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The Advice Line lets you ask all those questions you always wanted
and then get advice from all the members of Filipino FriendFinder.
Click on the titles to give your advice. Click here to ask your question.
Click on the titles to give your advice. Click here to ask your question.
where is fine? - 12/24/2024 nobody know 0 response(s), 1 vote |
What is happiness with a man? - 5/30/2018 What makes me happy to be with a man?Is it wealth? 0 response(s), 0 votes |
Call Girls In Delhi Locanto +91-9999858187 Provide In Delhi - 2/7/2018 Call Girls In Delhi Locanto +91-9999858187 Provide In Delhi High Profile Models Offer Hot Girls.Are You Looking Delhi VIP Personal Satisfaction Girls Friends Hot Experiences With Sex Beautiful College Girls And 35 Size Big Boons House Wife In South Delhi Indian College Hot Girls One Short Rs 2000 Night Rs 6000 Booking Any Time 24x7x320 All Type Beautiful Younger Girls In Delhi. 0 response(s), 0 votes |
why? - 3/30/2017 why this fff is not functioning well?why im chatt not working?why i canot open my mail here?above all, why this fff so slow, looks like its crwaling?gettint worst and worst these days? 0 response(s), 2 votes |
forgive me Father for I have sinned. - 1/3/2016 I loved a man 16yrs ago, 10 years ago, He flirted with others and got this girl preggy while I was busy looking for something that can make my life easier. 9years ago, i had a from him but i didnt told him about my condition, i just disappeared. 5years ago, i said yes to a man who is close to the first man i loved. Last July 2015, i had thr guts to tell him we got this 8years old girl. ... 5 response(s), 7 votes |
picky or choosy - 3/11/2015 if your a single 35-45 y.o are you gona be picky or choosy? 3 response(s), 3 votes |
Need some photo advice - 10/22/2014 Need some photo advice 2 response(s), 9 votes |
Have somebody been involved in a scam? - 3/5/2013 Well I was I don't wish that to anybody guy or girl I was exchanging some emails with a lady I found on this site , soon after she invited me to a separate site where after a few days she pretended to be in real need for help and she needed some kind of assistance , well I understood that since it wasn't much anyway but few days later she sort of demanded for more money and guess what, she ... 6 response(s), 7 votes |
Single or Married? - 1/23/2013 Im 29 yrs old, single mom of a 5yr old girl. I have a 23 yrs old FUBU ![]() My 's dad is unmarried but living in and with 2kids now but I still love him. My ex-bf, who's my daughters dad's bestfriend is offering me marriage and is willing to give his name to my . If you stand on my feet, would you prefer being single or married?? 8 response(s), 5 votes |
Anyone??? - 9/11/2012 ...for reviving this grave-like zone to what it was before? c'mon people, it used to be a fun place to hang out, where everyone can share their thoughts and have some old fashioned good natured bickering. can we inject some life back to this space?... 47 response(s), 3 votes |
how can you forget... - 8/16/2012 Love is the most powerful emotion on earth. How can you forget someone that hurt you and loved another... 8 response(s), 5 votes |
How can you stop loving someone??? - 8/16/2012 Falling out of love is easy. But, how can you stop loving someone that loves someone else??? It's a sin to keep holding on to something that you know there is no future. But, why hold on to it. When you pray and ask God to take that love away in your heart for that person... 14 response(s), 6 votes |
I need advice :( - 3/22/2012 Hello everyone, hope there's still around here that can remember me. I feel so down tonight that I have no one to share this off, and it slipped my mind this site that one time in my life had given me some useful ideas and advice. So here i am again to voice out what I feel. Please I need an honest advice. Four years ago, i gave birth to a very beautiful baby and I named here ... 7 response(s), 7 votes |
IS TRUE????REAL LOVE CAUSE OF PAIN? - 3/8/2012![]() 1 response(s), 3 votes |
This is a case for Dr. House - 1/13/2012 There is 63 year old man who lives in the camp site near mine. He was in the hospital from Sunday through Thursday of this week, but they didn't find out what was causing his problem. He now goes into short periods where the connection between his brain and his voice don't want to work. It is like a seizure but I an not sure what it should be called. It started happening to him last Saturday. ... 0 response(s), 2 votes |
Is it safe to trust your partner unconditionally or should trust be reserved for true friends? - 12/22/2011 If you trust someone unconditionally and they prove unworthy of that trust, the pain and disappointment far exceeds any that you would have suffered. It is sad in a way but if you`re always on your guard, it is difficult to be seriously hurt. What do you think? 3 response(s), 7 votes |
Body Language on Dates - 12/21/2011 For women they would smile, give you an eye contact, play with the hair, touch their earrings or let their shoe hang on their foot, while crossing legs on a bar stool, crossing arms and legs ....or even yawn! (could also mean, hmm, I`m bored ) Can you read this signals? Men would stare or smileback. Once in front of the woman, they point their bodies or chest in direct front of ... 1 response(s), 8 votes |
How Important to you is the Physical appearance? - 12/20/2011 Most of the profiles listed here states that they are interested in finding a good man/woman and as long as his/her heart is good, looks or physical appearance is not that important. Is that really true? I have heard women say that they weren't attracted to their mate at first but as they got to know him, they found his fine character made him appear handsome to them. If you ... 7 response(s), 8 votes |
How bad - 11/6/2011 did you miss me?... 2 response(s), 0 votes |
what is your favorite Filipino food? - 8/7/2011 Personally I love PORK SINIGANG!! even the sound of it excites me! I love it with patis and sili on the side! how about you? ![]() 8 response(s), 5 votes |
Wait or Search? - 7/16/2011 Which is correct or better mind set, wait for the right one or search for the right one? I always believed that ladies should wait for the right one and the right person meant for you will come at the right time. Not being desperate, will it be alright to search for the person you want and approach him?... 20 response(s), 4 votes |
suspicious??? - 7/13/2011 when you tend to become suspicious enough about your partner, do you have to trust your feelings? 28 response(s), 5 votes |
Got to Believe - 6/17/2011 "What are you looking for on FFF?" The first question he asked when he responded on my page in IM. My reply was, "tough question..." Indeed for me it is a simple question but hard to answer. Why am I here on FFF? To meet new friends, real people? hahaha, I guess I sound so funny. Is there real people in here? Perhaps I still need to ... 4 response(s), 7 votes |
WHOM YOU'LL CHOOSE? - 5/23/2011
3 response(s), 5 votes |
Will there be a Democratic Republican candidate in next 6 months, that Egyptian people can support? - 2/5/2011 The American Way of Abandonment 04 Feb By Patrick J. Buchanan Hosni Mubarak, it appears, is not going to go quietly, or quickly. He is not going to play the role assigned him in the White House script that has him resigning and fleeing Egypt in the face of mass demonstrations in Tahrir Square. After U.S. diplomat Frank Wisner came to give Mubarak his marching ... 17 response(s), 2 votes |
What's the Catch? - 1/26/2011 It seems that the West, led by Uncle Sam, has already turned its back to one of its closest Middle Eastern allies, Egypt. After the political turmoil and successful revolt in Tunisia, led by another long-serving Arab Strongman, Mubarak's long reign in Egypt has probably come to an end. I just wondered why the rest of the western world has been laid back on what has been going on, and ... 10 response(s), 7 votes |
How do u know he/she is the "one"??? - 1/26/2011 This has been looming for a long time. Often ask how did you know he/she is the one for you. Some just says, "i knew from the get go". And if we are suppose to have groups of 15 soul mate during a lifetime. Playing the roles of lover, mother, , etc. And that 3 was the minimum in this life time alone? Just boggles me why ei Elizabeth married 8 times? So, where they real or just some fakes? ... 8 response(s), 8 votes |
The Choice - 1/25/2011 How far would you go to keep the hope of love alive? 8 response(s), 1 vote |
How does one choose a mate??? - 1/2/2011 This topic has boggled me for decades now. How does one choose a mate? Is it all destiny? One meant for the other? The level category. Preference by culture. Similiarity? Education. Same likes and dislike. Two souls to meet up one day? The irony of being married and falling for someone else entirely different. Leaving the family for their one true love. Why is it difficult for some and ... 11 response(s), 11 votes |
Vetreran's Day - 11/11/2010 I just want to take the opportunity to thank those who served and those who are still in harms way. Many risked and continue to risk their lives so that many of us are safe and free. Freedom can be costly, but when you are "there" you can only ommit what you left behind and then later recall your sacrfices. May God Bless your courage and patriotism. 2 response(s), 5 votes |
long distance - 10/17/2010 are you open for long distance relationship considering i'm an ofw? 3 response(s), 1 vote |
WHY ARE WOMEN ALL PHONIES AND SCAMMERS??? - 9/25/2010 THIS ONE IS NO DIFFERENT 7 response(s), 13 votes |
Pope's Astronomer Plans Mission to Convert ETs in Outer Space! - 9/20/2010 Richard C Hoagland says that "disclosure" is going to be announced this month by the European Spac...e Agency. He also thinks it's significant, that the Pope's Astronomer, just announced that the Vatican is ready to baptize extra terrestrials. Theologically, Noah was "perfect in his generations, " meaning that his genetics had not been contaminated by fallen angels, who bred with human ... 7 response(s), 1 vote |
Awesome... - 9/20/2010 Have you ever felt that it's too good to be true??? Instinct is telling you the reverse??? I think everyone could relate to it. And all the concern is gone once the subject of your questionable person appears right in front of you... 4 response(s), 1 vote |
To be truly thankful... - 9/19/2010 This sprang up just now from my sis telling me to go to the laundromat. Because manang wants to help me fold my clothes. It only means she misses me and wants to see me again. Just there last friday. Tons of things to do like church, etc. So, the inspiration of this is no matter what life gives us. We should always be truly thankful to God. There are times we are sad or happy. And the ... 1 response(s), 0 votes |
Is it hopeless to wait for Prince Charming to come along??? - 9/4/2010 As they say there is someone for everyone. But, why aren't they around. Just empty promises and no show. It breaks anyone's heart to be so hopeful and nada. Is faith even alive for anyone to count on an expectation for "the one"??? 47 response(s), 4 votes |
Charice Pempengco - 8/26/2010 Do y'all sing like that over there, or what? 9 response(s), 4 votes |
Quake Awake - 7/24/2010 The Philippines have been hit pretty hard with seismic activity in the last few hours...two 7.4's and a 6.2: VERY curiouus .... Look at the DEPTH -- ~400 miles! DATE links are into the IRIS WILBER system where you can see seismograms and request datasets. DATE LAT LON MAG DEPTH km REGION 24-JUL-2010 17:13:26 60.29 -177.62 4.7 14.9 BERING SEA 24-JUL-2010 ... 15 response(s), 1 vote |
What's the most romantic thing, that ever happened in the Romance Room? - 6/23/2010 How about a couple getting married in there, online? Since the site is based on a server in the USA, you would eventually be able to get divorced! 1 response(s), 5 votes |
I couldnt have put it better myself. - 6/3/2010 "You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other ... 4 response(s), 6 votes |
Celibacy is completely useless - 6/2/2010 Pope Benedict XVI, still struggling to repair the damage wrought by a wave of paedophile scandals, now faces a fresh challenge, from women loved - and often abandoned - by Catholic priests. About a dozen women have written an open letter to the pope challenging the Church's position that priestly celibacy is a sacred commitment. 'As far as I'm concerned, celibacy is completely ... 5 response(s), 7 votes |
Svedish Socialized Medicine For The Philippines? - 5/24/2010 How'd 'yall like to have some of THAT? 3 response(s), 2 votes |
How Lucky Would YOU Have To Be... - 5/16/2010 give away you're entire fortune? A music teacher, Frano Selak, who was dubbed the world's luckiest man after cheating death seven times before winning the lottery has now decided to give away his fortune, of 600, 000 British Pound Sterling. 5 response(s), 4 votes |
Some truth about Lies - 5/10/2010 One article in psychology of lying, explains that people may lie due to the following reasons; 1.Fear of the consequences when they tell the truth 2. To boost their self-image inappropriately 3. To deliberately harm others. In other explanation, it is even disputed that a lie is not a lie if someone DOES NOT deliberately harm or take advantage from others by "not ... 8 response(s), 7 votes |
Philippine Election 2010 - 5/10/2010 I've been away from home for a while, but we all know who is who in Philippine politics... Any promise of hope as result of today's election? What are the candidates' platform for change? 6 response(s), 5 votes |
Books to help those visiting the Philippines - 4/19/2010 Hello: I will be traveling to the Philippines soon. Can someone recommend the following? 1. A Tagalog phrase book 2. A good travel guide Thanks! David 5 response(s), 4 votes |
Proper Preparation - 4/14/2010 Do you always whack off before a date, or do you rather go out half cocked?... 3 response(s), 1 vote |
why - 4/12/2010 lately my replies are not being displayed, does anyone have any idea as to why? 13 response(s), 0 votes |
What Happen? - 3/14/2010 Hello Evryone I'm back.... Last time I visited here was in August last year. Been busy figuring out what next to be done in my life... I thought I missed a lot of discussion here, but after reading some of the posted questions and advices, ,, well I guess not..... What happen to those members who were very active posting questions and posting there comments? Where ... 15 response(s), 6 votes |
How will you describe the love of your life? - 3/12/2010 ..She is my dream that came true..for she`s a woman who possesses everything that any man could ask for.. thus I will describe her as the only woman I can ever love and will always love for the rest of my life. what about yours?... 6 response(s), 5 votes |
Can anyone possibly love someone without a reason? And is that really love? - 3/10/2010 ..I got this ongoing argument with someone..I`m all for loving someone because of something..there should be a reason may it be physical or inherent. ..the one I had been arguing with contends that if you love someone because you have reasons..the moment those reasons disappear you`re no longer in love..for you have no reasons left to stay in love. ..the one who loves ... 3 response(s), 5 votes |
Have you found your true love? And if you think you do what makes you say so? - 3/10/2010 ..too easy to say that we`re in love..although deep inside we know that we`re not..well.. maybe not just yet..we always say. ..but what if we really think that we love the other person? Is it true love this time? If it is what makes you say so? What makes it different from the previous ones? What makes her different? ..It`s kind of hard to explain when my current gf asked ... 3 response(s), 4 votes |
Veil... is it a threat?? - 3/5/2010 Veil.... is a very selfish piece of cloth, as it sees all...but does not allow others to see... Is it a threat to the social structure of our society???... 8 response(s), 2 votes |
Lets play a lying game... - 3/4/2010 Surely lying is one thing we are all so good it a small one or big in your eyes or in someone else's eye. Now...tell me what was the worst lie you have ever said...worst because it kinda bounced back on you or you were busted... Then your best lie ever...of course you managed to get away from it... So lets tell the truth for once... 2 response(s), 6 votes |
" what is the meaning of life " - 2/18/2010 Another extra ordinary day for me yesterday, 18th of February 2010. 10AM while going to my part-time job, i forgot to get my change from the tricycle driver. Damn it, i am only bringing enough money for my daily expenses. Good thing i have this emergency money always on my wallet. Working hours gone quick until the boss was looking for some files and everyone in the office gone busy except me. ... 5 response(s), 2 votes |
How Can You find Your Own True Love? - 2/16/2010 I consider myself as a very unlucky ugly duckling. i know that someday, i will be a beautiful white swan. i never get tired of thinking positively but i also know what I see in the mirror. But that doesn't change the fact that I am human too. I have feelings and I get tired of waiting too. Just like everyone else, I wanted to love and be loved. I have been waiting for that love for more than 20 ... 13 response(s), 1 vote |
requirements... - 2/15/2010 Friends, I just want to ask to those who know what are the requirements to be able to get a support from the father of my . He has acknowledged her by affixing his signature on the birth certificate. I have planned to go to the US Embassy here in the philippines but i need to know other requirements as it's very expensive to travel to Manila. Thank you. 6 response(s), 0 votes |
Soup #5 - 2/14/2010 Are you Makabayan enough to eat it? 12 response(s), 2 votes |
Is it true? - 2/12/2010 Both men and women: you need to be having sex regularly if you don't want to lose the ability. 'Use it or lose it'..... ... 6 response(s), 4 votes |
What will you give someone who has everything? - 2/6/2010 ..maybe it will be easy for someone who can afford it..all that he will do is to give something more expensive than the one she has.. but to an average guy it will always be an awful task..imagine your roses being turned down for she prefers orchids... ..these thoughts don`t bother me gf is the kind who doesn`t look at what someone is giving she`s more ... 10 response(s), 5 votes |
Six More Weeks of Winter? - 2/2/2010 Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning, so that supposedly means another half season of cold weather for Pennsylvania, but what about The Philippines? You only have two seasons. The hot, humid, dry season, and the hot humid rainy season, but is the rainy season supposed to pass for Winter? Six more weeks of Winter, might actually be a good thing for The Philippines, however. If ... 4 response(s), 2 votes |
A nice way of breaking up with someone..Is there such a thing? - 1/22/2010 ..there is nothing nice about`re gonna leave someone..who sometimes is still in love with how can there be a nice way to do it? .. just leaving without the drama is not what then is right? Is saying goodbye on her face gonna make it right? That for me is being mean..... 6 response(s), 2 votes |
Does looks make you fall for someone? - 1/22/2010 ..Who wouldn`t fall for someone looking like Angelina.. Megan Fox..or a Beyonce? And will a girl turn her back to a prince charming of a man like a Brad Pitt who would like to court her? ..Our eyes were trained to know what is pleasant and what is not and we tend to focus on the pleasant ones..yes definitely we can easily end up falling for someone with good looks.. but ... 8 response(s), 6 votes |
Where can I find snorkeling, seafood, friendly women & beaches for a reasonable price? - 1/15/2010 I'm thinking about vacationing in the Philippines. I want to do the following: 1. Relax on a nice beach with clean sand. 2. Go snorkeling in warm water and see colorful fish and other interesting underwater life. 3. Enjoy some good seafood. 4. Socialize with friendly women. Also, I am looking for a value-oriented destination. In other words, I don't need a fancy resort or hotel but I ... 11 response(s), 0 votes |
Massacre in Maguindanao - 1/14/2010 Since Gloria's good buddy, Mayor, Andal Ampatuan Jr got busted for killing 57 people, most of whom were journalists, has any new, news been reported from Maguindanao? If not, here is the forum. 11 response(s), 5 votes |
How would you express your LOVE to a person this VALENTINES' DAY? - 1/11/2010 VALENTINES' DAY.. is this day just intended for lovers? How would show your expression of love on this special day of hearts? What is the best special gift is on your mind now that you could give to the person who captured your heart? ... 9 response(s), 2 votes |
Online personality vs. in person ! - 1/9/2010 Does your personality change when you are online or when you are chatting, compared to when you are talking in person? I have met a couple of people in S'pore with whom I've had some really interesting chats. But when we meet face to face their personalities just don't match their online one. And it's more than just "first-time-meeting-shyness" as ... 4 response(s), 6 votes |
Ghost ! - 1/8/2010 May be it's a funny question ! Do you believe in the existence of ghosts? Has any one of you ever experienced such an incident that was totally unexplainable? ... 5 response(s), 3 votes |
45 Lessons in Life - 1/7/2010 1. Life isn’t fair. But it’s still good. 2. When in doubt, just take the next small step. 3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. 4. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.’ 5. Pay off your credit cards every month. 6. You don’t have to win every ... 5 response(s), 3 votes |
THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME. - 1/3/2010 THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME. ONCE YOU READ THIS YOU WILL UNDERSTAND! A young man learns what's most important in life from the guy next door. It had been some time since Jack had seen the old man. College, girls, career, and life itself got in the way. In fact, Jack moved clear across the country in pursuit of his dreams. There, in the ... 5 response(s), 5 votes |
Dear Friends - 12/21/2009 Dear Friends Just before the end of the year, I wanted to thank you for the e-mails you have forwarded to me over the year. I must send a big thank you to whoever sent me the one about rat shit in the glue on envelopes, because I now have to use a wet sponge with every envelope that needs sealing. Also, I now have to wipe the top of every can I open for the same reason. ... 4 response(s), 4 votes |
22 out of 37 what? - 12/16/2009 Which is your favorite? 13 response(s), 4 votes |
How to make them feel? - 12/3/2009 We may think we're giving our partner enough attention, but are we probably aren't. At least, not the type of attention they may be looking for. Make sure your partner is feeling loved by you. How? By giving flowers now and then? By saying " I love you" when ever geting chances ? Frequently cuddling with your ... 4 response(s), 4 votes |
KISS - 12/2/2009 DO YOU KNOW WHY MEN AND WOMEN KISS? 3 response(s), 6 votes |
clicking ads - 12/1/2009 i saw many sites saying they gonna pay you in clicking ads., or what they call working online... they gonna pay you 0.01 cents ( in dollar ) just by clicking ads., arent these a SCAM?do you believe on these or not? 2 response(s), 4 votes |
If you could live anywhere,where woild you chose? - 11/30/2009 My husband is a saudi expat., he has plans to make our family live in now in doubts . whether or not to follow him., if you are given the chance to live anywhere where would you chose? 9 response(s), 3 votes |
Which Online Filipino Magazine do you read? - 11/29/2009 Lately I've been enjoying ROGUE magazine online, ABS-CBN news and of course PACLAND but I'm still looking for a good Tagalog site. Does anyone have any good suggestions? in English or Tagalog. 1 response(s), 2 votes |
How much you trust? - 11/29/2009 When you correspond someone, Do you trust everthing the person tells you or do you have doubts ? Do you believe that the experience of a person with combined emotions and attitude will make you sense to believe or to doubt ?... 6 response(s), 2 votes |
Choosing the Partner ! - 11/29/2009 When you choose your partner, sure you will look at the age. How flexible you are, when it comes to his / her age, apart from the other qualities you are looking ?... 3 response(s), 2 votes |
Is it fair? - 11/27/2009 What if your partner/best friend goes through a rough patch in life and does not wish to share that incident with you, not wanting to hurt you or trouble you think thats fair? Isnt being partners or friends all about sharing? And unless you do not know, how will you help your friend/partner in any way?... 4 response(s), 1 vote |
loving wrong person.. - 11/26/2009 hi, ,i have a small question. isn't it bad to love a person who's already committed to someone? Why do we always fall in love with the wrong person? And by doing that end up being hurt all the time but have a great difficulty to let go! Thanks for your time. 7 response(s), 0 votes |
House Wife and ( House ) Husband ? - 11/25/2009 We know that the lady ( wife ) who stays home and do household work is called housewife. But if the wife is working and husband stays home ( quite often sees in S'pore ) or help in the household chorus of his wife, can he be called HOUSE HUSBAND??? ... 2 response(s), 2 votes |
How you define the word "Maturity" ? - 11/25/2009 Quite often we hear this term maturity. How you will define this word? * Is it related with age? * Is it to behave and /or act to the situation? * Is it adjusting to the situation, without hurting others ? Or something different ![]() 2 response(s), 3 votes |
Just asking - 11/24/2009 I am just wondering Why Can't I open e-mail? Can anybody help me out on these? Thanks A lot in advance 7 response(s), 3 votes |
Which airline has the least expensive fares from San Francisco to Manila? - 11/24/2009 The fewer the layovers, the better but lowest price is the most important. 3 response(s), 2 votes |
Why do people get provoked ? - 11/23/2009 There are a few people in the Chat Room, who like to provoke and enjoy when some one gets upset. Is it the way they hide their inferiority complex, by provoking to others or they feel powerless and doing so they are enjoying it !??... 2 response(s), 2 votes |
Superstitions ! - 11/22/2009 Different cultures have different superstitions. Some believe that the number 13 brings bad luck, and some think that the number 4 is deadly. Others believe that walking under a ladder brings bad luck. Fisherman never go out fishing on Friday the 13th as they believe they might not return. There are so many superstitions, some I follow ... 2 response(s), 4 votes |
Intimate Friend ! - 11/20/2009 How you will define the “intimacy" in your friendship relation? Is it ![]() * To give without expectation... * To help without hesitation... * To remember without communication. Or More than these? / All of these?... 9 response(s), 5 votes |
Is it true these differences ? - 11/19/2009 When a girl is quiet, millions of things are running through her mind. When a guy is quiet, He's listening to you... When a girl is not arguing, she is thinking deeply. When a guy is not arguing, He realizes he's wrong When a girl answers, "I'm fine, " after a few seconds, she is not fine at all. When a guy says, "I'm fine, " ... 2 response(s), 2 votes |
I will trade my partner to ....???? - 11/19/2009 Just wondering, what thing can replace your partner? Take it literally or not, still depends on your post. ![]() Katuwaan lang!... 2 response(s), 3 votes |
Which one is Correct? - 11/18/2009 "Woman, without her man, is nothing." "Woman! Without her, man is nothing."... 2 response(s), 3 votes |
Is internet really a good place to find a soulmate/serious relationship? - 11/16/2009 HI! I am a 36-year old Filipina. I have a good job, stable life, good family and friends. I am enjoying life with my family and work. I stay in Manila during week days because of work and then go home to my province where my parents and siblings live during week ends. I enjoy taking care of my nieces and nephews on week ends. That is my routine. Then one day, I noticed that my nephews and nieces ... 5 response(s), 4 votes |
How d o you say Good Bye to some one you love? - 11/15/2009 Is there any real way to say good bye to the one you love?....and how do you do it?.... Do you just say Ciao baby'!!......? or maybe '' See ya'!!.... or do you even say good bye at all..? Its not easy Trust me''....not easy at all''... 7 response(s), 4 votes |
Seeking recommendations for educational materials to help a Filipina learn English - 11/10/2009 I have a friend in the Philippines who wants to improve her English. Can anyone recommend a textbook or anything else that I can buy and ship to her? 15 response(s), 2 votes |
Nelson Mandela Dies in Prison! - 10/31/2009 Does anyone remember ever hearing that story? Has there been a split in the timeline? I thought that Inglourious Basterds was a shoe in for the Oscar, and perhaps it will win best screenplay, but just from the trailer, I predict that Clint Eastwood will win best director, and Morgan Freeman will win best actor, for "Mandela", soon to be released. 15 response(s), 0 votes |
Win A Date With Repo! - 10/20/2009 I gotz 'da goods whatz 'da babes all wantz, now YOU might be the lucky one to SCORE big! Just email me and I'll decide. There is no limit to the number of allowable entries or winners, so odds are in your favor. Play your cards right, and I might make you my numero uno!... 5 response(s), 4 votes |
SIZING UP... - 10/20/2009 A research has shown that... ![]() ![]() Sure ur a stylish, confident babe... ![]() ![]() ![]() What ... 11 response(s), 13 votes |
Poowkschtick? - 10/18/2009 Just after SS Colonel Hans Landa de-cocks his Lugar, and just before he bids Shoshana, au revoir, he utters the only un-translated perhaps, non-English word in Quentin Tarantino's latest film, "Inglorious Basterds". It isn't in the script. It sounds like "poowkschtick, " to me, but I'm not sure. What term do you hear, and what do you think it means? 14 response(s), 0 votes |
H1N1 or Hummer? - 10/13/2009 Which would you rather have, the H1N1 vaccine or a Mumvee H2? 32 response(s), 7 votes |
Hot Cars...what do you like? - 10/2/2009 Toyota/Lexus cars-is becoming the world's largest and most successful car manufacturer. Volvo cars- is over 90years of age and used to be a Swedish International icon until Ford Motor Company bought it in 1999. Volkswagen's Audi-is an automobile manufacturer and mobility organisation based in Wolfsburg, Lower Saxony, Germany and is the ... 20 response(s), 1 vote |
How are you after Ondoy? - 9/28/2009 Ondoy has just devastated the Metro, and is the worst after 100 years. How are you after the storm? Please tell us about your experience. My prayers to all our 'kababayans' who were hard hit by the storm. 19 response(s), 2 votes |
Best wishes to those in the Philippines - 9/28/2009 Best wishes to those in the Philippines. Heard the news this morning and reports of the typhoon and projected consequences seem dire. Hope that the report was overstated and that this does not become a tragic tale. Best of luck. 9 response(s), 3 votes |
say - 9/27/2009 Say little, but say it well. 1 response(s), 2 votes |
Nothing - 9/27/2009 He who knows nothing, doubts nothing. 0 response(s), 1 vote |
Typhoon Fun? - 9/26/2009 Art Bell made a rare broadcast from the radio studio in his penthouse apartment in Manillla last night. As he spoke, he noted that little were jumping out of jeeps into waist high water on the street below. In that same program, while interviewing Joe Meyer about the impending second wave of economic demise, Art noted that The Philippines was relatively unscathed by it all. Art asked ... 7 response(s), 2 votes |
Is it over? - 9/5/2009 Ice breaker: I need your opinions. My friend, named Angie, met someone online and had a long-distance (overseas), so- called-cyber-relationship with this guy to the extent they thought they love each other. Things were going well for few months but the guy still cannot find the time to meet Angie in person (within 9mos.)The guy claimed HE IS REALLY busy as he is a CEO ... 9 response(s), 4 votes |
miracle? - 9/1/2009 Is it a miracle that curiosity survives formal education? 1 response(s), 2 votes |
When is the rigth time to read the Will and Testament? - 8/28/2009 I went to Cebu to take care of my sick mother until she passed away. After the burial my siblings wanted to divide what of my mother's left behind. I want to wait until the death anniversary but 2 of my siblings just want to devide the money.... I came back to US w/o a good relationship w/ 2 of my brothers. I indorse evrything to my eldest sister.... Am I rght for stopping to devide the ... 21 response(s), 5 votes |
Law Against Bent Cucumbers: Pro or Con? - 7/29/2009 The European Onion actually has such a law, but what are they going to do about it, execute the farmers? 4 response(s), 12 votes |
Out of Whack? - 7/26/2009 Hi folks! I've noticed a Message Center is a new feature here at FFF, and mine has this " Your buddies from Chicago think you are dumb" message continuously blinking on it. I wonder who could they be since i've got no friends (real or cyber) from the State of Illinois. However, granting there are, and they think i'm kinda noob, does FFF management has the right, or is it appropriate for them ... 12 response(s), 17 votes |
Seismic Window - 7/21/2009 PREDICTIONS FOR JULY Jim Berkland Syzygyjob The Seismic Window for July 19-26, 2009 is exceptional, with the longest total eclipse of the sun during this century. Also we will have the closest perigee of the year on July 21st. only six hours from the eclipse. Furthermore, the highest tidal forces of the year arrive on July 21st, with Golden Gate ... 8 response(s), 3 votes |
British scientists 'create sperm from stem cells' - 7/19/2009 LONDON (AFP) - ‒ A team of British scientists claimed Wednesday to have created human sperm using embryonic stem cells, in a medical first that they say will lead to a better understanding of fertility. Researchers led by Professor Karim Nayernia at Newcastle University and the NorthEast England Stem Cell Institute (NESC ![]() 10 response(s), 6 votes |
Marina Kalashnikova’s Warning to the West - 7/17/2009 Marina Kalashnikova’s Warning to the West by J. R. Nyquist Weekly Column Published: 07.17.2009 Meet Marina Kalashnikova: a Moscow-based historian, researcher and journalist. Last August she criticized foreign “experts” for suggesting that a conflict with Moscow will not happen because Russia’s elite is too closely associated with the West. ... 3 response(s), 5 votes |
I Love You...? - 7/16/2009 When someone told you that he\she love you, would you believe that he\she really love you? Then, how could you define the "just word" ilove you? please answer wisely... ... 6 response(s), 7 votes |
For you what is the Real Meaning of Love..? - 7/16/2009 Just answer what's on your heart, mind and soull... Keep posting a comment..... 7 response(s), 7 votes |
What are the thins your willing to give in the name of love? - 7/11/2009 JUst answer teh truth at yung totoong magagawa mo ha........... 9 response(s), 12 votes |
Not Here! - 7/7/2009 Of course you guys have noticed 'dat most'O 'da babes in 'da data base haven't been online in the past three months! That's not to say that there aren't any women in The Philippines, it just means that they are all hanging out at the ariport in Manillla, waiting for Joes to get offen 'da planes! Whadd'a 'ya expect?... 6 response(s), 9 votes |
How do you define commitment? - 7/3/2009 Why do you think most guys are afraid of it? 8 response(s), 9 votes |
Guys can i have your opinion on this... - 6/26/2009 What do you think of a girl expressing their feelings to a guy? 12 response(s), 12 votes |
What you 're going to do? - 6/12/2009 I just learn that my cousin been molested for 6 1/2 yrs from her adopted father. She become a victim just 2 months after she came in the US, she was just 7 yrs old, now she have her own family. Her mother, who is my aunt didnt know about this until recently.... And she went to the police station to report the crime but the officer cant file the report because my cousin is the ... 14 response(s), 3 votes |
If you are on a sinking boat; - 6/3/2009 You only have one life vest apart from yours, to save someone you care most... and You are given ONLY ONE CHANCE to save ONE PERSON IN THE BOAT... GF/wife (for men) or your mother...? Bf/husband (for ladies) or your mother...? or Anyone you love most and MOST SIGNIFICANT TO YOU? Who will will you save? ... 16 response(s), 7 votes |
Have You Ever ......??? - 6/3/2009 Have you ever had the experience of meeting somebody for the first time, and all at once, you got this strong feeling of distrust and resentment without any reason or provocation? Have you ever had the intuition or the first impression that this person will never make a good friend? Did your hunches prove you right? I'm just curious. ... 19 response(s), 7 votes |
DAMSELS IN DISTRESS... - 6/1/2009 as life gets complicated...more and more women...especially the young ones...are contemplating about taking their own lives. ![]() though pinays are generally more flexible about’s turbulent times are pushing them to the edge. ![]() some even go to the bad as a response to dire poverty ![]() ![]() 10 response(s), 17 votes |
Will The Philippines Relinquish the Spratly Islands? - 5/30/2009 FROM JOSEPH FARAH'S G2 BULLETIN Vietnam gearing for war with China? Billions of dollars in oil prompts purchase of sub fleet May 29, 2009 WorldNetDaily With attention focused on North Korea's brinkmanship on nuclear weapons and missiles, another potential crisis is brewing that is about ready to spill over into violence, with Vietnam apparently preparing to ... 15 response(s), 4 votes |
Do You Have a Favorite Chocolate??? - 5/30/2009 Are you fond of chocolates? Do you believe that when you`re feeling down, sleepy or weak, it will keep your sugar rush and make you active, `alive` and `awake`? I just love chocolates but my favorite is `Eatmore` coz i love the nuts there..second to it would be `Snickers`.. What`s yours??... 19 response(s), 2 votes |
Do You Think Eating Naked is an Effective Way to Lose Weight? - 5/27/2009 I want to share with you what `Ive read about losing weight that has been found to be very effective long time ago.. It is eating naked in front of the mirror!!! I don`t wanna indulge in weight loss diets..I eat alot!!..but i go to the gym for my workouts and yoga.. Do you think it`s effective? Have you tried any weight loss diet/activities? ... 20 response(s), 1 vote |
IF HE STOPS WANTING SEKZ... - 5/25/2009 ...then something is wrong ![]() ![]() ![]() is he just...stressed out??? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() do these ever happened to u? ![]() 10 response(s), 15 votes |
Would You Change Yourself? - 5/25/2009 It is very common nowadays and very easy, too, to avail of these `beauty regimens`. A lot of entertainers have some parts of their bodies changed like the nose, breasts and lips like those of Angelina Jolie`s. If there is an opportunity for you to change any part of your body, what would it be?... 22 response(s), 4 votes |
‘Online Love Affair’, does it work? - 5/21/2009 In this generation when time has become more than just gold for some singles and so the need to become more practical, Cyberspace is now a new hub for those who are in search for company, love, sex, marriage or long term relationship. One book writes that Cyberworld is comparable to parks, clubs, pubs, or any other places with different types of people and where singles can potentially meet ... 13 response(s), 8 votes |
Notable or Not Able at Notre Dame? - 5/18/2009 Notre Dame is a notably top notch university of Catholic denomination. Oddly enough, the administration of that school, invited the president of the US administration, Bury O'bama, to speak at commencement yesterday. What makes that so controversial, is that O'bama insisted that there be no Christian icons visible anywhere withing camera shot of him. Then he proceeds to preach the ... 6 response(s), 3 votes |
Bad One from Baldwin? - 5/18/2009 Philippine senator angered by Alec Baldwin's joke May 18, 2009 The Associated Press MANILA, Philippines (AP) - Actor Alec Baldwin's joke about getting a Filipino mail-order bride provoked a sharp response in the Philippines, with one senator saying Monday that the "30 Rock" star faces violence if he ever visits. Baldwin, 51, who is divorced with a teenage , said ... 13 response(s), 7 votes |
Do you think there is a gender bias in (all) religion? - 5/11/2009 I was raised as a Catholic and at that time as a , I would ask my mom why there is no woman apostle written in the Bible and why are the nuns not allowed to celebrate Mass the way the priests do? Now that I was able to read some, I realised that apart from Mother Mary and Magdalene, women are NOT really represented that much, in fact, on all holy books even in other major religions. All ... 44 response(s), 7 votes |
Do you want fries with that? - 5/5/2009 Swiss police say they are investigating a seven-year-old girl's discovery of a condom in her McDonald's Happy Meal. Fribourg state police say the mother called them after the girl discovered the condom among her French fries. Police said on Monday they were investigating where the condom came from and how it got into the Happy Meal. They said an analysis was being done to determine if the condom ... 19 response(s), 1 vote |
Do men still care about women's virginity today before marriage? - 4/23/2009 As a sequel to Virgin_here thread, and as a point of curiousity, does men in general still really care for a women's virginity? Gone are the days where the women were expected to be untouched or virgin before marriage and is socially ridiculed if not indeed;as marriage used to be seen as the only 'way out' for women during those days. For generations now that women have been ... 25 response(s), 11 votes |
Kindly share your views, opinions ,comments,perceptions,advices " I'll stay a virgin until marriage" - 4/22/2009 To be honest and frank with you all, It's not easy being 25-yr.old virgin, lol! Temptation is always there! It's hard but I made a promise to myself! When I was 18 yr.old , I bought a platinum promise ring or virginity ring that has inscription " True love waits" Actually , I'm not wearing it all the time, It's just making the right choice. Now, I am extremely sad ... 8 response(s), 9 votes |
Can you help me? - 4/16/2009 This error occurs even if there is a DVD inserted. Windows media center cannot detect a video DVD in the DVD-ROM drive. Insert a video DVD into the drive. I hope someone would be able to help me with this. Is there something wrong with the DVD-ROM? I tried to follow the troubleshooting guides and all the suggestions on the Help section, but wasn't lucky to fix the problem. ... 6 response(s), 6 votes |
What causes specifically the current Financial Crisis? - 4/16/2009 Has the world actually made up a consensus on the actual/specific cause(s) of the current Financial Crisis? I'll appreciate any valuable information. Thanks. 13 response(s), 5 votes |
Arrrrgh Matey ! - 4/9/2009 Story goes that them there Somali Pirates routinely abduct Philipinian sailor boys, but nobody lifts a finger to help them, but now that one, single US citizen gets nabbed, the whole damned US Navel fleet closes in, and negotiates for the captain's release. It seems that the crew had standing orders to co-operate pirates, in any event of being boarded. Why don't all ships have ... 3 response(s), 14 votes |
Strategy? Ladies and Gentlemen... - 4/5/2009 A close friend, who is a male nurse, recently broke up with a doctor-girlfriend. They’ve only been dating for few months when the girl started to act strangely. She would stalk him, saying she just “happened” to be in the neighbourhood, ask him about his daily schedule and send him endless mushy text messages. He decided she is not the one. When he told her that ... 11 response(s), 14 votes |
FEARLESS WOMEN... - 4/4/2009 This is the generation of assertive women. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Fearless as u may be... ![]() ![]() ![]() 20 response(s), 23 votes |
WHO WANTS TO...INITIATE??? - 4/4/2009 SCENARIO 1: Some women actually wanted to be the aggressor. ![]() ![]() ![]() SCENARIO 2: SOME men are so stressed that their women are just waiting for them to make a move... ![]() ![]() 22 response(s), 21 votes |
Great Tour - 4/4/2009 I watched Gran Torino last week. It reminded me on thatSpike Lee recently criticized Clint Eastwood for making the film, "Flags of Our Fathers, " because he didn't portray any black soldiers in it. In an interview with The Guardian, Eastwood responded: "He was complaining when I did Bird [the 1988 biopic of Charlie Parker]. Why would a white guy be doing that? I was the ... 2 response(s), 3 votes |
Pinay Emigrates to The United States & Sings A New Tune - 3/18/2009 So this drunk chick cries , moves to the states, then says "nevermind, " after getting all the Philippinians all Makabayan about it. Is everybody still all pissed off, or what? 58 response(s), 20 votes |
Vatican defends Brazil excommunication - 3/8/2009 A senior Vatican cleric has defended the excommunication of the mother and doctors of a nine-year-old girl who had an abortion in Brazil after being . Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, head of the Catholic church's Congregation for Bishops, told the daily La Stampa on Saturday that the twins the girl had been carrying had a right to live. "It is a sad case but the real problem is ... 4 response(s), 11 votes |
Celibicy - 3/8/2009 Did you know? On March 9, 1074, Pope Gregory VII declares all married Roman Catholic priests to be excommunicated. 5 response(s), 5 votes |
He's Bad - He's Back - You Know It! - 3/7/2009 After 16 years of being out of work, and nearly bankrupt, as result of slanderous libel and malicious prosecution, which destroyed his career, finally now in the midst of the greatest economic catastrophe in history, Michael Jackson has made enough money overnight, in concert ticket sales, for his final ten shows in London, to cover the Congressional spending spree! Are you traveling ... 17 response(s), 4 votes |
Humongous Hooters Ho' Down - 3/3/2009 Who are 'da babes what gotz 'da biggest boobs on their profile page here? Don't ask me, I'm too busy gett'n laid, to be spend'n all'a my time surfing ghosts at this phony place, and it's not as if I'm asking you who's actually real. Just nominate what appears to be biggest. That way, I can just click on 'da link, and get right down to bidness, not having to waist my precious time, zipp'n ... 1 response(s), 10 votes |
Why some western men get attracted to Asian women?... - 3/1/2009 Surveys from US and Europe would suggest that the number of mixed marriages and relationships between Western men and Asian women has continously increased throughout the decade. What do you think are the reasons (both practical and personal reasons-i.e. in terms of psysical attributes, traits and characteristics)? Why men from the other side of the fence tend to settle now, more for ... 20 response(s), 8 votes |
Don't you hate it when foreigners from another country are here in the country - 2/28/2009 ... on a visa and they always say how much better their country is than ours? I don't appreciate unwarranted comments that are made out of arrogance, false superiority, jealousy and hatred. If we're that bad here, why would they want to be here in the first place? If they have some ... 51 response(s), 42 votes |
You Pinays Always Insisted... - 2/26/2009 ...either that it was just as easy to love a rich man as it is a poor one, or that love is more important than money. Now that so many people have lost all of their paper profits, in mutual funds and real estate, and considering how their credit is getting tighter and many workers are being canned, are you still, so gung-ho, on marrying a Joe?... 17 response(s), 6 votes |
Characteristics - 2/26/2009 What do u like and dislike about foreigners? 3 response(s), 6 votes |
Kiss ! - 2/14/2009 for GiRLS: what do U think is the best thing to do to attract a guy to kiss U. For GUYS: what makes ...u to feel a girl to kiss u in ur emotion ?... 4 response(s), 11 votes |
Christian Icons at Catholic University - BIG SURPRISE??? - 2/12/2009 Professors at Boston College, a private Catholic university, are expressing outrage after Christian art, including crucifixes, appeared in their classrooms after the recent winter break. Hello! Is anybody home? Is the Pope Catholic? You know, this is really getting ridiculous. The clowns are trying to run the circus. What makes these teachers think that they have the right ... 16 response(s), 8 votes |
Speed Date While You Still Have Time - 2/12/2009 Okay everybody, quit stalling; time is running out. You all are using this website just to gripe and kibitz, instead of using it for what it is intended for - GETTING DATES!!! The problem is that everyone is too damned picky. What's needed is an automated process, that sticks you with someone, pot-luck style, but you only have to spend 10 minutes, with 10 people. ... 22 response(s), 12 votes |
who would u go for? - 2/12/2009 2 guys involve.. 1st is someone u love.. but doesnt love u back, u dont even know if he really cares for u even a bit.. u go out together and do 'make love'.. u wanted to get rid of him and just forget him, but u cant.. 1st factor is, u & him are in the same circle of friends, 2nd, u LOVE HIM SO MUCH.. 2nd is someone who really cares for u.. ur bestfriend and "HIS" ... 4 response(s), 11 votes |
Is it true? - 2/6/2009 Somebody told.... People are opting to spend less on entertainment b'cos of uncertain economy... I think men want to meet for a drink more and dinner less...or watching TV stay at home. Ladies.. is it true in ur experience, with ur bf or husband.. ? Or they go out and enjoy the world ?... 4 response(s), 8 votes |
Which is More Cruel, The Cyber or The Real World? - 2/6/2009 Hi, folks! I hope this won't spoil your weekend. My questions are: 1. Have you been a victim of cyber crime or knew of someone close to you who was? 2. Have you seen your Handle as one of the visitors apparently of a Sex Video site when in fact you've never been to any Porn sites before? If so, who do you think is the culprit, and how in the world your name got into it? ... 7 response(s), 12 votes |
Let Them Drink Gin & Tonic - 2/5/2009 'There's no reason only poor people should get malaria': The moment Bill Gates released jar of mosquitoes at packed conference By David Gardner February 2009 It was a show-stopping move by any standards. Bill Gates, the billionaire founder of Microsoft and a renowned philanthropist, let loose a swarm of mosquitoes at a technology conference in California to ... 11 response(s), 10 votes |
Annoying Critic - 2/4/2009 Has anyone here received any criticism regarding their profile? How did you feel about it? How did you face/deal with the critic/criticism? 8 response(s), 11 votes |
P.O.V. points, opinion and violent reactions - 2/4/2009 Bob Ong have a new book regarding love quotes. But amongst the many he have mentioned...there is one that really struck my attention and here it is... "If you love 2 person at the same time, leave the 1st and and settle for the 2nd one...for you will never find another love if you happen to love the 1st one" P.O.V. points, opinion and violent reactions... lemme hear ... 5 response(s), 15 votes |
Feelings - 2/3/2009 "I have read some men profiles(foreigners) here who were married to a Filipina that they are still looking for a discreet relationship with someone because they said that their wives were busy with their business.." To all ladies here, how would you feel about the situation?how would u handle it? To all men, pls tell us what we should do so you won't be looking for a discreet relationship ... 6 response(s), 6 votes |
betrayal - 2/3/2009 How would u feel if your bf(LDR)admitted to you that he has another gf aside from you? You asked him to let you go but he doesnt want to let you go.. 11 response(s), 9 votes |
And how was your day? - 2/2/2009 What's Going On? Something is terribly wrong. I cannot seem to point my finger as to what but I feel that there is something ominous in the air. It is such a feat to wake up in the morning and the first thing you read are news about the riot happening in Palestine, “seemingly” terrorists attack in ... 15 response(s), 14 votes |
Ski The Philippines - 2/2/2009 "It's six more weeks of skiing, " said Mickey Rowley, deputy secretary for tourism in Pennsylvania. According to German superstition, if a hibernating animal casts a shadow on Feb. 2 - the pagen holiday of Candlemas - winter will last another six weeks. If no shadow was seen, legend said spring would come early. The world's most famous groundhog saw his shadow Monday morning, ... 3 response(s), 4 votes |
Is it possible? - 2/1/2009 Is it ever possible to know what's in your girlfriend / boyfriend's heart seeking from you?... 4 response(s), 7 votes |
THE PURSUIT OF THE CHICKEN... - 1/31/2009 a short storytelling-a-lie: Woman: I like u but I have no plans of relocating ![]() Man: In that case, even if I like u, ![]() ![]() The End. What has stopped u guys from pursuing a girl in the past?... 7 response(s), 13 votes |
YOUR THEME SONG - 1/30/2009 I\'m sure that every couple has their theme song. What is you and your loved one\'s theme song?... 13 response(s), 12 votes |
$819 billion stimulus bill for US (How about YOU?) - 1/28/2009 Well, the Democratic-controlled House approved a historically huge $819 billion stimulus bill Wednesday night, filled with new spending and tax cuts at the core of the Soetoro administration's pork plan to empower the Democrat Party. It seems to me that money could go a lot further, if it were to be sent to The Philippines. 6 response(s), 5 votes |
LOVELESS ON VALENTINES - 1/28/2009 Celebrating Valentine\'s Day is indeed romantic for those couples in love. BUT what about us people who are loveless, single, unattached and broken hearted? Can we still celebrate Valentine\'s Day?... 12 response(s), 9 votes |
Online "Relationships" It is Good Idea or Not? - 1/27/2009 We live in an amazing time from a technological standpoint. Just about anyone living anywhere can be easily reached through a few clicks of a mouse or a few touches on a keypad. Cellphones, computers and other advanced gadgets are example. ![]() 10 response(s), 9 votes |
uncertainty - 1/25/2009 this question is from afriend.. i heard her ask this before and we didnt know what to answer.. we just sigh and nod.. =) maybe u can help us a little about this.. thanks! "how will we ever know if the guys is serious with his intentions to us or they were just simply trying to hook us up??" 5 response(s), 10 votes |
What good things can you symbolize yourself? and why? - 1/24/2009 Glass is the best thing that symbolize to myself.In the reason that glass is fragile need a tender care, some glass are made of plastic and it float so it means if floods come still it survive same to myself that if obstacles come i will float just to survive. Glass has a limit and never filled higher than its limit even i try to fill it more but still it never mount up. 6 response(s), 14 votes |
PERFECT DATE - 1/23/2009 Valentine's Day is near and I'm sure everyone is planning for a perfect date. What is the perfect date for you?... 13 response(s), 20 votes |
Should O'bama Annex The Philippines? - 1/22/2009 Ask not what you can do for yourselves, ask what O'bama can DO for YOU!... 50 response(s), 30 votes |
Is HE the ANSWER to Global Crisis? - 1/21/2009 Inauguration of President Obama I stayed up late to watch (the) US President Obama's inauguration. It was worth it! Though I am neither an American nor a resident of USA I honestly felt that President Obama may be the answer (apart from the nation's fervent prayers) to US' current crisis. I suddenly felt elated and weepy (ok, I am mushy!) because a lot of people ... 29 response(s), 43 votes |
who am I ? - 1/20/2009 Still.. serching myself... asking urself, wt? u got an answer? Share us....... 13 response(s), 17 votes |
Are you still agree with Rizal words"YOUTH IS THE HOPE OF OUR MOTHERLAND" - 1/17/2009 I am so disaapointed for today that our is not so reliable to be the hope of our motherland. The first cause that I look is the vices of todays generation.Liquors, drugaddiction, Corruption, prostituition and many more to mention.Second basis is the influence of Politics. They put the youth as a members of it we call it SK.I can see that on the young age they acquire the mentality of corrupt ... 7 response(s), 7 votes |
Sweet (or WET) Dreams? - 1/15/2009 I heard music somewhere in the house. I got up even though my body felt tired, and I walked to the door. I tried the lock, and to my suprise it was open. I left the room the way it was and closed the door behind me. The music led me through different twists and turns and I knew that if I hadn't been following the music, I could have gotten lost in that place very easily. Left this way, ... 6 response(s), 27 votes |
Education is for what?.......For instutuition benefits and parents sacrifices. - 1/15/2009 As far as i observed and experienced that the study now adays is just for instituitions or colleges benefit not for the childrens future. Student pays 5000-7000 every exam or every month which hard for the parents to provide but when they graduated maximum of 25% employ and 75 % unemploy and the maximum philippine wage for fresh graduates is 3000-4000 a month. Am I right? 8 response(s), 24 votes |
[B]How do you connect with other people? [/B] - 1/12/2009 The Antidote to Loneliness I think one of the worst conditions and most devastating circumstances that human beings can live with is loneliness. More and more people find themselves living lonely lives, which often leads to feelings of desperation and unhappiness. They often ask how they can change this sad and ... 13 response(s), 36 votes |
THE BIG "O"... - 1/10/2009 the sweetest taboo ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Question: why is the female o*r*g*A*s*m still elusive to pinays in this day and age? ![]() Now... here comes the men ![]() ![]() ![]() "Sexual pleasure is a good thing ![]() ![]() ![]() 7 response(s), 49 votes |
Is too much love a kill or thrill ? - 1/10/2009 Most of the people give all they've got even to the extent of giving the only love in themselves 100%, giving everything they own, life, love and soul. Others would kill for the sake of love, others consider it a thrill with suspense.. which do you belong?... 12 response(s), 7 votes |
The End: December 21, 2012? - 1/10/2009 We, are all God fearing individuals and believes that there is someone outhere who really created us all. So what if... just what if... everything that has been lend to us needs to be returned to its rightful owner-?... 17 response(s), 11 votes |
EATING A ....SINS? - 1/8/2009 good or bad...right or wrong....we always have a choice to do what we want...because we enjoy doing it...even if you know its a sins...and were aware the consequences of doing it...will you be sinner or a saint? 10 response(s), 5 votes |
Did you feel that 2009 is not welcome?...........due to poverty crisis? - 1/8/2009 As I've attended the mass last New years eve it was on the homily that the reverend tells regarding for mass complain that they never feel the 2009 to come because it so hard to cover up the 2008 crisis.That even simple food to share is hard for them to afford, ecomics goes expensive and everything valued with a high price and most of the people are jobless.....But the reverend says that whatever ... 3 response(s), 9 votes |
Who is to be the Judge? - 1/6/2009 Something to think about Detached from the world understanding nothing and everything Keeping my distance from everyone I know Different people hurting me for no reason at all Not wanting to die but tired of living hurting horribly inside trying to let the pain out[... 37 response(s), 47 votes |
Is life accompany by pain? - 1/6/2009 Life is not always happy right?life never contented and life always desire for more. This is the way ive observe for my life and one thing more life is going with problem. As human being and open with friends thought and experiences, our life is formed towards similar direction.We will pass or solve the problem then to feel the happiness.Going toward happiness, The pain is There!Some people dont ... 4 response(s), 9 votes |
What are those things to make your feeling recover in a unsuccessful relationship - 1/5/2009 In short, a broken hearted one. Please advice. thank you ... 10 response(s), 1 vote |
the love and pain... - 1/5/2009 "...I thought love can melt the pain no matter how painful it is. But now I realize that pain can melt the love no matter how great it was." Any reactions about this? ![]() 8 response(s), 9 votes |
What if he doesnt have a webcam? - 1/2/2009 He/She is very nice and for how many months, youve waited, has given him a chance that maybe the means of communication will improve- like having a cam. But what if he just cant for some reasons- it may be just an excuse or true. Will you go on chatting or holding a special friendship with him/her? Thanks!... 12 response(s), 14 votes |
Has the world gone crazy? - 1/2/2009 Forwarding an email sent by a classmate Is this what we have as leaders of our country??? Such a fuc---g pity!!!!!! Subject: The Valley Golf Club in Antipolo incident, fyi Date: Monday, December 29, 2008, 12:40 AM Friday, December 26, 2008 The world has gone crazy. So, I just had the worst day of my life. At around 1:30 PM today, at Valley Golf and ... 91 response(s), 72 votes |
Happy New Year!!! - 12/30/2008 Just wanna greet and wish everyone a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. Love and happiness come from within- dont need to really try hard looking for it. It's almost here... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! WOOOOOO ![]() 8 response(s), 10 votes |
HaPPy NeW YeAr to ALL! - 12/28/2008 2008: an end and a beginning ![]() ![]() 4 response(s), 17 votes |
ConSciENce - 12/26/2008 what exactly is conscience? ![]() ![]() ![]() 9 response(s), 16 votes |
May - December affairs: Do they work at all? - 12/24/2008 I was just wondering if anyone here has been through a May - December affair and if it was a succesful relationship? I see a lot of young women with not so young partners strolling in the malls this christmas season which caught the stare of many local folks. People usually are Leery of this kind of love matches. What is your opinion of this type of love affair?What do you think ... 8 response(s), 6 votes |
beware of HIV: Better be safe than suffer the consequences - 12/24/2008 HIV can be transmitted in the sexual fluids, blood or breast milk of an infected person. HIV prevention therefore involves a wide range of activities including prevention of mother-to- transmission, harm reduction for injecting drug users, and precautions for health care workers. As an RN, this question posed in my mind today: Should you require your sex partner/BF or ... 4 response(s), 5 votes |
Have you ever rejected a FFF friend request? If so, why? - 12/22/2008 Just did yesterday, actually. If I have never seen the person on my footprints before, I will reject him/her. If I have never interacted with the person before, I will reject him/her. If the person does not have a single post, I will likely reject him/her. I don't know. I'm sure there are other reasons I'd reject a friend request... I just can't think of every single little ... 7 response(s), 15 votes |
life love and sex??? - 12/22/2008 are you ready for love??? or in love with the idea of being in love. to me sex is a quick bang and eating a burger because the taste is always the same?? but making love with the person you love is like a very good soap on tv, you hope that this show will be on forever and will be like a part of your life, for me i love to be in love and i cant wait to feel it again, but love is like quick ... 3 response(s), 10 votes |
PerSoNaLiTy - 12/20/2008 17 response(s), 27 votes |
Economic Crisis - 12/19/2008 When will this global economic crisis end? I hope it will be soon. A lot of businesses are being affected by this, including BPO companies where i'm currently working. What can we do to end this? 4 response(s), 10 votes |
Take a stab at Rejection? - 12/11/2008 Of course I get more than my share of jealous girlfriends, way more, but according to the website for The Smoking Gun, a 19 year old girl, recently stabbed her 35 year old boyfriend, for not having sex with her. The article doesn't say, but how about you young, little, hotties? Do you want sex, more than your older boyfriends can keep up with? Naturally with me, I ... 3 response(s), 6 votes |
Ebola for Concubine? - 12/11/2008 Manila reports Ebola virus in pigs By Roel Landingin in Manila December 11 2008 Philippine officials tucked into servings of lechon, the popular dish of roasted whole pig, in front of television cameras on Thursday to reassure the public of the safety of the national staple meat after the discovery among hogs near Manila of a strain of the Ebola virus. ... 9 response(s), 4 votes |
Which do you prefer, The one YOU love most or the one WHO loves you? - 12/10/2008 To all members who read this topic, please advise me what do i have to choose. Hope that, all your suggestions and opinions will help to answer my own question. Looking forward to hear from you guys!! 19 response(s), 15 votes |
Something to think about! - 12/9/2008 Love him or hate him, he sure hits the nail on the head with this! Bill Gates recently gave a speech at a High School about 11 things they did not and will not learn in school. He talks about how feel-good, politically correct teachings created a generation of with no concept of reality, and how this concept set them up for failure in the real world. Rule 1:Life is not fair - get ... 7 response(s), 7 votes |
Why guys can easily say I love you? - 12/8/2008 As far as i know that we are all created equal but in dealing about emotion, man has a great chance to express the feeling towards the woman and urgently it define as Love but if the woman feel something special towards the descendant of adam creator will say it just infatuation. If the feeling of a man grows they can urgently say "I Love You"but for eve's fellow just always depend on the right ... 10 response(s), 9 votes |
EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE... - 12/7/2008 Everybody has had painful experiences that affects the way they make decisions and relate with others. ![]() ![]() The results of such experiences include feelings of guilt, failure, anger, resentment or even shame. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() How do u respond to a partner with a lot of...emotional baggage? ![]() ... 15 response(s), 18 votes |
WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH... - 12/6/2008 We can only tackle our problems as we would climb a mountain ![]() ![]() ![]() Same works for everyday life ![]() ![]() ![]() 7 response(s), 16 votes |
Is it true ? - 12/3/2008 A man is incomplete until he is married. After that, he is finished. ... 1 response(s), 3 votes |
Is it true ? - 12/3/2008 Married men live longer than single men. or It only seems longer. ... 6 response(s), 5 votes |
For a laugh: Priceless - 12/3/2008 The Good Husband Jack wakes up with a huge hangover after attending his company's Christmas Party. Jack is not normally a drinker, but the drinks didn't taste like alcohol at all. He didn't even remember how he got home from the party. As bad as he was feeling, he wondered if he did something wrong. Jack had to force himself to open his eyes, and the first thing he sees is a couple of ... 2 response(s), 6 votes |
RETREAT OR SURRENDER? - 12/3/2008 When you feel stressed or pained ![]() ![]() ![]() What do you usually do when you are upset with your partner? ![]() Do you stay and get to the bottom of the "matter" or "run away?":> ... 6 response(s), 14 votes |
Why Should We Stay In A Relationship? - 12/1/2008 Make out a sincere post. Thanks ![]() 5 response(s), 1 vote |
What's 'da Hurry? - 12/1/2008 So here I am, writing from a cozy little cyber cafe in Pattaya. Tourists are all bent outt'a shape about not being able to catch a plane out 'o 'da country, but what 'da hey? Why not stay? It's cheaper being on vacation here, even wit all o' 'da bar fines you gotz to pay, then nursing a Manhattan in Memphis. People are funny. There's this guy over here from Timbuktu, who was ... 1 response(s), 3 votes |
For the Want of a Shoe: Y2K Revisited - 12/1/2008 Gary North played Paul Revere for Y2K. He was concerned, and rightfully so, that if defective computer software could not be corrected before the end of the 20th Century, that there would be a domino effect from computers crashing, which would lead to the collapse of the banking system, power grid, industrial base, manufacturing, logistics, and return civilization to another Dark Age. ... 1 response(s), 1 vote |
Is a has a right to evaluate her mom....and say some words for realization? - 12/1/2008 It was almost 7 years when i leave my family and live with my friends.I worked abroad for the desire to makes my parents happy. On this year I've decided to settle my life in my home town and be with my parents.They used to depend on me. One time my mother birthday comes and i never gave her any gift and she complain due to the reason that everything i provide them even its hard for me, no big ... 5 response(s), 5 votes |
A LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP...(LDR) - 12/1/2008 How can u sustain an LDR? ![]() ![]() ![]() I believed the outset of an LDR there is nothing more ... 3 response(s), 9 votes |
Keeping Photos Of Your Ex ??? - 12/1/2008 Men... any ideas, personal reasons, and opinions why a guy is still keeping photos of their recent ex? (Please as an exception, dont consider family photos where she is present). Solo pictures of her and pictures of you two. And also, her number (phone/ mobile)... Of course women's opinions are also very much appreciated... ... 8 response(s), 8 votes |
LOSS OF A SIGNIFICANT RELATIONSHIP... - 11/29/2008 It was said that the loss of a close relationship, especially a relationship with a spouse, can be equally as painful and stressful as the death of a loved one. ![]() ![]() 5 response(s), 14 votes |
D A D D Y D O L L ...:( - 11/27/2008 This is a story of a little girl who loved her dad but wasn’t sure what dads did: "One morning my father didn’t get up and go to work. He went to the hospital and died the next day. ![]() 6 response(s), 17 votes |
Is it right to react when changes occur?....... In Love relation? - 11/25/2008 I was fall in love to a man 3 years ago but we never get married. I conclude him as the answer to my prayer for the ideal man whom i looking for, He never smoke cigars nor prohibited drugs and he never drink liquor too, most of all He spend time to our church. As the time pass and we live together and stay to the Philippine suddenly he adopt most of Filipino vices drinking and smoking so I want ... 7 response(s), 10 votes |
Why Do Most Westerners Prefer To Go For Asians? - 11/23/2008 I dont fully understand. Why do you think most western men prefer to go for asian women? There are times that i think asian women are far more attractive in bed hehehe... so these men (not all okay?hehe) are only after ya know hehehe... They say, oh asian women would make better wives ![]() ![]() 27 response(s), 31 votes |
Email & New Members - 11/19/2008 Hi, thought you might appreciate knowing this if you don't already. New members (at least standard members) cannot view or respond to email. I asked FFF about this and here is the response. Dear Member, Thank you for your email. The limitation for viewing/reading email has been set for our new registrants, so don't be discouraged. As your ... 6 response(s), 7 votes |
Nursing My Drinks - 11/17/2008 Well, I've really hit the jack pot this time! I found a post card info request for some University Nursing School in the Caribbean. I tore the card from a poster that had a picture of a sail boat, full 'o babes, and only one guy. You kind of have to ask yourself, "what kind of man would study for a career as a nurse, " but then I figured that the guy's not gay, but dumb like a fox ... 2 response(s), 10 votes |
What Is the right Answer? - 11/16/2008 My ex and I have a house in Cebu.. And after the divorce the house just in my name only. But I let him stay in that house everytime he's visiting in Cebu. Since after divorce he visit Phil. 3 X a year and during that time he have different girlfriends and stayed w/ him in the house. And next month I am going to Cebu to visit my family and my ex is back in the US. So the question is What is the ... 17 response(s), 16 votes |
How you fell the Christmas season of today? - 11/16/2008 Christmas originally define as Joy & blessed. As far as i observed today Christmas means worry and anxiety. worry in the since that people think how to survive the crisis of poverty most specially in the philippines.Parents are anxious of thinking how to let their fell the real christmas if nothing on their pocket to buy a present to their . 4 response(s), 8 votes |
A KISS... IS STILL A KISS... - 11/13/2008 Breath is our first link to life. ![]() KISSING ![]() ![]() When u offer an intimate kiss ![]() ![]() ![]() In a relationship ... 11 response(s), 29 votes |
"COMMITMENT" TO EACH OTHER - 11/12/2008 Long term relationships require a commitment from both partner. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ask yourself these: Are u both determined to consistently satisfy each other not just during ... 4 response(s), 26 votes |
languages of love.... - 11/12/2008 just to share...the five languages of love; 1.words of affirmations 2.quality time 3.act of service 5.physical touch using the five languages of love...for me its goes like this... act of service 20%....quality time 20%....physical touch 30%.....words of affirmations 15% total of 100%......we must identify the language of love of our partner...for us to be more ... 4 response(s), 3 votes |
money matters - 11/11/2008 since the discussion is veering towards money matters; about the economy, gov't aid, personal money/retirement plans, i have a soul-searching question. is it all about the money to you? is money your number one priority; acquiring, making, getting, receiving, you can spend, enjoy, life? ... 3 response(s), 6 votes |
do you still remember? - 11/9/2008 ...your first love. ![]() i do. i still think of her once in awhile, even after all these years. i was in 3rd yr(11 grade) then and she was in 4th(12 grade). it didn't last long, only until she graduated. the happiest year of my high school years. oh boy, was i heart-broken. i spent that entire summer vacation listening to love songs. ![]() in my case, ... 10 response(s), 5 votes |
REMAINING SINGLE OR...REMARRYING? - 11/9/2008 For me, remaining single is simply a choice. It is a lifestyle and a vocation in itself. Remaining as one doesn’t mean not having emotionally close ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Is it a stigma or a disgrace to ... 9 response(s), 31 votes |
How far would you be willing to go to experience true love? - 11/7/2008 How far would you be willing to go? Are there limits? What have you done to try and have True Love? ... 8 response(s), 5 votes |
Be my guest.... - 11/4/2008 while:we Filipinos are knwn for our legendary hospitality, can the same be said of our houseguest manners?... 0 response(s), 0 votes |
Workplace..... - 11/4/2008 I told my boss that i dont mind being transferred to another department as long as the pay is good but i was only i'm afraid that shes been offended, or that she's already facilitating my transfer.i love where i am now and dont want to move.what should i do?... 2 response(s), 3 votes |
BOY II MAN..... - 11/4/2008 what is the right potion for a guy who's no longer a boy but not yet a man?... 2 response(s), 2 votes |
The escaped air. - 11/4/2008 I was suppose to blog about farting, these questions have been burning in the back of my mind so I have to let it out here on the magazine section (no pun intended). LMAO! ![]() The first time that my ex-bf spent the day at our house, we were watching TV , my stomach suddenly started rumbling. It started out as a teeny tiny rumble but it eventually turned into what sounded like a ... 2 response(s), 7 votes |
Weather Money Talks? - 11/3/2008 Given the choice after having fallen in love with a foreigner, and getting married, where would you prefer to live, outside of The Philippines? Slovakia where your husband can get a job at a hotel, but where English is far from the primary language, and the weather is cold and wet, or a Caribbean Commonwealth nation, where you both could also get resident visas, and the weather is nice ... 8 response(s), 2 votes |
Men to be - 11/3/2008 My Mom always said Men are all alike;boys will be boys;never try to chnage a the typical stereotype still holds in th new millinium as they did in the dark age?... 2 response(s), 1 vote |
A Guy Who Gives A Girl A Lingerie??? - 11/2/2008 If a guy from somewhere else who wants to see a girl he's courting and he wants to give her lingerie as a gift (bra and panty with stockings), is it because he only wants sex??? Or im just being malicious???... 4 response(s), 3 votes |
which is more painful... - 11/1/2008 losing a /... or a partner/husband/wife... into the hands of the Lord? 2 response(s), 1 vote |
virginity..... - 10/31/2008 maturity and stability asssures future than virginity..marrying a virgin is not an assurance of a happy and perfect marriage..Premarital sex is the act of making love before marriage..i simply want u to realize that premarital sex does not necessarily make a person dirty, rotten and worthless..being virgin does not necessarily mean, ,that one is better than non ... 4 response(s), 4 votes |
THE ONE-EYED...WILLIE *wink! - 10/27/2008 Hmmmm ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() can u tell? ![]() btw... my long lost friend's name is...willie ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ... 2 response(s), 6 votes |
so how do we do this? - 10/26/2008 ok, we only have a few posters here and i bet they are running out of questions to ask. no matter how colorful one's life is, there comes a time when even their lives comes to a stand-still. ![]() ![]() ![]() as you know, i can count by the fingers in 1 hand how many have been posting lately, ... 4 response(s), 4 votes |
"Birth Control" - 10/24/2008 [SIZE 2]Are you using the "BAHALA NA "birth control method? do filipinas fear birth control more than giving birth?why some women would rather risk an unplanned pregnancy than take the time to protect themselves..... 1 response(s), 0 votes |
education mean.... - 10/24/2008 nathalie28the higher your education , the lower your weight?what do you this true?... 5 response(s), 2 votes |
"freedom as in free as a bird" - 10/24/2008 i don't know about you but i've noticed this new generation of ours, getting hitch or getting into relationship in not so younger age anymore... ![]() ![]() 5 response(s), 3 votes |
most respected responders... - 10/24/2008 what can you get if you are on top of being most respected responders?not only in mag.also in blog, there a reason?... 5 response(s), 4 votes |
How do you overcome being broken hearted? - 10/24/2008 i always keep myself busy at work so i won't feel that i'm not broken hearted. i also go out with friends... gimmick... drink sometimes... do some things that i've never done before.... nature tripping...going on an extreme and risky adventures are fun when you're broken hearted. How bout you my fff friends, what do you do to overcome the depression of being broken hearted? 4 response(s), 2 votes |
Are you satisfied with your life? - 10/23/2008 I always question this to myself. and always, my answer is "NO". Though i already got some of what i want before. i'm still not satisfied.. do you believe, human beings have no satisfaction at all? if no, are you satisfied with your life already? what will make you satisfied? 5 response(s), 4 votes |
christmas approaching..... - 10/22/2008 what is the meaning of christmas to you?theres a lot of meaning.but what is the true of this words?[/SIZE... 3 response(s), 4 votes |
Can your man handle your guys friends.... - 10/20/2008 It is possible to be in love with one man and also have kabarkadas from the opposite sex?explore the advantages and complication of having a close male/female friends.... 0 response(s), 2 votes |
what is the proper decorum? - 10/20/2008 which do you think is proper? being tactful, by beating around the bush and saying kind words to the extent of lying just so you don't ruffle any feathers..or..being straightforward, saying the truth, without the intent of hurting. as you know, the truth hurts sometimes. to be or not to be... a hypocrite ![]() 7 response(s), 3 votes |
complicated... - 10/19/2008 the situation is like this...after 3 months for breaking up.the guy knocking at your door he insist that he loves you so much he want to come back to your life.and now your confusing what is the reason behind that?and its too complicated because at this time you have on going relationship for other guy, you love the guy very much.....what will you do for you ex.?and ... 10 response(s), 2 votes |
Lonely in Love - 10/18/2008 YOu met someone, caring, thoughtful, kind, decent and with a stable job, the kind of person you would take home and proudly introduce to your parents. He ( or she) ticks all the boxes. He is a looker though without the six pack and sexy Eastern European accent but hey, he looks ok.You know he loves you. And your friends like him too. But here is the catch, you feel ... 9 response(s), 2 votes |
Where do you hide your secrets? - 10/17/2008 A secret doesn't have to be big or life changing or dangerous, but don't get me wrong, it can be. Most secrets are just personal things that you don't want certain people or anyone at all to know. Everyone has secrets even the most boring, forthright, honest, and holy people, actually they tend to have the most in order to maintain their facades. Some secrets are not supposed to be kept but ... 5 response(s), 5 votes |
how to wow anyone you meet... - 10/17/2008 these subliminal first impression tricks work so well, even your boyfriend's mom will get sucked in.... 9 response(s), 1 vote |
October: "Black Jack" Pershing Month - 10/16/2008 In October, 1909, US General, John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, was sent on a mission to Southern Mindanao, where there now is a park named after him. Why did they name the park after him, and just what did he do, that made him so famous? Are there celebrations throughout The Philippines, this month, in honor of his accomplishments? If so, are there any sort of ... 8 response(s), 0 votes |
Commitment - 10/16/2008 I've been thinking about commitment lately. No, not having machbeitzh committed, but about myself. Not that I'm really thinking about having myself committed either, exactly, but about commitment with women. Just last night, for instance, I stepped into this joint for a quickie. No, not THAT kind of joint. No, not THAT kind of quickie, but a DRINK. This place just so happens to ... 1 response(s), 1 vote |
i know me myself and i - 10/11/2008 just because someone in this section mentioned about EQ and IQ, i went out of my way and took the time to research on EQ exams. it was kinda funny.. i thought all i needed to do was wear a mood ring and ask mom for money... haha! but that didn't seem to work. so i went online and took an actual EQ exam. i have to admit though ...i found the exam to be extremely difficult. basically, ... 1 response(s), 3 votes |
"long distance relationship or bust" - 10/11/2008 i am certain that a few or perhaps a majority of this site's member are into L.D.R. ![]() ![]() ![]() you have to remember that most of this guys/gals have to travel, spend their ... 10 response(s), 6 votes |
only one has knowing about you did, - 10/10/2008 dont make an effort, because will the best thing happins , when you least expect them, everybody see who you seen, however only one know who you are, 1 response(s), 2 votes |
Ladyboys Here Online? - 10/9/2008 How many of you guys here, have sent off winks, or made a date, with what appears from the pictures, at least for all tents and porpoises, to be a girl, but you never even realized it was a ladyboy? To this day, you still may not know, because you've never actually gone out with that person, and maybe haven't yet talked with them on the phone. Although even to hear their voice, might ... 10 response(s), 6 votes |
Hey 19! - 10/8/2008 If you are old enough to remember when that song came out, (1980), you are NOT Nineteen. If you ARE 19 and want to get married, how long do you expect it's going to last? Perhaps until you are, oh, let's see, say about, Twenty-eight? Tell you what, think of me as just your starter, husband. By the time you are twenty-six, I'll be looking for another , anyway, so what the hay? Wad'da 'ya ... 11 response(s), 4 votes |
***diana or diano*** - 10/8/2008 diana: by paul anka...remember that song? sometimes you'll hear it on the radio/commercials.... ![]() here it goes....i'm so young and your so old, here's my darling i've been told... ![]() ![]() my question is: what's the age difference do you prefer and if you are on this situation/s are you really in love? or perhaps ... 10 response(s), 4 votes |
winners takes it all.... - 10/8/2008 we are all here on this site to find our match or soulmate as most of you are calling it, the love of my life as one would say... ![]() 5 response(s), 12 votes |
this guy special...... - 10/7/2008 within a month i chatted him.i talk to him privately in YM.he always call me if he is not online and busy to his work.i knw he is a good person.he knw that i like him so much but i am so shy to show and say it to him that i am falling for him already.what can i do?... 10 response(s), 9 votes |
becoming inconsistent - 10/5/2008 do inconsistencies (esp in communication since this is an ldr) can create jealousy? doubts? how do you handle these? 3 response(s), 1 vote |
I like this guy... - 10/5/2008 I have been chatting with this guy in English lang. chatroom and i like him and definitely he likes me but the problem is for over a week of chatting he has never asked me for a private chat and it feels a little uncomfortable that the blossoming closeness between us is overly exposed there lol and ive been waiting for him to ask coz i would never ask him for a private communication since if hes ... 7 response(s), 6 votes |
feelings... - 10/4/2008 [SIZE 4]how will you knw if the guy was sincere for his intention to the woman?i think im inlove....i think im inlove....but i dont knw if he is the right guy for me..!all member could give some comments or advice.... 9 response(s), 4 votes |
No, it wasnt me! - 10/3/2008 Every summer, i get to work part time as a caterer at concerts and music festival. I love the experience coz although i work hard ( mostly 8 am till 9pm!), the pay is good and once i clock off, i can go and watch whoever is performing on stage. Its a dream job for me. Then one time, i was so busy looking at some performers hanging out in the green room while I was setting up the bain ... 5 response(s), 3 votes |
A Smelly Problem! - 10/3/2008 I have been using Maybe Baby by Benefit for the past 2 years. i like it coz it smells great it makes me feel fresh all the time. it somehow lift my mood up even if i had a crap day. Thing is, a friend started using it. Please note that im a woman and he is a man! Is this normal? I asked him why he is using a perfume for women and he just said he likes the smell of it. I want to ask more ... 5 response(s), 2 votes |
Kenya Believe It? - 10/2/2008 So a Ukrainian freighter, of Belize registry, with a crew consisting of Ukrainians, Latvians, and Russian sailors, gets hijacked by Somali pirates, while transporting Russian, heavy arms, to a port in Kenya, who wants to provide them to Sudan. The American navy has them surrounded, while the Russians have only one slow boat on the way to the scene. If the Soviet Union really ... 8 response(s), 3 votes |
Are Christian Guys Weird??? - 10/1/2008 I talked to a few christian guys and all of them have weird personalities. One was self-righteous, the other one had crooked principles like, No sex before marriage but he already had 7 divorces hahaha!!! The other one asked for bikini and nude pics. Wow! Can you imagine how frustrating that is? You thought you may get lucky if you could have a Christian guy but it's just frustrating because ... 12 response(s), 9 votes |
Credit Good As Gold? - 9/29/2008 All this news about bank bailouts has got me thinking a bit. The Federal Reserve has been allowing banks to lend ten times the amount of money that they have on deposit, thus creating money at the local banks. This may sound phony and it is, but of what real value is gold, either? Sure, gold is scarce, and makes an excellent, electrical conductor, and dental crowns, but other than ... 38 response(s), 4 votes |
i hate barney. - 9/28/2008 i love you.. you love me.. homosexuality. people think were just best friends, but we're really lesbians. it's alright, it's okay. it doesn't matter what people say. what if everybody thinks we're gay? we love each other anyway! (in the tune of barney's gay "i love you" song) do u? 8 response(s), 5 votes |
To good to be true - 9/27/2008 You met a perfect gentleman in the fff, romantic, convincing, sounds true, and tempting? dilema, will you let your self (OF GUARD)fall in love before you met him? or control your feelings and run away from him? HELLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPP! 5 response(s), 4 votes |
Good love or Bad love - 9/27/2008 share your comments if you experienced falling inlove. share it if its good love or bad love. (how can you tell if its bad love or good love and How does it affect your life.) *paano nyo masabi kung bad love or its good love ano ang epekto sa inyo? When will you decide to move on or stay with him/her.(become a martir) when do you think is the time na mag paka ... 4 response(s), 5 votes |
Can you still consider someone as a friend if... - 9/26/2008 What if your friend mocks you several times even by joke, privately and publicly for being a country girl and you are not as outgoing and as fashionable as her? To the extent of saying, she avoids a friend like you because of it? 5 response(s), 5 votes |
What is it about a good conversation that makes you appreciate someone more? - 9/24/2008 It could be something as simple as talking about the color of your dress. Or it could be someone just telling you how much they care about you. IDK. There is a substance in someone telling you things that everyone else assumes you already know that just makes me smile inside. For instance, I forwarded this best friend chain letter. IDK why, just because sometimes I feel ... 4 response(s), 3 votes |
UNHAPPINESS...DESPERATION...FRUSTRATION...SORTA! - 9/23/2008 I heard from many that one major reason of being unhappy in a relationship is "Seks issue" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 12 response(s), 8 votes |
how can you give a trust again? - 9/23/2008 we knw that there is no permanent in this can you trust again to the guy?if you have a lot of experiences.the trust you give is doesnt work anymore and you always failed when the time you trust so you handle this situation?... 12 response(s), 3 votes |
stay or give up - 9/22/2008 what if the sitaution is like this?you love the man but he always ignoring u want to stay until the guy contacted you or u must to give up?... 3 response(s), 2 votes |
let's play the guessing game - 9/22/2008 i was just wondering... who do you think is that nameless most respected responder, whose photo is only a shadow, and who has been on the top three for the past week? oh come on guys.. am sure i'm not the only one wondering.. he must have a name... whoever guesses correctly gets a date from either pink_thugs, ms.fog, ms.behavin, smiley, repo, luvme, kuya mar, doritos or ... 9 response(s), 6 votes |
DO YOU HAVE TO ALOT WORRIES WHEN IT COMES TO MONEY? - 9/20/2008 This is always the root cause of big fight for couples....even for the young generations...young students to go out for sex just for way of earning money... 7 response(s), 5 votes |
HAVE YOU TRIED TO OVERCOME YOUR FEAR? - 9/20/2008 There are alot of fear factors into our is committing work mistakes....others nite passionate kiss to your first date... 9 response(s), 2 votes |
Is it wrong to turn down a guy because you are not physically attracted? - 9/18/2008 If the guy is so nice and you are not physically attracted because he is so big let's say 6"5 tall and 300 lbs or if he is much older than you, lets say, 55-65 yo, is it right to tell him frankly that you cant get along with him because of that if he is going to ask? 19 response(s), 14 votes |
how can i move on when all that i ever wanted is he.... - 9/16/2008 how about the plans that we made.......the happy memories that we shared...and the love that we had????????do i need to leave it all behind???????? but how? i dont know how... 5 response(s), 2 votes |
how will you know if its for real - 9/16/2008 will you compromise for love? How will you know if its worth fighting 4? Stake, Will you consider living together for 3 days just to prove may tsuba tsu tsu?(chemistry) and getting to know each other better. Will you join the love game challenge? 12 response(s), 3 votes |
just read a novel and its inspired me to love this way. - 9/16/2008 i always thank god for having u into my life. I wish i could be with u now to see ur your face. To hear ur voice that whispher romantic though at night while ur arms wrapping my body. To feel ur body next to mine. To touch my magical lips. And To stare directly in ur eyes, untill i close mine. I love it when you touch the tip of my nose and kiss it. I see it every night in my ... 6 response(s), 4 votes |
What are five things you hate? - 9/15/2008 Mine is : 1. fighting with people. 2. getting TOO attached. 3. procrastinating. 4. getting FAT! 5. being played for a fool.... 3 response(s), 5 votes |
The Dating Game - 9/13/2008 I'm not cut out for casual dating. I suck at making small talks. I don't enjoy the company of strangers. In a party situation, I stick around with my circle of close friends. Basically, I'm shy, unsociable and very conserved. I also dislike talking about myself as it makes me uncomfortable. Casual dating has been an awkward experience for me. My fair share of bad dates have opened my ... 5 response(s), 5 votes |
Annoying Habits: The Other Side - 9/13/2008 Its easy for us to point out someone else's annoying habits. But can you honestly say you dont have one? I for one have a few: social smoking, offering unasked-for medical diagnoses without a shred of evidence and buying lots of things during sales seasons most of which i have no use for. Im workinhg hard on the first one, its not too bad because of the smoking ban on public ... 5 response(s), 5 votes |