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fantasiamore2 73F
856 posts
1/23/2021 6:15 am

They say things are best when left unsaid
I could go with the flow but i can't get muted
With what am seeing and not understanding
Am being advised to_ keep mum without saying.

I keep to_ myself what I know will hurt others
Is it a true norm to have harmonious weather
It's difficult enough to_ carry a heavy heart
Will it make me_at_ peace not to_ say my part?

I don't want to_ be branded unappreciative
Am always grateful making unimaginative
Neither not know nor do what and how to_ pay_
Forward if I can't return the favor using my way.

Being a kind person can be this burden
With greater humility everything gets lighten
But am human is that a reason for erring
"Good luck to_ me_!" If I can stop myself fighting.

I am always in a state of wond'ring
Has my feelings dulled my thinkig
When will everything end making me_stable
He's watching me_ he's made me_ invincible.

Though one has gotten old to_ live
It's not always finding there's more to_ give
By way of saying I am wrong you are right
I'd rather you understand and_tell me_it's weight..

fantasiamore2 73F
876 posts
1/23/2021 6:25 am

i wonder how many times i will end up editing this post? lol

let me ask how many times have you held your tongue when angry?

godiva0824 64F
3469 posts
1/25/2021 4:06 am

    Quoting fantasiamore2:
    i wonder how many times i will end up editing this post? lol

    let me ask how many times have you held your tongue when angry?
I edit mine at least 3 times...


godiva0824 64F
3469 posts
1/25/2021 4:08 am

We have the right to voice our concerns...We have voice to express what we feel, but we must be mindful of what others feel in relation to what we say..


fantasiamore2 73F
876 posts
1/25/2021 8:05 am

    Quoting godiva0824:
    I edit mine at least 3 times...
good that it took only 3 times, there was on blog that i kept editing each time i get to log test of perseverance is on the loose!

fantasiamore2 73F
876 posts
1/25/2021 8:07 am

    Quoting godiva0824:
    We have the right to voice our concerns...We have voice to express what we feel, but we must be mindful of what others feel in relation to what we say..
so true the words we choose must be cautious not to hurt for any word thrown out from the mouth can never be repealed or corrected..even if we make our apologies the hurt would have already been made...

fantasiamore2 73F
876 posts
1/26/2021 1:49 pm

    Quoting  :

bro is it not advisable to keep your rants or to unload them so you do not suffer any heart problems later on in life...that's probably one reason why i had mine...

fantasiamore2 73F
876 posts
1/26/2021 10:23 pm

    Quoting  :

oh dear! you can be scary not to cause or give you any ire..{/size]