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My Blog

Welcome to my blog!

Old Car
Posted:Feb 4, 2021 7:20 am
Last Updated:Feb 8, 2021 5:31 pm

There is this old car
Despite its use in history
I would think of it often
Hoping will not give up on .

Tho' you've been put aside
Doesn't mean I've forgotten
I still cherish the memories
Of the rides that could've been.

I've enjoyed the many trips
Altho' it all went sedentary
Maybe it was just like that
But somehow made me happy.

Your mileage has gone far
What matters you're in view
Sooner I'll probaby see
Put you back in my retinue.

I'd be once more taking a risk_
Despite the creaking joints
If it was meant for another use
I can gamble without disappoint.

Because you're this old
Doesn't mean am giving up
It's how our journeys can go
Am still counting my luck.
Faith Is....
Posted:Feb 2, 2021 9:08 am
Last Updated:Feb 8, 2021 5:07 pm

Believing what you do not see physically
A hope that things are working positively
Talking about the present what is now
The courage to say "YES" without woe.

With your conviction nothing goes wrong
A confidence to show you are this strong
This win-win situation where you are certain
Understanding why things work not in vain.

Achieving your goals with strong determination
Something you hold onto in times of confusion
But this victory you are praying for in securing
Time that makes it endless for you to be wishing.

Waiting for everything to come in God's hourly
Not stopping to live for the graces of Almighty
Having peace despite knowing the outcome
God's hands you are taken in His kingdom.

The religion you profess no matter what it's called
Your recognition of a Supreme Being in our world
The code of virtues you practise having a good life
Intangible with thoughts and desires you strive.


Faith is
When you believe your boy/girlfriend will not cheat
Finding you have been scammed which is not cheap
S/he said love is forever but it's only in the movies
S/he gave you recycled from old beau's novelties.

Writing you love letters copied from friend's notes
Hope his sweet words yours alone yet makes them two
Gifting you kindly but will need a refund in a break-up
Sad indeed when your beliefs become tiered flops.

Talking About Self-Love
Posted:Feb 1, 2021 9:04 am
Last Updated:Feb 8, 2021 3:36 pm

For lovers out there February for you is euphoric
Love is family a relationship even what's platonic
With the occasion these days going commercial
Symbols of love everywhere it's observed special.

Should love be manifested only during February
Love is believed shown everyday as ordinary
Done three-folds in fact the first love for our Maker
Your fellowmen a seconder then yourself no other.

To_ love others you should know how to_ love yourself
We've been busy waitng for someone to_ love us
Forgetting the first person we need to_love is ourself
We see others in love our cause to_ become jealous.

A first rule on love advocates accepting what you are
These despite your emotional pains with its hurts
You should be kind to yourself when you fall
When you fail or when everything made you crawl.

Never be harsh on yourself be this person positive
Believe in your good traits focus on your strengths
Let go of self-hatred stop comparing yourself to_others
No judgements on your mistakes be your own life saver.

Self-love is a cure learn to_ have positive affirmations
That becomes the core of your good interactions
Remember it's normal for one to_ have sad stories
Lower your standards of acceptance for better glories.

Learn to_ use alone time suiting your satisfaction
Embrace your solitude spend time for introspection
Sometimes a clinical therapy is a healing process
Tho meditations sharing your feelings a greater progress.

Understanding what's your true nature is a must
This way you place yourself to_ do right and adjust
You embrace yourself have this confidence or trust
In lifting your true heart and person to_ love in full blast.

Communication Failed
Posted:Jan 31, 2021 6:08 pm
Last Updated:Feb 24, 2021 3:58 pm

Standard members in this site find it difficult
Communication attempt is futile hardly any result
Gone are the days you enjoy instant messaging
Unless you become a member who is paying.

Silver or gold for a badge is a privilege and right
Send your email introduce yourself with might
In replying no mention of contact details at first
Am not sure if it's still true which I find worst.

So I ask why still allow standard members
With them communication may not prosper
The purpose of the site is about searching
A friend or a relationship you're expecting.

I see viewers everyday but that's up to_ that
You can't even read profiles which is sad
If there's a way the blogs serve as a means
Either post comment or become a jelly-bean.

Some are just shy to_ attempt what's possible
May also find the gesture as probably unsuitable
Have you not heard the saying no guts no glory
That's a better or best move if you like a good story.
Having to Regret
Posted:Jan 28, 2021 9:09 am
Last Updated:Feb 9, 2021 4:52 am

I came to_this because I didn't do better
I tried my best but wasn't just timely
If I have had taken a choice I'd find other
I could have made as sprightly.

I know am guilty and much embarrassed too
I accept I was wrong but didn't do so in gusto
's been done that's left to_ reflect
's unavoidable choices made aren't always right.

These are expressions of regrets in our lives
We err we're not perfect in our constant strives
We feel so negative when we haven't nailed it_
Does it_ really mean we're to_ be blamed outright.

What we did may not be this good contentment
Not achieving is also a compelling embarrassment
Think along lines that we gain we lose at times
Moving or starting anew typical in our prime.

Do not get stalled what_ you've been
Find_ to_ chances what_ you want be again
What you did didn't do are good motivations
They empower and strengthen your recognition.

You recognize your weakness wrong judgment
You're infallible something for discernment
Ergo these are your guides to_ pursue anotther path
Facing a better confidence in outweighing the flops.

Mistakes are teaching tools as we come to_ realize
Seeing the other fall then come back in lucky strikes
Our best inspiration to_ tell it is indeed a possibility
When we adapt to_ conditions find it good probability.

These regrets that come are just temporary
We reprogram ourselves meet what's ordinary
In believing success comes due to_ mistakes
It's why we propel regrets to widen our wakes.
Raincheck or Not
Posted:Jan 27, 2021 10:41 am
Last Updated:Jan 28, 2021 6:39 pm

What is a raincheck if I may ask
Is being invited to_ something like a task
You're replying to_ say you're interested but
Conditional in that you accept but may not.

It's saying ask again I just may consider
Or Is it a polite way of saying you matter
Yes! but then am up to_ my neck wanting
Time that I cannot spare for attending.

Do I find it positive or more negative
Once denied it would mean no alternative
But since I am an insistent soul then I accept
That the chance is not slim and will not slip.

Funny how I will construe something said
Believing it all depends on what is stated
I may perceive it wrong you have said it right
Albeit understanding can still be a complex trite.

With me better communicate what's straight
Answerable by yes or a no don't make me wait
To_ think and give a stop or go it gets complicated
But whether a raincheck or not it is appreciated.
Posted:Jan 23, 2021 6:15 am
Last Updated:Jan 26, 2021 10:23 pm

They say things are best when left unsaid
I could go with the flow but i can't get muted
With what am seeing and not understanding
Am being advised to_ keep mum without saying.

I keep to_ myself what I know will hurt others
Is it a true norm to have harmonious weather
It's difficult enough to_ carry a heavy heart
Will it make me_at_ peace not to_ say my part?

I don't want to_ be branded unappreciative
Am always grateful making unimaginative
Neither not know nor do what and how to_ pay_
Forward if I can't return the favor using my way.

Being a kind person can be this burden
With greater humility everything gets lighten
But am human is that a reason for erring
"Good luck to_ me_!" If I can stop myself fighting.

I am always in a state of wond'ring
Has my feelings dulled my thinkig
When will everything end making me_stable
He's watching me_ he's made me_ invincible.

Though one has gotten old to_ live
It's not always finding there's more to_ give
By way of saying I am wrong you are right
I'd rather you understand and_tell me_it's weight..

Posted:Jan 22, 2021 9:09 am
Last Updated:Jan 27, 2021 10:01 am

When I used to_ work I look_ forward to_ weekends
Not only_ do I get relief from office problems
Relax in mind free from pressures were my rest
An out_ of town schedule always been a great treat.

Important family occasions are done undated
Either advanced postponed to_ Saturday or Sunday
When everyone has time to_ come get sated
With food drinks stories dances and game plays.

Without any occasion bonding is still done
Hosting is a round robin for everyone's fun
Quiet sit-down meals with close family a change
It's the free time and hours I always must arrange.

Athough I have already retired from work
Weekends are still something to_ look_ forward
The visits from my and grandchildren
Are the most precious presents like no other million.

I have missed these visits gatherings occasions
Now am in Edmonton I am almost feeling alone
Majority of the people are kept to_ their noses
With work hardly no rest neither have a bed of roses.

Although I am to live and be with my second_son
I am pining more for the times that can be done
To_ have all stay on Sundays with me on a bond
Albeit during these days you cannot bother anyone.

So if I were to_ choose I 'd take the flight back home
Prolly they won't even notice if I ain't around
To them more for the money_ that's right_ but in truth
I'd choose more for the times that will sooth.

A Record of 50 and More
Posted:Jan 20, 2021 8:28 am
Last Updated:Jan 21, 2021 5:30 pm

I just thought I'd go back and count my postings
Done in verse form since I started anew blogging
In a span of 3 months I've totaled more than 50
Not included are narratives I shared voluntarily.

I have chosen random topics that had popped out
From my slackened brain making me an old spout
This is my neuron exercise prolly to_ deter dementia
If not keep my cognitive recognition as good inertia.

May not have numerous visits liken to_ a gold mine
What matters am able to_ express in didactic rhymes
Digress with this play of words what I have on my mind
Something to_ twist my thoughts as tangled twine.

But what I say are truths that I have learned to_ untie
With this many knowledge that's keeping by
Some adoptive skill that makes me working
The lull hours I call as my productive meanderings.

How do I do this I guess what's instantaneous
Like madoz in what he does as extraporaneous
Not prodding but having this conceptualization
Coming when he derives a certain inspiration.

But I have yet to_ draw some funny anecdotes
Narrated in verse a challenge I must have done
One of these days perchance a possibility
Who knows by a snap I could create another poetry.
Posted:Jan 19, 2021 7:09 am
Last Updated:Jan 22, 2021 9:10 am

We have often spoken of love through words
At times we say this automatically in accord
Show how we feel to convey this reminder
An affection blossomed becoming forever.

Are words truly enough for love's expression
Tho' we mean to believe it comes from within
With actions shown in good opinion
is the truth can question the feeling.

Have you ever realized that love means T-I-M-E
With your time being limited it's most valuable
Oftener time gets you too busy with your activities
Short of it you run even do what's impossible.

Giving someone your time is giving a part of you
Ergo time is most precious for a love that's due
Time gets short so we need to_ make the most
Time never returns consider it a spent cost.

When you love give that someone your time
Many stopped loving in time it was forgotten
What actually stopped is time getting stringent
Understand that a person needs company often.

How now to_ give time for someone you love
Not these long hours you stay off house to_earn
That sizeable amount inside the envelope
Love means sharing the time a partner yearns.

Our Creator's given us time that's planned
Everything in our destiny is counted by time
Hence time for us can be said "in demand"
Unknowing it gets ended with no or little sign.

According Rick Warren, "Our love must show
Actions that are sincere not out of empty words
That the true expression of our love is TIME
Knowing it's limited bounded love's truer sign.

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