have in RP.. for example: most Americans can not afford to have a nanny, a maid a cook or a driver.., we must do it ...

2 Comments, 78 Views, 6 Votes ,2.51 Score
twent47blue 57 F
121  Articles
Reflections   9/8/2006

Reflecting on ones life we see our errors To learn from them is growth and power We ask God's grace in daily prayer Face the facts and never cower
We try to help the younger ones in daily lessons They are new and open to learning Knowledge is change we forever grow For they are ever yearning
Anger is a useless emotion Best to be kind and forgiving All ...

0 Comments, 101 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
twent47blue 57 F
121  Articles
Truth Hurts   9/7/2006

I know way too many really beautiful girls who think they don't look good... It hurts... because it's our fault, guys I mean. We make girls feel like they have to be perfect. You know what I mean, flat stomach, big boobs, round booty, long legs, sexy lips, and on top of all that, they have to dress like a , and be one as well... nobody can measure up to that... and its ...

0 Comments, 17 Views, 4 Votes ,5.57 Score
stephie24 44 F
1  Article
pARENTS TO HARD to get...   9/4/2006

i can't really understand y parents are too choosy.. y can't they let thier do wwaht they wanted to do as long as its not harmful or bad.

0 Comments, 2 Views, 0 Votes
twent47blue 57 F
121  Articles
Wise Words To Live By   9/1/2006

Only the man without desire Sees without seeing, Speaks without speaking, Knows without knowing.
Ashtavakra Gita 18:90

2 Comments, 39 Views, 4 Votes ,5.57 Score
rhia1376 48 F
29  Articles
~~~ ALL WORK NO REST ~~~   8/28/2006

Take a few minutes of your busy schedule to read and reflect on the content of the message hereunder.

A long time ago, there was an Emperor who told his horseman that if he could ride on his and cover as much land area as he likes, then the Emperor would give him the area of land he has covered. Sure enough, the horseman quickly jumped onto his and ...

2 Comments, 49 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
pinay_magiting 52 F
40  Articles
Unconditional Love? Why?   8/27/2006

Talk about "unconditional love" and you always find yourself in that seemingly raised platform having perpetual arguments with people who pretend they know better about it.
I've had experiences, and often, I'd just keep myself under control so as not to offend anyone with my own opinion. I won't be a know-it-all, for getting to know unconditional love is a long ...

0 Comments, 51 Views, 11 Votes ,4.10 Score
Lil_Melon 43 F
51  Articles
The One That Got Away   8/20/2006

In your life, you'll make note of a lot of people. Ones with whom you shared something special, ones who will always mean something. There's the one you first kissed, the one you first loved, the one you lost your virginity to, the one you put on a pedestal, the one you're with, and the one that got away.
Who is the one that got away? I guess it's that person with who ...

2 Comments, 558 Views, 38 Votes ,7.64 Score
American men think filipinas are especially good in bed   8/17/2006

Here in the Washington DC area there are many caucasian American men who have VERY favorable attitudes toward filipinas as lovers....
And that's good for us because they tend to be more considerate (i.e. be sure that we have orgasms before they cum) and treat us more respectfully in public........
My problem is how to meet them...Any suggestions?

0 Comments, 45 Views, 0 Votes
Profiles.....READ THEM PROPERLY   8/13/2006

I have just received a profile from a person claiming to be in the USA giving me an email address in Russia. This person has read my profile ( I checked ) without fully comprehending it byr stating that i am the partner that she is looking for in life.
Profile for ???? reads as follows
Most of my friends would say I have a (dominant/easy-going/shy/other) personality. ...

1 Comments, 54 Views, 3 Votes ,0.49 Score
twent47blue 57 F
121  Articles
Full Circle   8/3/2006

I know that we are going in the right direction. Just going with the flow of things. Thank you for all the love and understanding. Thank you for your effort and patience. It is highly appreciated. We love each other and that is all that matters. Everything will fall right into place. God has special plans for the both of us. If it is God's will. So be it....

2 Comments, 69 Views, 5 Votes ,5.75 Score
Lil_Melon 43 F
51  Articles
World would be a lovelier place to live in...   8/2/2006

When you truly love someone, you don't care about their flaws, you see past them. You love them for who they are, despite the negative. Sometimes, those that you love may hurt you and it may be difficult to forgive them, but you do it anyway just because you love them. Sometimes you allow yourself to be hurt, knowing full well that it was intentional, but your love is too strong to be ...

0 Comments, 75 Views, 9 Votes ,5.14 Score
Lil_Melon 43 F
51  Articles
LOVE   7/30/2006

For all you people who say "I love you" when you have no clue what love is exactly!!! something to ponder upon.....
Are your palms sweaty, is your heart racing and is your voice caught within your chest? It isn't love, it's like.
You can't keep your eyes or hands off of them, am I right? It isn't love, it's lust.
Are you proud, and eager to show them off? ...

1 Comments, 82 Views, 5 Votes ,5.43 Score
vvian31 47 F
2  Articles
"What I've Learned."   7/29/2006

What I've Learned As I Matured... I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in. I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just jerks. I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and it only takes suspicion, not proof, to destroy it. I've learned that you can get by on charm for about fifteen ...

0 Comments, 1172 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
vvian31 47 F
2  Articles
"To all my Girl friends!!"   7/29/2006

Message: To all my girl friends!!! Just by any chance, does this work the other way around too? lol
True, indeed, as guys, sometimes we are way too simple minded. But, not all guys were like that. There was a time when some were actual gentlemen, honorable guys who showed respect to girls. But they couldn't understand why was it that the girl of their dreams, who wanted a ...

0 Comments, 35 Views, 0 Votes
Ihab5 48 M
3  Articles
How to disable a STOLEN-LOST mobile phone?   7/27/2006

Dail the following digits keys on your Cell phone: *#06# A 15 digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique to your handset. Write it down and KEEP it somewhere safe. When your phone get stolen or lost, you can phone your service prvider and give them this code, They will then be able to block your handset so even if the thief changes the SIM card, your ...

1 Comments, 26 Views, 3 Votes ,4.41 Score
Lil_Melon 43 F
51  Articles
Ignorance is bliss   7/23/2006

Memories and pictures fix in place fleeting moments - but remember that they cannot hold on to the actual moment itself, because you can never have those moments again. They only let you remember that they existed - they don't exist anymore, and never will again. They're dead. Finished.

ANYWAY - that was just a nice little fyi there. Just wanted to remind you not to ...

0 Comments, 15 Views, 4 Votes ,3.63 Score
Lil_Melon 43 F
51  Articles
LIFE   7/18/2006

what my Dad taught me in playing chess
-always be polite, mature, respectful, and a good sport to your opponent and everyone around you..they're trying to concentrate on the game too -help out your partner if they need it -spend the beginning of the game building a good defense -use your best pieces throughout the whole game, and not just one or two of them -be patient and ...

0 Comments, 19 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
Ihab5 48 M
3  Articles

Today after office hours, I heard from my friend that there is a new way to women. It happened to one of our good friends. The girl left the office after working hours and saw a little crying on the road. Feeling pity for the , she went and asks what happened. The said, "I am lost. Can you ...

0 Comments, 124 Views, 10 Votes ,4.58 Score
10 commandments of Love   7/17/2006

Love 1. Love does not hurt. Physical and/or emotional abuse is not a part of love.
2. Love is not manipulative; it should not be used to get others to do what you want. You should never give in to demands based on the, "You would do it if you loved me!" tactic.
3. Love is an intense feeling of caring for another person. It can take many different forms (romantic, ...

1 Comments, 139 Views, 5 Votes ,3.47 Score
Mind Games   7/17/2006

I want to have the power to read people’s minds. That’s what I’d ask. If a magician ever came up to me and asked what supernatural power I’d like to have. Imagine how much time and effort I would save if I knew right away what people were thinking! If I had that knowledge, I would always end up a winner. You see, the problem with the world today is that people ...

0 Comments, 8 Views, 1 Votes
jannahchelsey 44 F
9  Articles
The Art of Flirting   7/14/2006

Flirting is the way most people determine whether or not a member of the opposite sex is interested in them. Following is a quick outline on how you should go about the complex, sometimes fun, sometimes not so fun, task of flirting. It all beings with your approach.
The Approach
One person approaches the other. They move into closer physical proximity. This much is ...

0 Comments, 33 Views, 1 Votes ,3.70 Score
jannahchelsey 44 F
9  Articles
Finding your SOULMATE   7/10/2006

Sure, we all dream about meeting the right person. . . the one that we are meant to be with forever. Dreaming about it is all fun and easy, but the real question is, where do you find this soul mate of yours? Fate? Well yes, if you believe in fate, then yes, it will have something to do with it, but not without effort on your part. Fate needs you to give it direction so that as a team, you ...

0 Comments, 97 Views, 8 Votes ,5.56 Score
jannahchelsey 44 F
9  Articles
On Online Dating: For Reals or a Waste of Time   7/10/2006

With all the online dating that goes on today, it is difficult to say who is serious and who is just playing with your emotions and wasting your time. Many become victims of false love online, believing they have finally found someone special who truly understands them and sees them in a way no one was ever able to see them before, only find out that they were being toyed with emotionally, ...

0 Comments, 64 Views, 6 Votes ,4.22 Score
Lil_Melon 43 F
51  Articles
Wisdom...   7/3/2006

WORDS OF WISDOM... A man's worth is measured by the quality of his friends... One of the hardest things to do in life is, to tell someone you like you love them... The best friends are made in the worst situations... Love only proves that you are not tough enough to live life alone... A prayer may allow you to speak to God, but it also allows the Devil to know your weaknesses... Hate ...

1 Comments, 66 Views, 3 Votes ,4.90 Score
jannahchelsey 44 F
9  Articles
60 Words and Phrases Men Wanted To Hear   6/26/2006

The interesting thing about getting the love you deserve is that you have a great deal of influence in the kind of love you get. Most times, the love one gets is a function of the kind of love one gives. And when it comes to love, communication is the fuel that fans its flame. The words you choose can be the difference between a relationship where there is constant drama or one that is ...

1 Comments, 45 Views, 1 Votes ,3.70 Score
jannahchelsey 44 F
9  Articles
WORDS OF WISDOM   6/25/2006

Words of wisdom Here is a collection of timeless words of wisdom to help guide you in romance, relationships, and love.
Even sunshine burns sometimes.
Chocolate is like a bandaid. It can make your problems feel much better for awhile until it falls off or you run out.
The one who loves you will not make you cry alone at night thinking about him/her. They will ...

0 Comments, 16 Views, 1 Votes ,3.70 Score
jannahchelsey 44 F
9  Articles
RULES FOR LOVE   6/25/2006

Never allow your partner or yourself to denigrate the other.
You must have personal respect and consideration for yourself.
Everyone deserves respect and love, but you can't expect to get it unless you give it.
If you allow your partner to disparage you, expect to hear other damaging words.
Whatever you are willing to accept is exactly what ...

1 Comments, 27 Views, 0 Votes
jannahchelsey 44 F
9  Articles
101 ways to say I LOVE YOU...   6/25/2006

101 ways to say "I love you" Those three little words, "I Love You", hold a lot of meaning, but there's more ways to say them than you think. Here are 101 different ways for you to verbally express your love to your sweetheart.
I adore you. I am infatuated with you. I appreciate you. I can't live without you. I can't stop thinking about you when ...

1 Comments, 52 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
What is your No. Question to a Prospective Partner?   6/22/2006

Most of us know how to go on dating but never realize what is the most important factor to determine if you two will go out on a date, courtship, later to be in a relationship and towards marriage?
Not everyone knows their own self. Every time that a relationship is broke, each just yelled or separated and not even think what had happened in the affair?
I think that if you ...

0 Comments, 14 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
Dapnoi2envy 44 M
2  Articles
so true   6/20/2006

Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they'll love you back! Don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart but if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours. It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

0 Comments, 28 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
Saint9 113 M
22  Articles
To Those Who Are...   6/19/2006

To Those Who Are.... HEARTBROKEN.... Heartbreaks last as long as you want and cut deep as you allow them to go. The challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to learn from them.
To Those Who Are.... STILL HOLDING ON.... A sad thing about life is that when you meet someone who means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was never bound to be and we ...

0 Comments, 22 Views, 3 Votes ,1.96 Score
Saint9 113 M
22  Articles
The greatest pain in life   6/19/2006

Something to think about...
The greatest pain in life is not to die, but to be ignored.
To have people think that you don't care.
The greatest pain in life, is not to die, but to be forgotten.
To be left in the dust after another's great achievement.
To never get a call from a friend, just saying "hi".
When you show someone your ...

0 Comments, 59 Views, 3 Votes ,2.94 Score
Smallville2006 46 M
7  Articles
Now That I Have You!!!!   6/16/2006

All my life it seemed That something had been missing I didn't know what to do Days would pass me by Each as lonely as the other Until I met you
REFRAIN: You opened the door And let the sunshine in My life will never be the same again
CHORUS: Now that I have you Everything just seems so right Now that I have you I'm alive You are the song that ...

0 Comments, 12 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

It's not what you have, but what you enjoy that constitutes your abundance. Your real riches are riches in your head and heart.
Wealth without enjoyment is little consolation. True satisfaction comes from appreciating what you have.
There are two ways of being happy: you must either diminish your wants or augment your means. It's always better to appreciate ...

1 Comments, 84 Views, 7 Votes ,2.79 Score
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

The only thing that stands between you and what you want from life, is the will to try it and the faith to believe that it's possible. In order to succeed, you must first believe you can.
The moment you carry the conviction of belief, in that moment your dream will become reality. The only true limit to your realization of tomorrow will be your doubts of today.

0 Comments, 13 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

It's not what you have, but what you enjoy that constitutes your abundance. Your real riches are riches in your head and heart.
Wealth without enjoyment is little consolation. True satisfaction comes from appreciating what you have.
There are two ways of being happy: you must either diminish your wants or augment your means. It's always better to appreciate ...

0 Comments, 8 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

To reach your goal or to attain success, you don't need to know all of the answers in advance. But you do need to have a clear idea of your goal.
Everyone who got where they are had to begin where they were. You are surrounded by opportunities.
Don't procrastinate when faced with difficult problems. Break those problems into parts, and handle one part at a time. ...

0 Comments, 13 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

If you wish to be free yourself from enslavement, you must choose freedom and the responsibility it entails. There's a price for every freedom, something to be given up for every liberty.
It's up to you to weigh the price you must pay for each of your freedoms. Everything you want has a price. There's a price you'll pay for changing things and a price you'll pay for ...

0 Comments, 10 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
JJ_philly 52 M
8  Articles
what ever it takes   6/1/2006

if you care let them know. actions do truelly speak louder than words. for a girl pay her the highest compliment you can pay a girl, kiss her feet. let her know you can be humble to her if she wants.

0 Comments, 40 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
Saint9 113 M
22  Articles
D`Saint's Code   6/1/2006

I wander in this cyber world, Came across a wizard from Oz. Enchanted by its beauty and intelligence, I reminisce my ordain for vengeance.
Not knowing what will I become, I continuously fall for its charm. As the Goddess keep to wonder, I mesmerize in a little tender.
Looking for the love so sad, That they and I never had. Flaming bells that makes a ...

0 Comments, 7 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
JJ_philly 52 M
8  Articles
just be honest   6/1/2006

everyone is out here for a reason. you should be true to what your looking for. communication is important.

0 Comments, 9 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
Being a closeted gay in family need some respect!   5/30/2006

It is so hard to hide your true feelings specially when your family are so conservative ? But what is more important to you? Pretend being who you are, or play the game of being not true to yourself? I am telling you, it is more happier to be who you are, atleast you can express your true feelings! You don't need approval of someone else, that's your life , you know what you want, and you ...

0 Comments, 44 Views, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score
iceyhot4u2love 46 F
10  Articles
let us pause for a moment and think...   5/29/2006

Today, before you think of saying any unkind word, think of some who can't speak. Before you complain about the food you eat, think of someone who has nothing to eat. Before you complain about life, think of someone who went too early to heaven. And when you are tired and complaining about your job, think of the unemployed, the disabled, and those who wished they had your ...

0 Comments, 15 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
sweet0327 51 F
17  Articles
To The Nice Guys   5/29/2006

COLOR crimson]] To every guy that's said, "Sex can wait." To every guy that's said, "You're beautiful." To every guy that was never too busy to drive across town to see her. To every guy that gives flowers and a card when she is sick. To every guy who has given her flowers just because. To every guy that said he would die for her. To every guy that really would. To every guy ...

0 Comments, 58 Views, 3 Votes ,3.92 Score
maye19 40 F
4  Articles
To all hu loves softdrinks........   5/28/2006

Message: Message: Have a look at the wrapper on a Coca- Cola 1.5 liter bottle and in the ingredients label you will find phosphoric acid in it. Minute quantities of ethylene glycol are also used (which is acknowledged in the soft drink world for making it really chill). This is popularly known as anti-freeze which prevents water from freezing at 0 deg C and instead drops it ...

0 Comments, 18 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

Sooner or later you'll encounter a crisis in your life, and how you meet it will determine your future happiness and success. Since the beginning of time, everyone has been called upon to meet such a crisis.
Close scrutiny will show you that most "crisis situations" are opportunities to either advance or stay where you are. Indeed, most changes in your life will be due to ...

0 Comments, 21 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. When you dare to face the things that scare you, you open the door to freedom and success.
Most of your obstacles would melt away if, instead of cowering before them or procrastinating about dealing with them, you would make up your mind to walk boldly through them.
Don't be afraid to take the steps you ...

0 Comments, 14 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

The first rule of success, and one that supersedes all others, is to have energy.
It's important to know how to concentrate it. You must focus your energy on important matters instead of frittering it away on meaningless things.
Nothing will add more power to your life than concentrating all of your energy on a limited set of goals. You must focus the full power of ...

0 Comments, 20 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

The golden opportunity you are seeking lies within you. It's not in your environment. It's not in luck or chance, or in the help of others. It's all in you.
There are opportunities all around you. If the door of opportunity appears closed, you must knock on it, and keep on knocking on it until it opens.
You must become an opener of doors. You can develop ...

0 Comments, 9 Views, 0 Votes
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

You must take the first step to win any race. The first step will take some effort and maybe some pain. But after that, everything you have to do is real-life movement. Once you're moving you must keep moving.
Create a definite plan for carrying out your desires and begin at once, whether you're ready or not, to put your plan into action.
If you can get up the courage to ...

0 Comments, 26 Views, 0 Votes
Questions Every Couple Should Ask...But Are Afraid Too!   5/19/2006

Before making a long-term commitment with someone you need to know that you are compatible. You need to make sure that you can live with their life views. The last thing you need is to invest years into a relationship, possibly even get married just to find out you have vastly different views towards educating , or whether women should work. I'm not saying there are right and wrong views. ...

0 Comments, 10 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
anje19 47 F
9  Articles
THE REAL BEAUTY   5/19/2006

You don't love someone because she is beautiful; she is beautiful because you love her. The person you're constantly comparing yourself to doesn't exist. You do, and you're beautiful. It's not the presence of someone that gives life a beautiful meaning, it's the way that someone touches your heart that gives life a beautiful meaning. Two halves have little choice but to join and yes, they ...

0 Comments, 20 Views, 0 Votes
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

First you make your habits, and then your habits make you. You become a slave to your constantly repeated acts. What at first you choose, at last compels.
Your habits are either the best of servants or the worst of masters. Your thoughts lead you on to a purpose, your purposes go forth in action.
Your actions form your habits. Your habits determine your ...

0 Comments, 10 Views, 0 Votes
Dates   5/16/2006

Keep your date entertained. Talk a lot, and cut them off if they try to interrupt you with their dumb comments. When you're trying to get your point across, feedback is unnecessary.

0 Comments, 43 Views, 0 Votes
Work   5/16/2006

Work is more important than your partner. If they think otherwise, they're trying o impede your success. It might be time to look for an upgrad, that's the truth.

0 Comments, 39 Views, 0 Votes
What does your parents thought you about love?   5/15/2006

Our parents are our first role models when it comes to relationships. The methods they used to navigate the pathways of romance leave a pretty permanent impression on our relationship viewpoints. Their experiences help us gain a better understanding of what to do and what not to do when it comes to love Can u share what pearls of wisdom you've learned from your parents?

0 Comments, 19 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

Where you are in your life today, you made an appointment to be there five years ago. Where you'll be five years from now will be determined by your actions today and in the future.
The first step toward getting somewhere is to decide that you're not going to stay where you are.
Analyze your life in terms of your environment. Are the things around you helping you ...

0 Comments, 13 Views, 1 Votes
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

Personal growth is the process of responding positively to change. It involves risk as you step from the known to the unknown.
All your growth will depend on your activity. Your strength and growth will come only through continuous effort and struggle. There will be no development without effort.
Trouble is the common denominator of living. It's the great equalizer ...

0 Comments, 34 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

If you don't run your own life, somebody else will. If you want to see a change for the better, you have to take things in your own hands.
To affect the outcome of anything, you must control the action at the point of decision making. You're in control of your life to the degree that you make the decisions.
If you let others make decisions for you, you have no ...

0 Comments, 19 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

All successful people became successful, because they gave some talent or ability in the service of others. You can contribute in some way to others, no matter how small your talent. You too, can become successful.
No one achieves success without being of service.
Successful people don't use others, other people use the successful, for above all, success is of ...

0 Comments, 14 Views, 0 Votes
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

Success is connected with continuous action. It's largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go. You're not finished when you're defeated, you're only finished when you quit.
The most important quality essential to success is perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature.
You can have a fresh start any time you choose, for "failure" is not in ...

0 Comments, 13 Views, 0 Votes
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

You can decide to alter the course of your life at any time. No one can ever take that away from you. You can do what you want to do and be who you want to be.
Nature is constantly at work around you. Character and destiny are her handiwork. She gives you love and hate, jealousy and reverence. You have the power to choose which impulse you follow.
While your ...

0 Comments, 6 Views, 0 Votes
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

Visualize what you want. See it, feel it, believe in it. Your mind is your mental workshop. You can build anything you want in it. The beginning of your success is in your imagination.
Make your mental blueprint and then begin construction. See things as you would have them be instead of as they are.
Use your imagination to perceive your new reality even when ...

0 Comments, 22 Views, 0 Votes
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

God did not intend for us to be all rich, beautiful, or great alone; but he does intend for us all to be friends.
Good times are even better when they're shared.
A good long talk can cure almost anything.
Everyone needs someone with whom to share her secrets.
Listening is just as important as talking.
An understanding friend is better than a ...

0 Comments, 55 Views, 0 Votes
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

Focus on your future, not your past. Prepare for your future, don't live in the past. Relish your good memories and use any bad ones as lessons in life.
Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can. The cards you're dealt in life are less important than the way you play them. Every day you face a new deck and new cards.
Carve out a niche for ...

0 Comments, 5 Views, 0 Votes
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

It's a universal law: You only get to keep what you give away. You must plant your seeds before you reap the harvest. The more you sow, the more you will reap. In giving to others, you will find yourself blessed.
The law works to give you back more then you have sown. The giver's harvest is always full. Those that obtain have little. Those who scatter have much.

0 Comments, 5 Views, 0 Votes
Champs_elysee33 55 M
28  Articles
Pass The Butter..................   5/10/2006

Found in The "Observer"
Pass the butter ~ ~ ~ ~ This is interesting.

DO YOU KNOW...the difference between margarine and butter?
Read on to the end...gets very interesting!
Both! Have the same ...

2 Comments, 107 Views, 5 Votes ,3.47 Score
forgetmenotso0o 47 F
3  Articles
Someone Who Really Cares   5/7/2006

Will I ever find that someone who really and truly cares for me? What If I don't? What should I do?...

2 Comments, 48 Views, 1 Votes ,3.70 Score
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

You don't have to buy from anyone. You don't have to work at any particular job. You don't have to participate in any given relationship. You can choose.
You steer the course you choose in the direction of where you want to be today, tomorrow, or in a distant time to come. You hold the tiller.
You can decide to alter the course of your life at any time. No one can ...

0 Comments, 8 Views, 0 Votes
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

You're special and unique among all the creatures on the planet earth. You've been endowed with the capacity and the power to create desirable pictures inside your mind and to find them automatically printed in the outer world of your environment.
You'll gradually grow into any condition you desire, provided you first make yourself in habitual mental attitude the person who ...

1 Comments, 38 Views, 4 Votes ,0.53 Score
Ravenbunny 39 F
4  Articles
Just read it   4/30/2006


0 Comments, 19 Views, 2 Votes ,4.50 Score
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

There can be no great courage when there is no confidence or assurance. Half the battle is in the conviction that you can accomplish what you undertake.
With practice you'll come to a point of competence in anything. You'll find yourself accomplishing your goals with grace and confidence.
It's then that you'll do things that you never dreamed you could do. ...

2 Comments, 80 Views, 5 Votes ,2.16 Score
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

If you don't run your own life, someone else will. You're in control of your life to the degree that you make decisions.
To control the outcome of anything, you control the action at the point of decision making. If you let others make decisions for you, you give up control. When you control the decisions, you control the actions.
Take charge of your life, so there ...

1 Comments, 57 Views, 4 Votes ,2.08 Score
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

If you're willing to pay the price, any of your circumstances will change. If you want something badly enough, you're sure to get it. The key to success is desire.
Obstacles don't matter very much. Pain, circumstances or other challenges can be there. But if you want to do something bad enough, you'll find a way to get it done.
Your desire will in time externalize ...

0 Comments, 18 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

You were built to conquer your environment, solve problems, and achieve goals. You'll find no real satisfaction or happiness in life without obstacles to conquer and goals to achieve.
True happiness lies in activity. It's a running river not a stagnant pond. Happiness is not in having or being, it's in doing something you love.
The secret of happiness is in having ...

0 Comments, 10 Views, 0 Votes
Pinay2000_4_U 112 F
2  Articles
"Flying Solo"   4/27/2006

"Flying Solo"
Even if I’m single because I've split up with my partner, it doesn't mean that life has to be an ordeal. It hasn't suddenly transformed me into half a person, lacking something essential. I think of it as a wealth of new opportunities instead.
Being over 40 and ...

0 Comments, 59 Views, 1 Votes ,3.70 Score
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

Your obstacles will always look large or small to you according to whether you are large or small.
Understanding this will give you the courage necessary to overcome your problems. Courage gives you the capacity to confront what can be imagined. It gives you the ability to rise above reality.
Face your difficulties directly and you'll always win. You are ...

0 Comments, 8 Views, 0 Votes
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

Your aspirations are your possibilities. If you want to be big, you have to think big. Your only limits are those of vision. The more you can dream, the more you can be.
Don't ever stop dreaming. For when you cease dreaming, you cease living.
Cherish your dreams for they are the blueprints to your ultimate success. If you don't have a dream, how are you going ...

0 Comments, 11 Views, 0 Votes
rarelioness 53 F
5  Articles
Agree or Disagree?   4/25/2006

People seldom says I Love you, but when they do... it's either too late or the love has gone, but when we say I Love u, it doesn't mean you have to stay but wish you wouldn't go.....

0 Comments, 9 Views, 0 Votes
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

Every situation, properly perceived, becomes an opportunity. But you have to act on them if you're going to be successful.
Distant pastures always look greener than those close at hand, but real opportunities are right where you are. You must simply take advantage of them when they appear. You can start where you are at any time.
Success is all around you. It's not ...

0 Comments, 20 Views, 0 Votes
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

No matter what the level of your ability is, you have more potential than you can ever develop in a lifetime.
Don't think about the things you can't do. Think about the things you can do. There is no such thing as no chance.
You have powers you never dreamed of. You can do things you never thought you could do. There are no limitations to what you can do except ...

0 Comments, 13 Views, 0 Votes
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

The place to begin to improve the world is in your own heart, head and hands. To get along with others, love them without forcing your love upon them.
Imposing your beliefs on people will not bring you peace. Have concern for others, respect their rights and freedoms, and let them be themselves. Do this and you will enjoy peace.
Having consideration for others is ...

0 Comments, 8 Views, 0 Votes
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

There are no real barriers to your success. You must simply overcome any doubts you have about your ability. Your self image prescribes the limits for your accomplishments. It prescribes the area of what is possible for you.
Don't be afraid of living. If you believe that life is worth living you will create that fact around you. If you see yourself as prosperous, you will ...

0 Comments, 2 Views, 0 Votes
SOMEDAY?   4/14/2006

Someday I'll spend some time playing with my , but today I have to get a little more work done. Someday I'll work on that new idea, but today there are too many interruptions. Someday I'll sit down and get focused on my goals, but today is just not right.
Someday never comes. It is always today. Things which you schedule for someday will not ever happen. Today is ...

0 Comments, 24 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
twent47blue 57 F
121  Articles
Running On Karma   4/12/2006

Buddha once said that each being is born with the wisdom to transcend all suffering. But this wisdom is clouded by earthly obsessions and desires. These desires constantly distract us from the path towards and seperation, hatred and revenge...these are all aspects of life. You might not accept every aspect of life but, you should accept every aspect of ...

0 Comments, 36 Views, 12 Votes ,6.86 Score
rarelioness 53 F
5  Articles
Loves... A gamble   4/10/2006

When we're looking for love.. it takes effort and time to establish a feeling to a person. A soulmate can finds only the heart and mind can feel if he/she the one.

0 Comments, 28 Views, 0 Votes
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

If you want to be successful, start thinking of yourself as being successful. You are what you believe yourself to be.
Don't be afraid of what life has to offer you. If you believe that life is worth living, your belief will help create the fact.
The barrier between you and success is not something that exists in the real world. It's simply composed of doubts about ...

0 Comments, 24 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want.
You must first establish your objectives if you are to accomplish anything in a big way. Goals give you a starting place and a destination. People with goals succeed because they know where they're going.
Determine what you want. Decide on your major objectives, ...

0 Comments, 10 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

Wealth without enjoyment is little consolation. Your real riches in life are riches of the head and heart. Satisfaction comes when you appreciate what you have.
While success is getting what you want, true happiness is wanting what you get.
It's not how much you have, but how much you enjoy that truly matters.

0 Comments, 15 Views, 0 Votes
twent47blue 57 F
121  Articles
Liar's Moon   4/7/2006

"I'm leaving, " Lauren said, with finality. "Okay, I'll see you when I get a run to LA
again, " Troy said, flipping his long hair and scratching his beard. "No, I'm leaving
for good now, Troy. Packed all my things and I'm just waiting for Mark to pick me
up." Lauren said, looking at him, trying not to cry, she was so angry, so pissed off,

0 Comments, 37 Views, 10 Votes ,6.57 Score
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

The first law of success is concentration. Bend all of your energies to one point, and go directly to that point, looking neither to the right nor the left.
Concentration is the magic key that opens the door to accomplishment. Success is the result of well directed energy.
You can, in time, become what you earnestly desire to be, if you set your face in the ...

0 Comments, 8 Views, 0 Votes
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

You must take the first step to win any race. The first step will take some effort and maybe some pain. But after that, everything you have to do is real-life movement. Once you're moving you must keep moving.
Create a definite plan for carrying out your desires and begin at once, whether you're ready or not, to put your plan into action.
If you can get up the ...

0 Comments, 10 Views, 0 Votes
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

No one achieves success without being of service. The essence of success is service.
All successful people became successful because they gave some talent or ability in the service of others. You can contribute in some way to others no matter how small your talent. You too, can become successful.
The successful don't use others, other people use the ...

0 Comments, 10 Views, 0 Votes
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

You cannot have success without failure. Any experience, even failure, can be transformed into something of value. Everything depends on the way you look at things.
What are stumbling blocks and defeat before you can be stepping stones to victory if you remain determined.
In all of your adversities lies the seeds of equivalent advantages. In every defeat there is a ...

0 Comments, 26 Views, 0 Votes
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

You don't need an explanation for everything. Recognize that there are such things as miracles, events for which there are no explanations. Later, knowledge may explain those events quite easily.
The fact that you can plant a seed and it becomes a flower, share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's, smile at someone and receive a smile in return are common miracles. ...

0 Comments, 26 Views, 2 Votes ,3.12 Score
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

Everything you want in life has a price connected to it. There's a price to pay if you want to make things better; a price to pay for just leaving things as they are, a price for everything.
Nature cannot be tricked or cheated. She will give up to you the object of your struggles only after you have paid her price.
Success cannot be coaxed or bribed. Pay ...

0 Comments, 24 Views, 0 Votes
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

The mold for your success and fortune is in your hands. You cannot do everything, but you can do something.
You choose your thoughts and actions. Only you can find success.
Nobody can do it for you. Nobody will do it for you. You have to make it happen.
There is something you can do to change your situation. The people that really succeed in the world are ...

0 Comments, 12 Views, 0 Votes
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

When you're sure you're on the right road to attaining success you don't have to plan your journey too far ahead. Don't burden yourself with doubts and fears as to the obstacles that may bar your progress.
You don't need to know all your answers in advance. Just have a clear idea of the goal you want to reach. You can only take one step at a time.
Once you muster up ...

0 Comments, 10 Views, 0 Votes
yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

You can have anything on earth that you want, once you mentally accept the fact that you can have it.
If you want to be successful, begin by thinking of yourself as being successful. The feeling of being successful has to come first. If you have a deep inner conviction that you will always have all that you need, if you actually feel prosperous, it will be so.
The ...

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yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

Success in its highest and noblest form calls for peace of mind, enjoyment, and happiness. This comes only when you find the work that you like best.
If you enjoy what you do, you'll be successful. If you don't enjoy what you do, you won't be successful. Your success in any occupation depends on your enjoyment. Loving your work will make all the difference.
You'll ...

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yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

Your difficulty and the difficulty of every individual who ever desired to achieve anything worthwhile, comes in the movement.
Don't always be intending to live a new life, but never find the time to begin living it. Most people fail because they never get started. They don't go. They don't overcome inertia. They don't begin.
Begin to free yourself at once by doing ...

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yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

Your own positive energy will compel things to turn out the way you desire when you're surrounded by positive people.
Your environment is your mental feeding ground from which the food that goes into your mind is extracted. Choose your environment with care, one that is positive, one that lifts you up and gives you wings to soar.
Create favorable conditions through ...

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yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles
SEE THE WORLD AS IT IS   3/29/2006

The truth is what it is. It's neither good nor bad. It's simple reality.
Tailor your concepts to fit reality, instead of trying to stuff reality into your concepts. No matter what you believe, it won't change the facts.
If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true is really true, there would be little hope of advancement in the world.

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yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

Failure is one of the surest stepping stones to success. No element can do as much for you as failure can, if you're willing to study it and make capital out of it. View every problem you encounter as an opportunity.
There is always a good side to every situation. Stay optimistic and try to see an opportunity in your problems, not pessimistic and see problems in every ...

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yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

Success on any major scale requires you to accept responsibility. Your life to a large extent is what you make of it. Nothing will happen by itself. It will all come your way once you understand that you have to make it come your way.
Choose the thoughts and actions that will lead you to success. Nobody can do it for you. Only you can make it happen. You're the only one that ...

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yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

Everything you want in life has a price connected to it. There's a price to pay if you want to make things better; a price to pay for just leaving things as they are, a price for everything.
Nature cannot be tricked or cheated. She will give up to you the object of your struggles only after you have paid her price.
Success cannot be coaxed or bribed. Pay the price ...

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yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

The golden opportunity you are seeking lies within you. It's not in your environment. It's not in luck or chance, or in the help of others. It's all in you.
There are opportunities all around you. If the door of opportunity appears closed, you must knock on it and keep knocking on it until it opens.
You must become an opener of doors. You can develop your ...

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yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

Visualize all the things that you want in life. Then make your mental blueprint, and begin to build what you imagine. Your imagination can show you how to turn your possibilities into reality.
You must make every thought, every fact, that comes into your mind pay you a profit. Make those mental images work and produce for you. Think of things not as they are but as you want ...

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yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation. You'll always hit what you aim for in the long run. Why not aim high?
If you don't have a dream, how are you going to make it come true?
Have the courage to follow your dreams. It's the first step towards attaining your destiny.
Big thinking precedes big achievement.

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yssabelle 113 F
211  Articles

Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. When you dare to face the things that scare you, you open the door to freedom and success.
Most of your obstacles would melt away if, instead of cowering before them or procrastinating about dealing with them, you make up your mind to walk boldly through them.
Don't be afraid to take the steps you need ...

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iceyhot4u2love 46 F
10  Articles
Something to ponder....   3/27/2006

Don't focus on what you lost, but what remains. Don't focus on the pain, but how the pain shaped you. Don't focus on the failure, but on the great lessons the failure taught you....

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