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fantasiamore2 73F
856 posts
2/1/2021 9:04 am
Talking About Self-Love

For lovers out there February for you is euphoric
Love is family a relationship even what's platonic
With the occasion these days going commercial
Symbols of love everywhere it's observed special.

Should love be manifested only during February
Love is believed shown everyday as ordinary
Done three-folds in fact the first love for our Maker
Your fellowmen a seconder then yourself no other.

To_ love others you should know how to_ love yourself
We've been busy waitng for someone to_ love us
Forgetting the first person we need to_love is ourself
We see others in love our cause to_ become jealous.

A first rule on love advocates accepting what you are
These despite your emotional pains with its hurts
You should be kind to yourself when you fall
When you fail or when everything made you crawl.

Never be harsh on yourself be this person positive
Believe in your good traits focus on your strengths
Let go of self-hatred stop comparing yourself to_others
No judgements on your mistakes be your own life saver.

Self-love is a cure learn to_ have positive affirmations
That becomes the core of your good interactions
Remember it's normal for one to_ have sad stories
Lower your standards of acceptance for better glories.

Learn to_ use alone time suiting your satisfaction
Embrace your solitude spend time for introspection
Sometimes a clinical therapy is a healing process
Tho meditations sharing your feelings a greater progress.

Understanding what's your true nature is a must
This way you place yourself to_ do right and adjust
You embrace yourself have this confidence or trust
In lifting your true heart and person to_ love in full blast.

fantasiamore2 73F
876 posts
2/1/2021 9:15 am

am still available if you want to know...and i can be friendly, too.

godiva0824 64F
3469 posts
2/1/2021 10:08 am

    Quoting fantasiamore2:
    am still available if you want to know...and i can be friendly, too.
I am here for blogging and friendship only...lolz


fantasiamore2 73F
876 posts
2/1/2021 6:24 pm

    Quoting godiva0824:
    I am here for blogging and friendship only...lolz
call that enticement...lolz are afraid of independent women i guess, hence there are only good as viewers....

fantasiamore2 73F
876 posts
2/8/2021 3:36 pm

    Quoting  :

remember that if one has patience, there is reward...