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My Blog

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Why Do You Still Care
Posted:Oct 20, 2021 3:43 pm
Last Updated:Jan 19, 2022 11:33 pm

With senior years, life gets too short. So what are the things you should avoid now?

Spending time in a damaging relationship - Don’t you think it is about time that you think of yourself? Whether it’s for a , a partner, a relative or a friend, it’s time to think of the good things for yourself and nothing more that shall give you baggage or shortchange you.

Trying to please everyone - You were not born for the other person. You need not make decisions to_ please the other. Neither are you to_ do favors for meaningless people.

Fitting yourself in society - It’s not time anymore to_ dance with the people around you. You started living by yourself, so live as independently if you can. You need not worry anymore if people will accept you or not.

Taking risks - You do not gamble anymore on what’s uncertain. Believe that risks become greater for someone like you.

Procrastinating is no longer your business - Never put off things that can be done today. Tomorrow is never promised.

Avoiding what will cause you pain - Stay in your comfort zone. Refrain from working too much, especially when gets too physical. Stop worrying for what will affect others.

Trying to_ escape the reality of your life - Time to_ accept the kind of life you are now having. Pretending to_ what you do not makes you miserable further.

Giving away your and time - Do not waste your and time for others. They are old enough take care of their needs financially. Helping is condoning their bad practices.

Finding your joy, peace and comfort in solitude. People commiserate with you, a degree. They will not go out of their way please you all the time. You should learn be happy with what is , what gives you peace of mind and what gives you comfort.
My Birthday Aphorisms
Posted:Oct 12, 2021 10:32 pm
Last Updated:Oct 18, 2021 6:07 am

Turning 70 years old today, October 13, so I will rundown on Richard Gere's quotes, that give great impact in my life and yours too, as Seniors. So here goes:

"None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself an after thought."
I feel despite my senior age of 70, is more that can be done, nothing stops one from doing the things still possible. Of course, is the thought that one may not be as capable anymore, but what is important one tried without regrets.

"I got lot of opportunities, a lot of love in my life, a lot of things going on for me. Still, it's not complete.I know this is not the whole thing. 's much more."
At 70, what is more to_ be living about, this I ask myself. Oh life can be short-lived from now on, so the best of_ my thought is to_ establish a good reconciliation with my Creator. This love for HIM, should now come paramount. Being thankful for the years, I am bestowed with and will still be bestowed with, should be my constant prayer. Live beyond 70 is such a great bonus.

"No matter how much advice they give you, are lessons you can learn from falls and hits.
So true, one learns more from failures and losses, the drive one_ keeps doing will always be done_ at any age but when one reaches 70, you will Have_the time most_ to_ recollect and reminisce what went wrong, so from there_ , you_ can_ assess where you stand. Accepting what I am now and what I have_ is enough for me to_ seek life as meaningful.

"The drive for happines is what is viital, it keeps us in motion."
Whatever we still goal for or think more of_ ambition to_ strive for, is the drive to_ find happiness in whatever we do. This drive keeps us alive, not the goal or ambition we still look_ forward to_ . The success is largely aimed as well in giving us the bliss that we did everything_ right_.

"I am old but am forever at heart. We are always thesame age inside.Know that you are the perfect age. Each year is special and precious, you can live once. Do not regret growing older, 's a privilege denied many."
This is the most widely known words of Richard Gere, which to_ my belief should be imbedded in any senior's mind. A senior_grows old anyway? It's_ just_ numbers that you can count every year. You are old_ as how you feel, no one can and will refute that, unless the person is your enemy. But, that_ is true. With a young_ at heart feeling, you will never grow old. I like to_ say I will feel forever young_ because it_ is how I want be. Though my knees go creaking or getting wobbly, my skin wrinkled and crepey, what do I care what people will tell about me. I am still

Let me add my own quote:
"Wherever you go, whatever situation you are in, or whoever you are with, for a senior to_ feel loved and cared for, his immediate family will always have_ that first privilege."

I Thought....
Posted:Sep 9, 2021 10:31 am
Last Updated:Sep 22, 2021 9:58 am

I was wanting until I learned...
Home is where the heart is
Love does not always suffice
Knowledge is not enough
Experience never stops to_ open your eyes.

I was loving the..
Moments that I felt truly loved
Times when I am happy with family
Seasons that transpired and gave me a new break
Years that I spent despite the hardships.

And now comes the times that...
Life sooner gets short-lived
Luxury doesnt promise contentment
Goals unachieved remain daunting
Acceptance gives one a peaceful mind.

I Maybe....What's Yours?
Posted:Sep 6, 2021 9:44 am
Last Updated:Oct 18, 2021 6:10 am

You can say scared, worried, anxious and yes with a happy heart. Am going home for the holidays. I need to get away to_ avoid the harsh winter where I am. It's still no fun for me even after almost two years of living here.

It's still home sweet home for me. But who knows, after the holidays comes that time I need to_ decide because...Oh well, we don't really know what is coming.

You can predict your retirement because you decide for yourself when to stop working. You can decide to stay healthy because you choose the food you eat. But, when it comes to nurturing a love, at this point in my time, it could come, it could go. True, still my choice, that you can say. Either I win and then again I could lose, too.

We make our choices ourselves, in all departments of our lives, that's what's definite.
Let's talk about Infidelity
Posted:Jul 30, 2021 9:53 am
Last Updated:Sep 8, 2021 3:50 pm

For most, marriage must have lasted more than ther golden anniversary as you would still witness couples enjoying each other's company and staying together in marriage, no matter what through the longest years. I envy them truly especially when I still see them walking hand in hand, doing activities together with their and grandchildren. But are those whose marriages have been cut short, (not reaching their golden anniversary) that after awhile, most widowers would find the chance search and have a long-term companion. Now, are those seek younger women, with reasons that they want feel young and enjoy the youth of their partner. While is also a good seeking women not far from their ages because, they find compatibility saner and more reasonable, if not practical.

For those have stayed in the marriage last until their golden anniversary or more. may have been ups and downs in the marriage, as we can all believe that no marriage will sell as perfect as can get. I was won'dring fidelity on the part of both partners, if was really no point in time, that cheating on the partner never occurred, whether this became unknown or out in the open. I berlieve men will be men, in that they are not monogamous by nature. But do such men really exist in this world full of temptations?

Corollary, this I like ask do most seniors (men) these days find themselves having ED problems, that if they wish have a healthy or sexless companionship, would be possible have a long term relationship? Do you believe now such relationship shall last?
Why Marriage Is Not Advisable
Posted:Jul 26, 2021 9:22 pm
Last Updated:Sep 8, 2021 3:49 pm

With the death of the spouse, most surviving partners, receive what is know as a suivivorship monthly pension. So that if a widow/er decides to marry again, this benefit gets cancelled or revoked. Since the received assistance is considered an added monthly income, marriage with the new partner is most unlikely, especially when the couple concerned is in their senior years. A live-in arrangement is better espoused, under the circumstance.

I find this situation not attuned to what I consider a moral obligation, especially on the part of the man, who will assuime, his patriarch role in the family. Besides, marriage will make it binding for any of the partner to be recognized as a legitimate spouse, under any legal parlance.

In Canada, this may not pose a problem because a live-in arrangement for 6 months undergone by a couple is recognized by its government, as legitimate. How about where you are? If you are a widower or a widow, would you be willing to give-up your survivorship benefit, just so you could marry your lover-partner?

Easy Going Defined
Posted:Jul 25, 2021 7:33 pm
Last Updated:Sep 8, 2021 3:47 pm

Mosr guys would have their profile say they are easy going, not only here at FFF but also in the other dating sites I've been into. I just wonder what they could mean. With my interpretation, the term would somehow mean something like they have a life, absent of heavy dramas or they do not consider life as serious and therefore plain happy go lucky. It could also mean they are not into commitment in that they find life as easy come and easy go. Now tell me which of these meanings are really meant to mean aseasy going. I just wonder if any woman who wants to have a good relationship would not find this description aversive?
Terms of Endearment
Posted:Jul 21, 2021 7:48 pm
Last Updated:Jul 26, 2021 2:49 pm

I say endearment is one phase of a relationship that may or may not be present between two partners making a relationship work. One may choose to use a term to call a partner but one may just simply become casual calling the name, although actions would show much more.
You can hear words, such as sweetie, darling, honey, sweetheart, love, etc. which could only mean one thing, the presence of affection. Between lovers, the term can be truly endearing, but between casual friends, it can only mean some closeness or familiarity with the person being referred to_.
These terms could also refer to family, where love is truly discerning. But sometimes the throw of these affectionate terms can come as ironic or with sarcasm between enemies, to cover up the real feelings.
When once-upon-a-time that you were in a relationship, what were you called by your partner-in-crime, errmm, i mean your better half, not necessarily your spouse, of course.

My Passion for Plants
Posted:Jul 13, 2021 9:41 pm
Last Updated:Jul 25, 2021 7:16 pm

While some vegetables were sown in the fields at Beaumont, Canada, I also got in-door plants that I eventually re-potted to display in-doors and make the house in Beaumont come alive, especially that it is now summertime. With the rest of my friends having already converted their houses with these so-called inside gardens and using up all available spaces in it, to_showcase their collections of all kinds of ornamental and exotic plants, I am just beginning to appreciate said plants for in-door purposes.

I have always been a gardener in that I plant them into the grounds and never potted them or brought them in-doors. It is only now that I decided to extend my passion in planting and raising in-door plants. It all started with a in law's niece gifting me with a nerve plant and then seeing more when I went shopping with Bruce, which were good bargains and he bought for me. So I started with these two kinds of nerve plants and another two, called angel plants.

Summery Months for Now
Posted:Jul 10, 2021 8:43 am
Last Updated:Aug 6, 2021 9:39 pm

I have not been posting here lately because I got busy with my first love, which is gardening and seeding/sowing (of herbs and in-door plants), while it is still summer. The wide span of 3 acres in Beaumont has not been even planted to fill its space. Just a few patches to enjoy the farming activity per se. I will need to say it is hard labor, tilling the soil, clearing the weeds, then sowing the seeds. Afterwhich, the watering follows and then the clearing of weeds again, until it can be harvest time.

The two forthcoming seasons will soon drive my passion away, with the cold wintry and chilly days, not conducive at all for plants to prosper. The least consolation I will have is to_have my first harvest in this country, when the squash, yellow corn, potato, lady finger and hopefully the carrots can fruit and mature successfully.

Photo inset is one of the potato plant growing.

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